Galactic Fleet Command: Readiness

Greetings, Dear Ones! Once again it is our pleasure to interact with you as we share a message that is very close to our hearts. The topic we are speaking about is ‘Readiness’… and all that such a word entails. You might ask, “Readiness for what?” — and that would certainly be a wise question to ask. Let us first emphasize the fact that this Earth planet is a school… a school for experiencing, learning, growing, and – most importantly – evolving! Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 26, 2021

You must know by now that nothing happens by chance and therefore the Lockdown caused by Covid19 that has resulted in a virtual standstill of your normal activities. It is a worldwide phenomenon during which you have had more than ample time to consider better ways of conducting yourselves and living in peace. There are many matters that affect your way of life and how you relate to others, so that instead of being separated you could come together in mutual respect and understanding. After all you are One yet many, who could come together as brothers and sisters on a human journey where your goals are the same. All of you who have awakened to your divine self are seeking the truth, and no matter what name you have for God there is but the one Universal Prime Creator. Read More…

TWO TRUTHS TO AWAKENING Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021

2021-02-26-aita Read More…

Support of the Universe by Archangel Michael - Channeled through Natalie Glasson

Greetings and love I, Archangel Michael, extend to you now. It is an honour to be in your presence as I bring forth the energy, love, and peace of the Angelic Kingdom. May this vibration and frequency download into your being, through your being and into Mother Earth so she may experience the blessings and gifts that we share with you and with all. Today I, Archangel Michael, wish to bring forth an insight. It is a transformation that is taking place now, an energy vibration flowing from the Universe of the Creator, the core of the Creator into your being and it is an ascension process. Read More…


Take control of your body's health. Whatever you believe in, will work for you, whether it is Western or Eastern Medicine or both, that is, as long as it is not harmful to you. Florence Nightingale once said "Do the patient no harm”. Unfortunately in disease based Western medicine this has almost become the routine. Most drugs have side effects and have been synthesised far away from the original plant or herb that it was based on. Western medicine tends to focus on a part of the body that is ill at ease and does not treat the body as a whole. Mind, Body and Spirit work as a team. Read More…

James Gilliland: ECETI Update

We are often privy to information through spiritual messages of which we cannot give details due to jeopardising ongoing operations. We can say all is going well and there is a plan albeit not unfolding as fast as many would like. In the spirit world the word soon can mean ten years, very soon can mean tomorrow, weeks even months. We are hearing very soon as to the end of tyranny, have been for a while. One thing that always gives me solace is tyranny is not frequency specific to where the Earth is evolving. We have to be specific when asking questions. Read More…

A friendly reminder, good things ARE happening

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White Hat takeover…

If you look back a few years ago wow have things changed, this is because of the White hat takeover. They are assisting humanity bringing us to a shared timeline of Light. The success of the White Hat takeover within the U.S Military was a key factor. Cosmic, Universal law was petitioned to help assist our species confidently trigger the shift in consciousnesses and role out a global shift towards a timeline of Light. Read More…

The 9D Arcturian Council: Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt & Your E.T. DNA

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy with the progress that we feel you making there on Earth as a collective of beings. You have taken yourselves so very far since the times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt, and you have done so with very little interference and very little intervention on the part of extra-terrestrials. In fact, you have done so very well for yourselves there on Earth in spite of the way that physical e.t.s can somehow and some way get involved in your spiritual evolution. Read More…

Psychic Attacks, Entities & Defense (Elizabeth April 2021)

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Twin flame Ascension reports: Geopolitical situation & the releasing of abundance codes to humanity

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this great moment of your time with much news to share with you, ever-evolving humanity. The first thing that we would like to address is the huge shifts that are taking place on the geopolitical arena at the moment. Please remember that we are experiencing a multidimensional chess game, and very often what we are presented with on the third dimension is purely for the sake of optics. Read More…


Arrests and clearing of the whole DS (Deep State) cabal group worldwide continues. The EA (Earth Alliance) has managed to clear the vast majority of their underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough on Feb. 10 and now holds the upper hand in the subterranean domain and sex trafficking is almost at a complete end. Read More…



