Utsava: Accurate prediction bridge bombing - Russia - Ukraine president has surrendered - Royals - Media
14.10.2022 18:45
The Queen has died today. Utsava's TIMELINE CONFIRMATION! DOMINO EFFECT!
09.09.2022 22:24
Today it was announced that the queen has died. I have predicted that I have seen beginning of September the possible events, we have been waiting for, such as the EBS, death of the queen, stock market crash etc. While in the past the White hats have been planning such events and did not follow through for various reasons, we know that the EBS and certain events connected to it, that will change the way we do certain things and the world as we know it, are near. The truth will be revealed. The emergency broadcast, the gold standards, Nesara/Gesara, the reset, currency reevaluation and the stock market crash are about to happen and the entire system change, are coming up soon. Read More…