Matt Kahn
Matt Kahn - Energy Update February 2023
06.02.2023 20:04
Hello Beautiful Friend, I welcome you to the first Energy Update of 2023. Let us begin by remembering that we live on a planet where change, growth and evolution are the only constants. This occurs through the ongoing expansion of each person and the planet as a whole by regularly receiving incoming waves of higher frequency photon energy waves from the Central Sun. As these higher frequency energy waves enter our atmosphere, it either awakens the dormant potential of higher awareness, or it triggers emotional clusters and cellular memory. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Love Always Wins
08.11.2022 19:41
As the Universe helps you address your most limiting beliefs you have about yourself, others, the world, and reality as a whole– mainly focusing on the limiting beliefs you have about you– it assists in the further expansion of your awakening consciousness by being able to honor the often illusive and mysterious process of transmutation. Transmutation acts as a sacred fire burning up all that no longer serves you each and every time you are emotionally triggered or turned against yourself in response to an outcome or anyone else’s behavior. Read More…
Matt Kahn - Our time together is so precious
20.09.2022 21:38
Hello Beautiful Friend, I am sending you blessings of wholeness and connection as we meet together in the mystery of this moment. There is something I've been sitting with lately that has been weighing heavily on my heart. I wanted to share it with you for the opportunity it provides for us to connect and heal our fears on an even deeper level. There was a time many years ago when I was intuitively told I’d live see my seventies. Then, during our recent Lion's Gate portal, I was given an opportunity to process the inevitability of death from a much more intimate perspective. Feeling the presence of death like a familiar friend I have known from helping my Mom, Dad, and Grandmother each leave their bodies and return to the light, I was told by my Guides that I have about three years to live. Read More…
Matt Kahn: It’s Going to be OK
26.07.2022 21:53
I greet you on this most beautiful day to let you know, it’s going to be okay. All of it. Even if you haven’t a clue where things are headed or how good can possibly come out of the way things appear, I assure you, with love as our guide – it’s all a gateway into greater realities. In fact, everything is unfolding so precisely according to the Divine plan, it’s even okay to have feelings you may be too afraid to face. Read More…
Matt Kahn - Have you ever been THAT person?
05.07.2022 22:36
Greetings Friend, Be that person who demands a more kind, peaceful, and compassionate world who doesn’t leave evolution any other option when leading by the power of your own living example. Be that person who reaches inward for nourished support, while reaching out to those who have forgotten their hearts as the source of eternal sustenance. Be that person who fearlessly meets conflict with curiosity, daring to ask more questions instead of making assumptions about the paths only other people’s feet have walked. Read More…
Matt Kahn - Loving what is
25.02.2022 16:17
Dear Friend, “Loving what is” means equally embracing the one who likes how things are or wishes everything was different with the same respect, acceptance, kindness, and compassion. It does not mean loving circumstances that don’t feel good. Read More…
Matt Kahn: You always have this - no matter what
01.02.2022 15:53
In every breath you take, love is always here. Throughout any personal encounter, love is always here. No matter what comes together or whatever is pulled apart, love is always here. In your greatest moment of achievement or even in your darkest hour of uncertainty, love is always here. Whether in the aftermath of tragedy or in the presence of your highest triumph, love is always here. When life is flowing, inspired, and harmonious, and even if it’s frustrating, annoying, painful, or inconvenient, love is always here. Read More…
Matt Kahn: There is nothing to fear
18.01.2022 17:28
Dear Friend, There is nothing to fear. That doesn't mean fear is irrational. It points to the only true fear in existence being a fear of the 'nothing' within ourselves we haven't learn to trust and directly face. The 'nothing' I am referring to is often described as emptiness, sensed as silence, or referred to as the void. We fear the void simply because we've been conditioned to only trust our understanding of things. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Are you grateful for this....
23.12.2021 18:19
Dear Friend, During this holiday season and beyond, the practice of anchoring gratitude assists you in moving further throughout your journey. Simply because each moment of gratitude reminds you of the light already within you -- a light that your ego doesn’t have to compete with, judge, fear, or work hard to impersonate. Since a 5D path of evolution is less centered in how much has been cleared and more rooted in how often you recognize the light of divinity in yourself and others, here are my 5 simple ways to anchor gratitude for the highest good of all. Read More…
Matt Kahn: In This Moment, The Universe Wants You to Know...