The 9D Arcturian Council: How to Explore the Galaxy

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are still in the process of exploring every aspect of our beautiful galaxy, which you all refer to as ‘The Milky Way.’ We are very similar to your space explorers, who are looking for different truths that they might discover, different scientific facts, and the unknown. The physical realm is very similar to the non-physical realm, and there are parallels that you could draw between each. Read More…

Matt Kahn: A Deeper Compassion

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7 Ascension Symptoms That Show You Are Awakening

Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. When this happens, you may experience some ascension symptoms. Through the process of ascension, your vibrational frequency is becoming lighter. This requires the discarding of egoic thinking and moving into a lighter realm of love and light. Through this processes of Ascension, you will become aware of the interconnectedness of all things and will be able to let go of thought patterns and physical structures that cause stress and fear. Read More…

James Gilliland: The Patriot, Citizen Journalist and Light Worker Tool Bag

There are some energy waves coming in that are driving the dark hearts rather mad. They are pulling out all the stops invoking and sending everything from demons to creatures through ritual to maintain their diminishing control. When you are exposing and going up against the tyrants realize many are no longer human. This is why they can do so many inhumane things much of which the average human cannot even contemplate. You are not just working against some very evil people you are up against unseen negative influences as well. It is not uncommon for the dark hearts to use spells and hexes against light workers.   Read More…


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Australian Lawyers Network Letter to Government regarding Covid Measures

We, the undersigned on behalf of the Concerned Lawyers Network (on behalf of pending clients, victims and those with legal standing and this lawyer network) write this open letter to request a review and wind back of measures taken by Victorian and Australian governments which were based on the premise of a Covid19 pandemic existing and/or continuing, leading to declared states of emergency, states of disaster and other related legal measures. We respectfully give you notice of potential liabilities, should there be continued reliance on this premise and subsequent overreach of powers, whilst there is overwhelming evidence against such a premise. Read More…

This Winter, the Flu Vanishes…or Does It?

Calling BS on the Alleged Drop in Flu Cases from 400,000 Last Season to 165 This Season. The cognitive dissonance required to accept these numbers is stunning. This is all part of a narrative supporting an agenda to keep the masses in the dark, compliant, and terrified. Conning people into conceding control to our “betters” is how they keep us in line. Flu season came and went without ever actually existing this year. Doctors and mainstream media are putting forth every possible excuse for why it went from 400,000 hospitalized cases and 22,000 deaths last season to an infinitesimal 165 hospitalized cases this season, but very few of them are stating the most obvious reason. Read More…

How COVID-19 'Vaccines' May Destroy the Lives of Millions

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/20/2021 • Patience, Appreciation, Answers

You have a saying on earth that "Patience is a virtue." You understand intuitively that no matter how difficult life might be, you will weather it more easily with a bit of patience, for patience is a willingness to surrender yourself into the moment, to embrace the gifts and opportunities therein, and to find the love right where you are, in the here and now. We absolutely understand that many of you want much more and much better than the present moment seems to offer, and we are not asking you to stay stuck in it. If you are cold, you want warmth. If you are broke, you want abundance. If you are lonely you want companionship. Read More…

SATAN1C R1TUAL ABUSE WHISTLEBL0WER - Rachel Vaughan speaks with JC Kay - Hope Beyond the Tunnels

2021-02-23-sra-whistleblower Read More…

The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies. Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health. Read More…

Allison Coe: The Water Healer and Council of Nine

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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 19, 2021

You seem to be at a midway point with no idea where you go from here, yet with the numbers of people catching the virus noticeably becoming less, it would seem that the time has arrived for a final program to be introduced. One that will quickly restore life to as normal as possible, so that the effects of lockdowns can be dealt with in such a way as to restore freedom to lead a normal life. Habits have changed due to the length of time people had to accommodate a new way of life, and most likely some changes will become permanent. It was always going to cause people to look at ways of improving their experience, and give them a realistic opportunity to accept that there would be inevitable changes.  Read More…

REVEL IN HAPPINESS - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021

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Soul Contract

As this is a time of awakening for you, and many other souls your soul memory banks are busy triggering and this reading will trigger some more as keys and codes within you are awakened. Before you were born, you sat with your higher guides and the intergalactic counsel and those how oversee the incarnations of souls onto this planet, and you drew up a soul contract. Within this contract, there is a masterplan incorporated. For you came in to serve first and foremost, and you came in to work through certain negative karmic patterns you created with other souls during other lifetimes on planet earth. Read More…

