Mike Quinsey
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - February 24, 2023
24.02.2023 14:46
Few could doubt that time has speeded up as the Earth hurtles through Space, and the Human Race is oblivious to it all so much so that it was thought it was at the centre of the Universe. Time has elapsed that proves otherwise and you are moving through a new part of Space and the vibrations are increasing meaning changes are inevitable as you have been experiencing. Logic suggests that they will be far reaching and to be expected if as prophesied they are to become part of your future. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - February 17, 2023
17.02.2023 18:18
You are going through many changes that are necessary to prepare the Earth for its transition to the New Age. The result is that there will be more destruction and loss of life as you are now experiencing but it is unavoidable. Be assured that all of you will have been aware of the likely changes and the extent to which they would affect you prior to incarnating on Earth. The loss of life is a final clearance of karma built up over earlier lives that has to be cleared before you can further progress. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - February 10, 2023
10.02.2023 22:09
You are in a world of turmoil with no signs of a change of direction. We warned you that the changes would become more serious and unstoppable as the Earth responds to them. Generally there is due warning before a major event occurs and we do our best to bring it to your notice. The victims of such upheavals are clearing outstanding karma, and although you utter surprise at the numbers involved, we assure you that they are involved because it has to be cleared before they can progress further. Regretfully such experiences are needed for lessons to be successfully learned. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - February 3, 2023
03.02.2023 21:59
As events unfold it is becoming apparent that it is going to take some time before things can settle down, the effects are clear to be seen and a worldwide change looks inevitable. There also has to be a coming together of all countries so that the eventual benefits are for all concerned. However, the hardest thing seems to be getting an agreement between you all as politics seem to rooted in advantages for self and not to the advancement of all people. Sooner or later there has to be a coming together as time is not on your side as you need to really get started and down to some serious thinking and cooperation. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 27, 2023
27.01.2023 21:37
It is clear that the world cannot get out of its present troubles without making major changes to the way it operates and it would be futile to expect that you could return to the old ways of working. Many of the happenings come about because it is clear that you have to move on and introduce new improved ways of living. The flaws in the old ways have become evident and cry out for new ways that take you forwards as you prepare for the New Age. Matters are not helped by the changing climate or threats of a global war. Much has to be done to bring peaceful changes into being that will lead you onto a new path, one that will incorporate advancements that will benefit all upon earth and give them a better quality of life. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 20, 2023
20.01.2023 22:06
The uncertainty about your future that you have been experiencing has caused you to take a long look at the value of continuing in the old ways. It is becoming apparent that you cannot carry on as before, and already people are recognising the need for change. You have been deliberately held back for a very long time by those who believe in service to self. However, with the rising vibrations an awakening has been taking place, and it will be your guarantee that the future will be somewhat different and more acceptable to what you are experiencing now. It will be more in line with your needs and desire to fully enter the New Age and enjoy the benefits that it will give you. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 13, 2023
13.01.2023 22:10
A Light is always at the end of the tunnel and the question is how quickly can you reach it and that is down to you. How quickly can you center yourself with the Light and keep your focus upon it whilst you are rising up in vibrations. It sounds easy enough yet all of the time there are distractions that sometimes can be difficult to ignore. Success comes with a positive outlook and ability to keep focussing upon your goal. Many of you have already successfully maintained a strong position, and are able to keep calm regardless of what provocation you experience. You are the living proof that it can be done and once you are on that path and acknowledge our presence, we come to you with our guidance and protection. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 6, 2023
06.01.2023 17:59
I hope you all enjoyed a restful pleasant break and like many people look forward to a more peaceful and fulfilling New Year. The threat of expansion to the Ukraine War hangs over us, but greater powers than ours also try to direct it in such a way that a resolution will soon be found. It should put an end to the war altogether so that permanent peace can settle upon Earth. From my understanding it is apparent that we have moved onto a new time line that has a more settled outcome and a peaceful conclusion. By concentrating on it you will help it to manifest and lessen any possibility of the war escalating and causing a worse scenario. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - December 16, 2022
16.12.2022 21:52
I recently came across a very uplifting message by Ronna Herman. I have taken an extract as follows because it answers many questions regarding our past and future, explaining how we came to be on our mission that is now ending. It is appropriate at a time when so many souls are unsure where Humanity is heading, and struggle to get through such testing times. This extract will give you a boost and the strength to boldly carry on knowing that all is well. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - December 9, 2022
09.12.2022 21:42