14.12.2021 20:16
Dear Friend, May this moment in time invite a pause of deep heartfelt reflection. Perhaps you find yourself in an in-between phase of your journey-- aware of what no longer resonates, while unsure what is next, what to do, where to go, and even who to be from one moment to the next. Maybe the amplified speed of a fast-paced technology-driven society leaves you emotionally wrung out, existentially exhausted, and emotionally depleted. Perhaps you're even less tolerant of the conditioning within yourself and others as you make your way toward a brighter horizon of total living freedom. I say all this to let you know, you’re not alone. Read More…
Matt Kahn: There is SO much to be learned from....
05.10.2021 20:50
Dear Friend, As humans, we may tend to judge those we haven’t learned from. Equally so, there is much to be learned from those being judged. While it doesn’t have to be a lesson of agreement based on the content of beliefs, values, choices, or perceptions, such lessons are always rooted in learning how to respect the innocence, divinity, and diversity of all. This teaching celebrates equality, inclusivity, and acceptance. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Make Peace With Your Inner Child
07.09.2021 20:48
Dear Friend, Your inner child knows the difference between you offering authentic loving support and applying modalities as a way of fast-tracking your healing journey. Each time healing comes more from agenda than empathy, it infuriates your inner child. It often thinks, “You think you are having a hard time? I’m the very struggle you feel while housed in a body whose consciousness wants nothing to do with me. You think you are alone? You are merely empathing my aloneness within you.” Read More…
Matt Kahn: The Ego's Endgame
24.08.2021 19:35
The ego always yearns for an endgame scenario. “How do I stop this, get rid of that, eliminate this, transcend that?” As long as this is the approach, you will simply redecorate ego with a new outfit made out of the same conditioning. While the ego always looks for things to stop, the one thing it cannot do is start something new. This is a choice only the soul can accomplish. By daring to focus on new choices, one empowered option at a time, you begin communing with your soul while simultaneously parting ways with attachments to ego with respect, humility, compassion and love. While the time spent asleep in ego undoubtedly leaves one with varying degrees of laziness, apathy, and exhaustion, it is your willingness to make new choices that aligns you with your soul, its wisdom, and the inspiration to choose wisely instead of impulsively. Such inspiration not only benefits you, but helps others evolve, once you are willing to be the first one to change for the better. This is the power of leading by example. Read More…
Matt Kahn on Ego
03.08.2021 20:58
The ego always yearns for an end-game scenario. “How do I stop this, get rid of that, eliminate this, transcend that.” As long as this is the approach, you will simply re-decorate ego with a new outfit made out of the same conditioning. While the ego always looks for things to stop, the one thing it cannot do is start something new. This is a choice only the soul can accomplish. By daring to focus on new choices, one empowered option at a time, you begin communing with your soul, while simultaneously parting ways with attachments to ego with respect, humility, compassion and love. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Being Present
18.07.2021 21:24
Dear Friend, Constantly trying to change your feelings is an act of abandonment toward your current emotional state. No matter the reasons projected upon them, your emotions exist as part of a greater evolutionary process you are in. It’s a process where your feelings will change on their own as you make your way through each stage -- making difficult emotions less about you or anything you believe you have done or are currently doing wrong. Read More…
Matt Kahn: More Than The Eyes Can See
08.06.2021 22:00
Dear Friend, If you can see the bravery it takes to be open, heart-centered, and rooted in love throughout a world engulfed in fear, steeped in pain, and overwhelmed by trauma, you are beginning to remember why you came to help. It is a depth of help that doesn’t always require your choice to be helpful, but the natural state of your energy field to radiate frequencies of light in all directions-- whether you are aware of it or not. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Be Gentle With Yourself
04.05.2021 21:25
Through the rational mind, it would seem as if parting ways with limiting beliefs, addictive patterns, and self-defeating behavior would be nothing but a positive experience. While deeply rewarding in the profound relief such healing provides, because most people have spent more time in their human conditioning and self imposed limitations than any time spent in liberation and empowerment, the disappearance and dissolving of human conditioning actually triggers the grief of loss. Read More…
Matt Kahn: May We Come Together...