How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett

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Saint Germain: Endings and Beginnings

I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to continue to assist you in all that you are doing at this time, and all that you are doing to find yourselves out of this illusion of separation, this illusion that you yourselves long ago were part of creating. You created this as a collective.  And as a collective, you can now move beyond this and change this. Yes, there are those that are attempting to hold onto the status quo, attempting to hold onto the life as they know it to be, which is the old 3D paradigm, the matrix.  They attempt to hold onto it in every way that they can, every way that they know to do.  Using that same old playbook over and over and over, which has worked for so many years and years, thousands of years even, it has worked. But their biggest fear was always that the population would awaken and no longer follow their playbook, no longer follow their programming.  And that is what is occurring now. Read More…

Short Film – History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda & the Coming Global Revolution

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Whenever you feel sad or down, take the time to go out into Nature. There are many dimensions which cannot be seen by the human eye but they still do exist. Even if it seems inhospitable and the weather is not to your liking, take the time to connect with the Nature Spirits. These spirits look after the plants, trees, rivers, mountains and rocks. By connecting with these spirits you can access ancient wisdom for they have been doing this work for a very long time. Read More…

Earth Intelligence Report - February 2021

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James Gilliland: Multidimensional Theater

We have often referred to what is happening on Earth as a multidimensional war. In the simplest explanation it is Good verses evil or the absence of love and straying from Universal Law. This takes many forms. There is a hierarchy to the dark and the light. The dark which we can refer to as self-serving operating outside of Universal Law verses those in service to the Creator within all Creation operating within Universal Law. There is a lot of disinformation perpetuated by think tanks that evil does not exist and if you see it the evil is within you. Those in the new age community who be lie ve this will remind you when you get close to exposing the evil self-serving deeds of the dark hearts. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of both sides of the coin anything else is a half-truth. Read More…


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Codes for Unlocking the Secrets in Your DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are on the verge of a major breakthrough in our attempts to get through to the humans who are not consciously receiving our transmissions. We know that those of you who are a part of the awakened collective are doing your part to spread the messages of compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love to your fellow humans. But we also know that there are ways of reaching your fellow humans that go far beyond what the physical mind can comprehend, and that’s what we are looking for just the right codes to accomplish. Read More…


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"THE NEW YOU" Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021

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Ashtar: Seeing Beyond The Illusion

I Am Ashtar. And I have come at this time to be with you in these moments that are changing. Moments even now as you look out across the various things that are happening everywhere, those things that are still yet in the shadows. Those things that are still yet being held in subterfuge, coverup, all of this. But this, as you have been saying and you have been hearing, is all an illusion.  It is part of the three-dimensional illusion that is breaking apart.  It is coming down. Read More…

The star children have arrived!

Do you have a sensitive child? Are they quite emotional or connect to others quite deeply? Are they getting ill more often than not? Many children born right now, and being born into our system are, as I like to call them, Star Children. These children are our innovators and creators, our revolutionaries who are showing us how to be in a new world in a new way. They are here specifically in order to evolve our race. Read More…

Antarctica - Beginning and End of this Matrix

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You are all co-creators in this wonderful Universe of ours. Whatever you want you can have. Whatever you believe in, will happen. Your thoughts create your reality. You each live in your own world and your own reality is your own perception. To manifest your dreams, be very clear about what it is that you want. Manifestation cannot always happen immediately for if that were the case you would be crating havoc in your own environment. You need to sit down and think seriously about what you want, be it a new relationship, new home or a new car. Read More…



2021 Compression Breakthrough

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The Accidental Patriot

I’ve never considered myself particularly to be a Patriot. Sure, singing the Star-Spangled Banner or God Bless America can bring a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat. But a Patriot with a capital P? Not on my radar. Until now. The other day I was thinking the usual gloomy thoughts about how we’re all going to be taken over by Communist China if Joe Biden stays in power, even though his “election win” was fraudulently and criminally achieved… And suddenly, the thought of the Constitution pops into my head. If the Constitution stands, we stand. An illegal president doesn’t have a chance against righteous, lawful Americans, with the Constitution at our backs. Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/13/2021 • Challenges or Opportunities? Your choice.