Humans have not experienced such big problems in their lives since the last World Wars. In some ways it is worse as they affect everyone in some way or another, and the prospects for the immediate future look very bleak. It seems that the worst is still to come yet knowing so you can do little at this stage to avert it. The whole World seems to be in a turmoil and people that are amongst the poorest face a very uncertain future. There is a lack of people that are needed to deal with various problems that have arisen, also a lack of food and even water that comes about through an extended drought. Man was ill prepared for the extent and depth of the problems and many organisations that are mostly funded by private donations are overwhelmed by the size of the demands upon them. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - December 2, 2022
02.12.2022 21:58
Our interest in your future goes much further than you might imagine. You are going through a series of necessary changes to ensure those of you who are getting ready to ascend continue on that path. We are aware that some of you were taken back by the forceful nature of recent messages, but that had become necessary to ensure you fully understood the importance of the present time. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - November 25, 2022
25.11.2022 22:05
The worldwide problems continue with no indication as to how long they will last and which direction they are going in. You certainly recognise that the hard times will continue with no sign of any change coming at present. You reap what you sow and consequently the future does not look very encouraging, as there seems to be no real appreciation of how much time you have left to deal with the problems that threaten your existence. Yes, there are voices shouting loud and clear as to the urgent need to take action now, if you are to avoid a world catastrophe. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - November 18, 2022
18.11.2022 21:48
As time passes it is becoming obvious that the period you are going through is bringing about changes that will affect your whole way of life. Most of them will be seen as bringing about very acceptable changes that will make life a lot easier. However, it is relationships between the different countries that will need to bring about a greater coordination that is beneficial to all concerned. Bear in mind that as one Human Race there must come a time when you work as one unit where the benefits achieved are open to everyone. The population upon Earth is growing very rapidly and will become unmanageable unless there is a coming together to share the resources of Mother Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - November 11, 2022
11.11.2022 21:30
Things around you seem to be moving faster than ever and your main concerns are the climate changes that are affecting your daily lives. Some you can deal with, but others are happening on a worldwide basis and need an equally quick solution. Your whole future is in the balance yet if you take action that is needed now there is no reason why you should not be able to keep matters in check. The alternative is a situation that will be left too long and beyond your current abilities. Words are fine but action is needed now to hold back the inevitable outcome leading to world problems of a great magnitude. It has taken time for you to realise that you are facing a crisis of such proportions, that only a combined and coordinated effort by all countries will change the outcome. We stand by and through the power of thought hope to see a response that indicates you understand the seriousness of what is taking place. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - November 4, 2022
04.11.2022 20:53
For all the activity upon Earth there is a reason that is not apparent to you that we have touched upon. The changes are obvious although the ultimate purpose is not known to you. Preparations had to be made for the introduction of new technologies that will make life much more bearable and easier for you all. You presently worry about how you are going to survive the rising costs of living through the hard times ahead and you will of course, because humans are very resilient and hardy and know how to get through such times. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 28, 2022
28.10.2022 21:10
As might be expected the changes occurring in the Solar System have come to the attention of NASA scientists who are at a loss to explain the reason for them, referring to them as a “weird happening”. The impact you have had is confined to each cycle so that all can commence again as new. Even you have recognised evidence of a previous cycle, although it is hard to come by after all of this time with the many earth changes that have taken place. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 21, 2022
21.10.2022 22:42
The longer matters seem to go on without any signs of normality understandably you are wondering whether there will be a conclusion in the very near future. What is apparent however is that what was hidden is being brought to the surface for you to decide what action you need to take. You can recognise the need for change as existing ways are proving totally inadequate for what you know as the New Age. The underlying trend has brought to light the way that you have been used and how you have been held back from making real advancements, you have so to say “been kept in the dark”. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 14, 2022
14.10.2022 19:39
We continue to observe events upon Earth and are aware that a more serious situation could develop. The unnecessary mini-war in the Ukraine illustrates how World problems are created, when in reality there was no necessity for such an outcome. It remains to be seen whether good sense will prevail and a peaceful end is achieved. World peace will come when the leaders collectively agree to neutralise their weapons and be open to inspection to ensure compliance, and that day must come as the vibrations continue to rise. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - October 7, 2022
07.10.2022 22:10
You look around you and the world seems to have gone crazy and you think it could not get worse but it does, and as much as you try there seems no way of controlling it. Things that were well tried and tested are now found to be not up to the task in circumstances that have not been previously experienced. You deal with one problem and another takes its place and you do not seem to have sufficient time to deal with it. You ask what is going on as you know the dark Ones are behind many of the problems you face. You find that the Pandemic was man-made and was set up to kill off a very large number of the population to make it more manageable. Fortunately, the events on Earth are being watched over by the Forces of Light. You ask what more can happen that will add to the problems that are amassing. The future looks uncertain as changes are occurring at a fast rate yet all is not as bad as it appears. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 30, 2022