13.04.2021 20:34
As you read the following download from the Universe, it may perfectly match your current stage of evolution. It may also give clear words and greater meaning to stages you've recently been through or even previously completed. While the purpose of each download is to offer relief, guidance, clarity, and direction, it is always important to know that not all of us are in the same stages of our journey. To honor the journeys of all who are healing and awakening at this time, those who are integrating their healing and awakening, those who aren't sure where they are or where they're headed, and even those who are exploring the lesser-known reality of life beyond healing and awakening, I equally serve each crucial stage of growth to help you navigate the specific climate of your evolution. Whether the following words give deeper meaning to your current state, remind you of stages you've completed, or offer opportunities to hold loving space for those in our community steeped in overwhelm and confusion, I offer these words in loving service for the expansion and evolution deepening in all. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Energy Update December 2020
18.12.2020 21:33
In what can feel like a multi-layered grand finale to the year 2020, the month of December offers a dichotomy of experiences, particularly during the timespan between 12/12 to 12/21. The Universe often refers to this time each year as the 12-12 gateway during which time, high vibrational photon energy enters the atmosphere from the central sun to further activate dormant DNA strands. This activation process is the transition from the density of physical matter toward the new horizon of human being as light body consciousness. Throughout this process, it equally amplifies the attributes of the soul you’ve been cultivating along your journey such as love, faith, peace, compassion, cooperation, mercy, and unity, while also manifesting core wounds and imbalances into magnified expression for greater reflection and resolve. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Smiling at you
15.12.2020 20:39
A smile is an offering of goodwill as the spark of Divine energy in two people pulls back the curtain of perception to remember the light dwelling in all. A smile is a subconscious ethical agreement, exchanging the ways society interacts with strangers to the openness of engagement, now that eyes have made direct contact. A smile is a celebration of your untainted innocent heart, always ready and willing to burst with joy throughout moments of inspiration, no matter how broken down, beat up, or defeated the past seemed to be. Read More…
Matt Kahn: 11-22 Teaching to Share with You...
24.11.2020 20:34
The light is the space through which infinite possibility occurs. By giving your attention to the space between things, instead of fixating on things in space, the more light you cultivate. As more light is cultivated, greater possibilities emerge; allowing any side, argument, imbalance, or injustice to be equally healed, as the space between things collectively manifests as the eternal light of all. Read More…
Matt Kahn: November Energy Update
06.11.2020 21:59
For the majority of 2020, humanity has been steeped in a collective dark night of the soul phase of accelerated healing. This crucial phase is used to shift from the mind-based identity of a dissolving 3D paradigm and into a heart-based identity of an awakening 5D consciousness. Although heartbreaking to witness and experience, the chaos we see depicted in life is due to a large percentage of humanity shifting from mind-based perceptions to heart-centered awareness, perhaps for the first time in many people’s journey. Currently, humanity is at a crucial midpoint in this shift, where the midpoint between the mind and heart is the throat. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Claiming a conscious stand and Heart of the Matter
27.10.2020 20:30
One of the greatest misconceptions in the healing of the self or the transformation of the whole is imagining something insidious needs to stop in order for something greater to begin. When you are against something, you are empowering it with the very energy you require in order to set greater justices into motion. Read More…
Matt Kahn: In This Moment, The Universe Wants You To Know...
25.08.2020 21:48
It is common for life’s most hurtful and aggressive reactions to stem from some form of disappointment. When we're disappointed, a condition of expectation leads us to resent another person for not measuring up to an imagined standard we need the other to hold in order to feel whole. While it can seem as though the disappointments others embody are the reasons why lack remains active, it is resolved when shifting the expectations projected onto others into what one expects from oneself. Read More…
Matt Kahn: New Energy Update!
31.07.2020 16:51
Dear Friend, Although many can view the current state of the planet as apocalyptic signs, it’s important to know that an apocalypse is actually the process of ascension merely viewed through the lens of an unraveling ego structure. To help you through this process, let’s explore the gifts and opportunities the Universe is ushering in, on all of our behalf, to move awareness beyond the surreal intensity of a rapidly-changing world. At this time, the Universe is expanding the collective consciousness by helping evolving beings such as yourself to become aware of and to continue the process of unraveling core limiting beliefs out of your cellular memory. Read More…
Matt Kahn: The Truth About Resistance
24.07.2020 14:52
Absolutely nothing occurs in your reality as a result of resistance. What many perceive as a resistance to change is a process of gaining necessary amounts of experience to transform “I don’t know what to do” into “I’ve been here before and my familiarity allows me to trust the process I am in”. This is why everything happens exactly as it does: to provide you the gift of experience, allowing you to inevitably feel so safe throughout the churning waves of change that you are able to be fully aware through each up, down, gain, and loss so that you can receive the wisdom each outcome or encounter is bringing to your attention. Read More…
Matt Kahn: How Love Heals
19.06.2020 18:59
During this most critical time in history, it is essential to define the true meaning of love and its role in helping humanity heal. While society has maintained an unconscious ebb and flow of behavior, seemingly built upon layers of denial and repressed pain, the time has come for each and every skeleton to be cleared out of the collective closet to remove the blinders of our collective awareness, so to manifest the most optimal environment for all beings to thrive. In order to know how love heals, it is imperative to understand what love is and isn’t in its most useful and practical context. Read More…
Matt Kahn: Energy Update - 5.5.2020
09.05.2020 16:52
Dear Friend, May this energy update help confirm your experiences and clarify any confusion when living as an empath during the most pivotal shift of human evolution in Earth’s history. These unprecedented times can certainly make it quite challenging for light workers, especially with so many of us still acclimating and adjusting to life in a higher vibrational altitude. The most recent Ascension update sees Mother Earth settling into alignment with 5D consciousness, while a significant percentage of Earth’s inhabitants adjust to life at a higher frequency of consciousness. Read More…
Matt Kahn: From Coronavirus to Consciousness
14.03.2020 21:22
With the widespread panic of pandemic flu in the air, whether creating the anticipated perception of illness in your mind to fight, track, and avoid, or experiencing symptoms that have you more sincerely worried for your wellbeing than ever before, there is always an equal opportunity to allow any form of collective hysteria to act as wake up calls to greater consciousness — within you and the planet. Read More…
Consciousness Is Everything - Matt Kahn
01.11.2019 13:44
Matt Kahn: Why Let Go?