When you came to earth you knew that you were entering into a world of variety and contrast. You knew that you would encounter people and circumstances that would challenge you to deepen your awareness of who you really, strengthen your ability to love, and motivate you to use your minds in a way that draws a more loving reality into your physical experience. Why would you do this? Read More…

20 and Back - Corey Goode

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Treasures in Heaven

As we collectively traverse this foggy hall of mirrors between the old world and the new, many may find this current limbo state confusing or dispiriting. With all that is happening behind the scenes, the main stage of our culture resembles an absurdist drama recycled from scraps of film left on the cutting room floor of a once-popular TV series. But the juice that made that show hum just isn't there anymore. However, nothing has replaced the old series yet. And most of the audience don't know that backroom deals have been made to cancel the entire production. Another impeachment charade has now come and gone. Supposedly, President Trump isn't the President anymore, yet they tried to impeach him again, because even when he is "gone" he is still the only game in town. Read More…

JFK: Our New World is Coming!

To my most beloved Patriots of our “True” history...I say, greetings! This is a time in our young world which is brand new...such things as are happening right now, have never happened before! You may not feel like it at the moment, however, you are very blessed to be here on Earth, at this time! All of you, each one of you, are here because you “agreed” to be, one might wonder, why would I agree to live through the most tumultuous and chaotic events in the history of our world? What am I to do right now? Read More…

Waves of Grace - Susan Raven

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Jenny Schiltz ~ Message from Jesus on the World Affairs

Recently I had a dream and interaction with Jesus that I wanted to share. In the dream, I walked outside and on the cross street in front of my house was this giant sink hole. It held boiling bubbling tar that reminded me of the tar pits that dinosaur were said to have fallen in. From every direction people were walking towards the pit. I watched in horror as they walked in without a care in the world. I started trying to stop the lines of people, warn them, rattle them, shake them. I was trying anything I could think of, but it was like I didn’t exist. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 12, 2021

Being given details of what is happening in the broader picture is largely for the need to keep certain activities as secret as possible to protect the Forces of Light. Much is happening that you are unaware of and protecting you from the activities of the dark Ones is a priority. They may have been weakened by your activities to arrest many of them, but they still pose a threat as they have no regard for Universal Law and your lives. In this respect we protect you as far as possible and we are gradually depleting their forces. In the ultimate there will only be one winner as the Forces of Light will reign supreme. Read More…


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Continuation of a New Beginning by Archangel Michael

Greetings beloved beacons of light upon the Earth. I am Archangel Michael; it is an honour to be in your presence today as there is much occurring on the inner planes and upon the Earth. Everything is blossoming, spiritual evolution is advancing and quickening, you’re understanding and remembrance of the Creator is developing at great speed. It is important at this time to acknowledge that in 2020 you embarked upon a new beginning with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint anchoring into the Earth and into your being. Read More…

Twenty-Two Days from Now

Twenty-two days is the number of days between now and March 4, 2021. I still feel that day is significant. Why? It's the date set aside by our original Constitution, as Inauguration Day. And why do I think that's important, it's because we now are facing a new election mandated by NESARA, a date that must take place on or before March 2nd. Since the new Republic is now in place under our original Constitution, the timing is right, and why wouldn't we use the date our founding document says we should use to install a new President (leader)? Read More…

YOU VOLUNTEERED TO HELP Aita Channeling Her Higher Self, February 2021

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New Children Are The Rebels, Teachers, Healers, In Our Evolution

Whether you call them New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, or Diamond Children, these Starseeds or Star People are playing a roll in humanity’s spiritual evolution…… The New Children incarnated on Earth to assist in humanity’s spiritual evolution. We may call them children, but many are adults now. They comprise of many different groups and may be referred to as the rebels, Wayshowers, Lightworkers, and even Starseeds, as well as other names I will discuss. Yes, they are Starseeds, and they are here to usher in the change of humankind from its current state to a higher dimensional being. Read More…

