Matt Kahn: Smiling at you
15.12.2020 20:39 Matt Kahn

Dear Friend,
A smile is an offering of goodwill as the spark of Divine energy in two people pulls back the curtain of perception to remember the light dwelling in all. A smile is a subconscious ethical agreement, exchanging the ways society interacts with strangers to the openness of engagement, now that eyes have made direct contact. A smile is a celebration of your untainted innocent heart, always ready and willing to burst with joy throughout moments of inspiration, no matter how broken down, beat up, or defeated the past seemed to be.
A smile is a declaration of freedom shining out from your eternally liberated nature, shouting from the roof tops through the cosmic language of silence, “I am here. I matter. I exist for a reason.” A smile is a gift of emotional generosity, like a gift certificate of healing energy, where the receiver can decide where such energy can be best used for the evolution of his/her soul. A smile is a confirmation of alignment with Source and being settled in your highest Truth, only revealing the need for deeper transformations the moment you look away, pull back, and hide.
A smile is a high five exchanged between angels affirming the perfection of their victory no matter how circumstances come to be. A smile is a remembrance of Heaven sent from the purest space within you to awaken the purity of all.
A smile is a symbol of awakened heart-centered consciousness affirming all that is whole, right, and perfect about this moment exactly as it is.
A smile is a spiritual cease-fire that only brings defeat to the parts and aspects that were never created to go any further. A smile is a moment of profound surrender, no longer needing to hold anything together or manage a journey that is too busy taking care of you to brief you on its plan.
Whether as a gaze of ecstasy exchanged by lovers, the admiration given from parent to child, support sent from one friend to another, or an offering shared by planetary neighbors, may today be an opportunity to remember the power of your smile.
As you take the time to smile more deliberately, openly, and authentically than ever before, may you rejoice in how often you are given opportunities to positively affect the quantum field of reality just by engaging the simplest and sweetest acts of kindness more often. May you come to know the happiness already within you that can be received with greater awareness the more often you open up and dare to shine.
Through the healing energy encoded in these words, I pass along to you the transformative effects of this powerful practice. From my heart to yours, I offer you this smile and invite you to pass it along to all the incredible souls you are meant to meet. May you receive it fully and share it freely for the wellbeing of all.
All For Love,