06.10.2019 20:18
In order to know the benefits of letting go, it is essential to first identify what you might be holding on to. Perhaps you are holding onto a dream of how you want your life to be? And, of course, the purpose of life is to grow, so it is natural and important to always strive toward greater horizons of experience. But when any degree of striving for change overlooks the equally important facet of appreciating all that you have — an imbalance occurs. In this space of imbalance, where more time is spent striving towards something different than appreciating exactly the way life happens to be, you experience a degree of shutting down, known commonly as sadness. Read More…
Unraveling Judgment - Matt Kahn
14.09.2019 22:12
I am that I AM - Matt Kahn
13.08.2019 19:46
Choosing To Be Here - Matt Kahn
16.07.2019 20:54
The Will of Your Heart - Matt Kahn
28.06.2019 21:32
A Cure to Overthinking - Matt Kahn
14.06.2019 21:42
You Are The Way - Matt Kahn
08.05.2019 20:37
Matt Kahn: What Would Love Do?
12.04.2019 20:04
Matt Kahn: Dissolving Sadness
06.03.2019 21:38
What It Means To Heal - Matt Kahn
15.01.2019 20:20
We Belong To The Light - Matt Kahn
07.12.2018 23:47
The Gift of Diversity - Matt Kahn
26.10.2018 19:50
Unpacking Judgment - Matt Kahn
10.10.2018 21:39
Healing Core Wounds - Matt Kahn
23.09.2018 18:40
Matt Kahn: The Apathy of Options
22.08.2018 21:21
Unknow Yourself - Matt Kahn
13.07.2018 18:45
Matt Kahn: Ascension Update - 30.06.2018
02.07.2018 20:04
If you are reading these words, you are already in the process of ascending, whether you feel the way you desire, or await a “big bang” moment of realization to fall from the sky. The primary purpose of ascension is to help you navigate your human journey of time while aligned with the timeless wisdom, inspiration, and guidance of your soul’s highest knowing and deepest calling. As you ascend, the story of time will still play out externally, but felt and experienced uniquely from the view of your timeless inner witness. Read More…
Loving Fearlessly - Matt Kahn
27.06.2018 21:10
Matt Kahn: Emotional Forecast for June 2018
20.06.2018 20:52
As we celebrate the welcoming of a new solstice, we enter into a new phase of our journey more emotionally cleansed than ever before. Maybe you feel more so wrung out than cleansed at the moment, but with time, you may come to see the brand new beginning that has opened for you. Read More…
The Pain of Loss - Matt Kahn
13.06.2018 18:56
The Four Factors of Consciousness - Matt Kahn
18.05.2018 21:38
The Power of Self-Responsibility - Matt Kahn
11.05.2018 17:21
Matt Kahn: Surviving Your Family Dynamic
27.02.2018 18:51
Awakening True Happiness - Matt Kahn/
22.12.2017 21:12
Dissolving the Veil - Matt Kahn/
14.12.2017 20:33
The Alchemy of Transformation - Matt Kahn/
23.11.2017 20:49
Transforming the Darkness - Matt Kahn/
25.10.2017 19:46
Emotional Forecast - 8/21/17 - Entering Unity Consciousness
22.08.2017 18:06
Today’s eclipse represents the emotional and energetic harvest for all the hard work so many lightworkers and earth angels have been doing over the past many weeks. For many years, energetically-sensitive souls have laid the crucial foundation for the energies that today’s eclipse celebrates as the further unveiling of unity consciousness. Read More…
The End of Inner Conflict - Matt Kahn
17.08.2017 21:54