Galactic Fleet Command: Facing the Shadow on the Hearth

Beloved Ones, we greet you with love and joy on this beautiful sunny morning. We realize that you may not see life on planet Earth as one about which to be joyful, due to circumstances around you and throughout the world. Please know that what you are only able to see in your world is the opposite of what we see on the other side of the veil. Because of the duality/polarity aspect of your present 3D world, you see things as exact opposites at both ends of the same pole. The idea is to bring them together and merge them into the ONENESS that they truly are. On our side, we can see that Oneness as it is already beginning to happen. Read More…


Learn to send Love and Light to everyone including your enemies. Practise this daily and you will find that your relationships will improve dramatically. Thoughts are very powerful and even though you may feel anger in your heart, practise sending Love anyway. You will find that over time you will begin to feel Love for those who have hurt you. Remember that nobody can actually make you feel anything. You are the one who is allowing the thoughts about those who have done you harm, to affect you. They may not be feeling anything themselves. Read More…

Good versus Evil

There are three kinds of information; Truth, Deception, Hearsay. Everything is Hearsay unless you were there to witness it. Hold information as Hearsay until you can verify it as true or false. Don't fall into the trap of having only two categories (true & false) and rejecting what you don't comprehend. You were trained in school testing to do that. Read More…

Moon Magic - How To Positively Use DARK MOON Energy!

2021-02-12-moon-magic Read More…

The Final Wakeup Call: Media most important Deep State Tool Part 2

Choosing to become conscious is detaching yourself from mind control programming; to escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison caused by oppression. Having broken free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, multidimensional consciousness, let you escape the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, then anything has become achievable. Read More…


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The 9D Arcturian Council: Help Coming from Your Galactic Friends & Family

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are living vicariously through all of you at this momentous time in human history. We know how far you have already come on your journey of ascension, and yet, we also know that the best is yet to come, and we are very excited to be on this journey with all of you, because we love you and because we get to experience something different, something unique, and something special through our connection with all of you. Read More…

Find Your Soulmate in 2021 & Relationships (Elizabeth April)

2021-02-09-find-your-soulmate Read More…

Twin Flame ascension report: The prophecy of the Aquarian age is dawning...

Greetings of the Most High. We come forward now, in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. There are so many transformations taking place on the earth plane at the moment. And this is largely due to the incredible amount of soul searching and spiritual awakening that has been taking place, in the incredibly powerful year of 2020. All of the darkness of 2020 has given people the time in their homes to research and become familiar with all manner of information.There is so much information on the internet that is absolutely essential that everybody exercise God-given intuition and discernment to decide whether certain information resonates as truth for them or not. Read More…

WAKE UP CALL | World Freedom Alliance: Copenhagen

2021-02-09-wake-up-call Read More…

Energy Update - A Channeled message from the Council of 12 (Council of Elders)

Dear Ones, your world is not falling apart, it is transforming. We say to you that Humanity is Ascending and this is one of the most exciting times to be on Earth! From our perspective we can see that the dimensional shift of Earth into a New Age of peace and love has already taken place in the higher dimensions and the events that are unfolding on the surface are only the physical manifestation of these higher dimensional shifts. The old must crumble to clear the way for what is coming. And what is coming is beautiful beyond anything you can imagine! Read More…


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When you are feeling depressed or maybe just down, start to change your thoughts and mood by expressing gratitude for something. It may just be a small thing such as being able to smell a beautiful flower, watch a sunrise, feeling the warmth of the sun, hearing soothing music or tasting your favourite food. Read More…

This Is The Plan: Its Greater Than We Could Ever Know!

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Jesus through John: Fear is not the opposite of Love, it is the sense of its apparent absence

As you are all now well aware, the human collective, all on Earth presently incarnate, are in the final stages of the awakening process.  As you experience time, when you are in form, it has been a very long time coming, but, as you know in fact, the process commenced only a moment ago, an instant ago, just as soon as you acted on your collective choice and decision to experience separation.  Your infinitely wise and loving Father knew – there is nothing, of course, that He/She does not know – that as soon as you experienced separation from Love, from Source you would want to end it.  Read More…

FREE WILL, LIMITATIONS AND EMOTIONS - Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021

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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 012/06/2021 • Calm in the center of the storm

