Australian Lawyers Network Letter to Government regarding Covid Measures
We are an Australian Network of Lawyers who are concerned about how laws are improperly used against Australians
6 November 2020
- Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews
- Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton
- Prime Minister Scott Morrison
- Federal Chief Health Officer Paul Kelly
- And to: others named in the schedule attached
- And copies to: others named in the schedule attached
- Concerned Lawyers Network
Re: Notice of Liability & Potential Claims
We, the undersigned on behalf of the Concerned Lawyers Network (on behalf of pending clients, victims and those with legal standing and this lawyer network) write this open letter to request a review and wind back of measures taken by Victorian and Australian governments which were based on the premise of a Covid19 pandemic existing and/or continuing, leading to declared states of emergency, states of disaster and other related legal measures.
We respectfully give you notice of potential liabilities, should there be continued reliance on this premise and subsequent overreach of powers, whilst there is overwhelming evidence against such a premise.
Summary Points
- Covid19 (if it can be isolated) may simply be another coronavirus such as the flu or common cold. Patents for Covid19 medical testing kits however were manufactured and sold many years ago to many countries including Australia.
- The WHO has falsely declared a pandemic in relation to Covid19.
- Covid19 death statistics in Australia as well as in other nations have been manipulated.
- Covid19 tests are unreliable to test any specific disease.
- There are global agendas behind the declaration of Covid19 pandemic, to benefit certain foreign individuals and companies financially and to gain control of populations including in Australia.
- There is no pandemic in Australia according to medical evidence-at most a seasonal flu type epidemic, nothing justifying declaring states of emergency or disaster. Covid19 has been found to be a type of flu (coronavirus) with an estimated 99.9% survival rate across all age groups with the highest risk groups of over 65 estimated at 99.6%.
- Confined steps can be taken to take care of elderly or immune compromised people more likely to suffer from Covid19 as has been the case in the past with influenza, without restricting the freedoms of masses of healthy people.
- There are serious conflicts of interest between some representatives of government, appointed health officials and taskforces, and pharmaceutical corporations and global interests that prioritise their own profits and control, instead of the health interests of Australians.
- Australians have been exploited through fear, misinformation and obstruction of freedoms as a result of the continuation of the false statement that there is a Covid19 pandemic and the insistence that they must obey disproportional laws, rules and directions that curtail them physically, mentally and financially causing them much harm including in some cases death.
- Key decision makers in Australian governments and the public service have enormous conflicts of interests relating to vaccine companies and other medical manufacturers and suppliers, influencing their decisions. They are also being influenced by global players and global policy instead of the Australian people who elected them. Covid19 has been used as a cover to bring about police states and financially benefit vaccine companies as well as those who with vested interests in vaccine companies and controlling populations.
- All ministers and other persons to whom this letter is addressed, are PUT ON NOTICE of Personal Civil And Criminal Liability potentially arising against them for any current or future intentional or reckless continuation of misrepresentation of information and misuse of power of office, causing direct loss and damage to Australians.
- All other office holders to which this letter is copied to, are also put on notice of the evidence and potential civil and criminal liability arising out of future claims that may also possibly affect them arising out of their decision making or carrying out of decisions of their superiors should such actions violate citizens’ human rights.
- On behalf of our clients, victims and other interested Victorians and Australians, and the lawyers network, we request an immediate wind back of lockdowns and other disproportionate measures made, and a full open up of the economy and society to the way it was prior those measures being put in place and enforced (pre January 2020).
- In addition to potential claims based on future personal liability, we reserve our clients’ rights to take legal action against you with respect to past damage and losses incurred up to this point in time.
- We also request your response to specific questions in this letter addressed to you.
The letter continues for 36 thorough and comprehensive pages and includes coverage of legal questions, facts and evidence. It offers the definition of pandemic as well as information on false pandemics of the past. They also pose a number of pointed questions.
These lawyers make some valid points
- Masks have no justification
- Night-time curfews are not justified
- Travel restrictions not justified
- Protests banned without legal basis
- Suicides, domestic violence, crime, mental health episodes increase
- Hydroxychloroquin as a life saving treatment should be available, not banned
- Lockdowns have already held to be unlawful by courts in the USA, NZ and other countries
- Research reports on the economic & other effects of lockdowns not taken into account