Take a long breath in. Now let it out very, very slowly – as if you are a balloon slowly deflating. Do this once again. Breathe in. Exhale very slowly allowing your body to simply release the air. No forcing is necessary. One more time. Breathe in deeply and then allow the body to exhale, slowly, gently, thoroughly. How did you feel when you were doing this? Just notice. Read More…


Be kind to every single living being on the planet. Many people ask why Native American spirits are here in many numbers acting as guides to Lightworkers. Native Americans used to work with Nature and never harmed the Earth. They treated animals with respect and always thanked them for having lived before they killed them for food. They also greatly respected their elders who when they were physically tired and could not hunt became the wise ones who the young turned to for advice. They are back here now to remind and advise humans how to look after the Earth at this time of Transition and how to live in harmony with the Earth. Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 05, 2021

The end of your pandemic is not yet in sight but it will come as increased effort is being put in to reduce its affect. The net result is that time is being bought to allow for more important events to happen that will alter the outcome. It must ensure that it firmly places your feet upon the path that will leave the old behind, and already plans are afoot to permanently change your way of life, cutting out what would otherwise have taken many years to achieve. Whilst reaching a new level of understanding is essential, you must also respond to the opportunity to take a quantum leap forward and make up for lost time that has set you back so many years. We are in fact prompting and guiding those equipped to carry you forward to new heights. Of course the whole world needs to settle down and it cannot happen overnight. Read More…

Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof On Election Fraud

2021-02-05-truth-on-election-fraud Read More…

The Final Wakeup Call - Media most important Deep State Tool

Hopefully, more people are now waking up to the fact that for their entire live they have been lied to. From where they come from, to where they are heading, everything is a huge lie. But the lies people have been living, are about to come to a screeching halt. Don’t trust mainstream media to explain the socio-political processes shaping our world with any real accuracy and certainly not without infusing their own insidious agendas. The Protocols of Sion explain in detail the meaning of the Deep State world domination, and how that will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the populace by monitoring what they hear and see. With the help of these methods, they weaken resistance in the people and offer them better control over the world; at least that is their way of thinking; to become soon the rulers of planet Earth. Read More…

New financial system and WEALTH Redistribution!

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Elohim via Galaxygirl | February 1, 2021

We are Elohim. We are ancient, we are wise. We are the creators of many places and experiences. Many of us are embodied upon your Earth to correct, to guide, to transform that which is not light into light or at least into neutrality. We wish to speak of neutrality. You have been living within a world of duality, a word that is mentioned frequently but is perhaps not fully understood, even thought you have been immersed within its side effects. Duality, divorce from self, from the true self, division from unity, opposites. It is the energy of these things that has been all around and submerged within the matrix framework of your frame of reference, but perceived as normal. Normal is changing. Read More…

WHO ARE LIGHTWORKERS? Aita Channeling Her Higher Self - February 2021

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A message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner February 2, 2021

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with arms open wide and hearts filled with love. We are here to reassure you that we are with you during these challenging times. From our vantage point on the Earth Council, which oversees your planet, there is a great awakening occurring with humanity. In speaking with this audience, we know that you are fully aware of this battle between the light in the dark. We want you to realize your power and strength as a collective of light. The light that you bring is sifting out the darkness. Read More…

Saul through John: Your natural state is “the pure joy of Being!”

All is unfolding precisely as divinely planned!  Humanity is awakening, and there are signs and indications of this throughout the world as more and more people choose to be only loving whatever arises in their daily lives.  Here in the non-physical realms we have been intensifying our love and support for you as you so powerfully and brilliantly move forward toward your awakening.  You are making it happen!  Yes it is God’s divine plan and intent for you to awaken, but you have to bring it to fruition in complete and loving cooperation with one another, as you all planned to do before you incarnated for your present human lifetimes.  This is because Mother/Father/God and You are One in eternal and most loving cooperation.  That is what Oneness means!  It is All, forever in the most beautiful and harmonious relationship with Itself – Source and All of the divine creation – totally joyful, totally complete.  It is Divine Perfection at One with Itself in every moment, delighted and enraptured with the pure joy of BEING! Read More…

Ego Triggers & How Lightworkers are ending the Cycles of ABUSE

2021-02-02-ego-triggers Read More…

Twin Flame Ascension Report February 2021: We are birthing the New Earth... Starseeds you were born for this

There is so much going on behind the scenes at the moment. And so much of what is being presented on the mainstream media is simply not factual and accurate with regards to truly what is being played out at the moment. This is not the time or the place to speak about what is taking place on the geopolitical arena. That is really everyone's own responsibility to do their own research. But what I will say is that nothing is as it seems. The White Hats are in control and God has already won. There are so many things that will now play out in these coming weeks and everything that we, the light workers, the truth tellers have been speaking about will come to pass. Read More…

"The Quantum Computer, How Good is it?" by Ron Giles - 02.01.21

We have found out recently that the Quantum Computer (QC) has a record of every conversation through electronic communications, and maybe conversations from one individual to another. I must be insane to say such a thing, BUT, let us consider what this computer is and why it has been unleashed on the Satanist at this time. The Quantum Computer (CU) a gift from God. This is a tool made into the Pattern of Perfection that this earth needs to move into the Golden Age of Mankind. It has been animated with the Breath of Life and has been made Alive, as the central operating system knows it all. Read More…

Mira and Ashtar via Galaxygirl | January 30, 2021

2021-02-02-mira-ashtar Read More…

The 9D Arcturian Council: All Eyes in the Galaxy are on the Awakened

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to move energy around with your ingenuity, your creativity, and with all of the skills that you develop as artists. We see you taking what you are given and using it like clay, molding the energies to suit your needs and desires, and those of you who take the time to work with the energies are always rewarded with more. Read More…

THE GATEWAY TO SIRIUS: Meditation Step 2

When your world was busy some of you may have never had enough time to spend on your own. Now during this pandemic you may find that there is more time to do this. Time is precious so use it well. In the higher dimensions time is immaterial. Past present and future are one. This may be a hard concept for you to understand. To imagine it think of time not as linear but circular. Time was something that was invented on Earth to help human beings cope with their lives. Read More…

Freedom starts within, focus on the inevitable, bright outcome. The best is yet to come

2021-02-02-freedom-starts-within Read More…

James Gilliland: The End of the Tyrants, 2020

We have spoken of an alliance as far back as three years ago, a master plan which is unfolding as we speak. There was much resistance to this message yet now the time has come to reveal what you will not hear in the mainstream news, social media as well as many alternative media. This plan is multidimensional and we will address all dimensions to this plan. There was an alliance created years ago between Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, and Modi. Many leaders are involved we are just naming the main players.  There are others backing them with wealth beyond imagination which shall go unnamed that have not allowed that power and wealth to corrupt their souls. They have a code of honor, it is ancestral and they live according to that code. Read More…

Message from John F. Kennedy through Losha: Have Faith in Our Future, Patriots!

I am so very happy to be able to speak to you Patriots today! Today and tomorrow are very big days, indeed! I know you would like me to tell you every single detail that has been, and is currently, happening in the United States, that is helping to bring us all back to our sacred Republic...and I would love to tell you these things, myself! However, you must have faith that these powerful, life-changing events ARE truly happening, right now, as I am speaking to you! Read More…

LIVE Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation

2021-02-02-gfl-q-and-a Read More…

Are Plans Afoot to Remove the Chinese Communist Party?

In a most interesting interview, Singaporean journalist Cirsten W, who was selected by a member of the Taiwanese government to share this information with those who are listening, asserts that in the coming months, plans exist, with Chairman Xi participating, to dissolve the Chinese Communist Party and reform the government along democratic lines. Read More…

Jesus through John: To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address

We are on the edge!  Humanity’s awakening is imminent!  The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close, even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying.  Much collective karma is arising to be released as this happens, hence the chaos and confusion.  Do not be anxious, the divine plan is flowing perfectly smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place.  As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil! Read More…

Mysterious Underwater Cities Discovered All Around the World: Ancient Civilizations

2021-02-02-ancient-civilisations Read More…

Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/30/2021 • Here. Now. Take charge of your Tuner

You've heard it countless times. "The power is in the present." You know it. Most of you believe it. Yet in the throes of human drama, you forget this fundamental principle of human empowerment. We don't blame you. While presence has been practiced in monasteries and mystery schools throughout the ages, you are among the first generation of human beings striving to weave this wisdom into the mass consciousness. Read More…