30.09.2022 21:49
You hardly need to know that you are going through a momentous time of changes. At this present time it is obvious that there is no going back to the old ways of living. It is not yet apparent what the outcome may be except that it is an opportunity to rebuild for the New Age and include the advances that have been made that will uplift your quality of life. Be assured that help is on hand and it will be introduced at the appropriate moment. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 23, 2022
23.09.2022 22:27
The world changes seem to be getting worse and compounded by financial problems that are adding to the general chaos throughout the different countries. There seems to be no way out of more anticipated changes that will cause people to need help to survive. It will test the will of those who are in a position to help, and see if they step forward to do so. A joint effort is the only way to overcome the inevitability of a great human disaster. As much as possible without usurping your freewill, we try to point you in the right direction that will eventually bring you freedom from the approaching catastrophe. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 16, 2022
16.09.2022 20:34
The cleansing process continues and your problems mount with no prospect of them slowing down. It shows how inadequate your systems have been and it is the people who are experiencing the results that are ruining people’s lives. Yet there is worse to come and there seems to be no immediate answers to those problems. Lessons have to be learned so that new systems are not flawed, and realistic so as to ensure they are acceptable and workable without affecting the standard of living. The population of the world have had mixed experiences due to the unfair distribution of wealth that has favoured the wealthy. However, opportunities are coming when steps could be taken to achieve a fairer distribution. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 9, 2022
09.09.2022 22:47
With the climate and the political changes you have enough to contend with in a world that is changing at a fast pace. Then behind all of that is the threat of more world upheavals as Mother Earth is concerned with her own needed changes and the cleansing of the planet. You sometimes do not know which way to turn without being faced with the resultant changes that are having a worldwide effect. If your governments had taken notice when warnings were given of what was to come, it would not have resulted in such far reaching effects. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - September 2, 2022
02.09.2022 21:32
You are beginning to wonder where it all ends assuming that the changes cannot go on forever, but how much longer will the suffering have to be experienced. We have to say that major changes cannot take place without bringing about some sorrow and despair. Yet if you can see the reason for it you would surely realise that nothing happens by chance. A key word is “cleansing” at a physical level and allowing humanity the opportunity to start bringing in new ideas that will move you on to levels that no longer support the lower vibrations that may be holding you back. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 26, 2022
26.08.2022 22:42
When you may have thought matters were settling down, they have taken a turn for the worse. The problems seem endless as Mankind experiences changes that they never anticipated or expected. Yet they are necessary to bring about those that are needed to keep your feet upon a path that leads to the New Age. How far away it is depends upon you and your reactions to what is happening that is uprooting many things that you are familiar with and had no idea that they are unsuited for your future needs. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 19, 2022
19.08.2022 20:36
Many ask themselves how much worse can matters get when predictions for the immediate future are not in the slightest way promising. Yet behind all that is happening is the slow movement towards better times, and the promise of some kind of recompense for all the problems you have had to endure. The changes had to come as you could not continue in the old ways much longer. The necessary changes needed for the upliftment of mankind had to start somewhere and as painful as the experience has been, you will look back and see that there has been purpose in what has taken place. Be assured that we exercise a certain degree of control so that matters follow the great plan for humanity’s release from the grip of the dark Ones. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 12, 2022
12.08.2022 16:47
Rather than matters taking a turn for the worse they are gradually reaching a point where the dark Ones will be facing defeat. Do they come quietly or act like madmen, the outlook is the latter as they seem determined to fight to the last not wishing to admit defeat. There is so much that you are unaware of that will mostly shock you to think that you are living a lie deliberately imposed upon you by the dark Ones and their cohorts. In the time of Tesla you were given many advanced ideas that would have raised your quality of life, but you were denied them. However, nothing stands still forever and new ideas and inventions are waiting to be introduced that will tremendously raise your quality of life. You deserve it and nothing will be held back when the truth is revealed. Be assured that the souls capable of handling such a situation are already with you waiting their call to action. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 5, 2022
05.08.2022 22:04
Time marches on and the situation upon Earth seems to be getting worse as sides are being taken over the conflict in the Ukraine. Stalemate appears certain and already talk of all-out war is being played down as Russia seems to have achieved its aims to protect its own country. It will take some honest talking to settle the issues involved, and there are always answers no matter how big the problems are. As usual our presence helps decisions to be made that are in the interests of all parties concerned. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - July 29, 2022
29.07.2022 18:07
When matters appear to be changing from bad to worse you could be forgiven for believing that the end of the world was approaching. Certainly what was acceptable in the past is no longer adequate, which is why things had to change. Bear in mind that you are already at the start of a New Age and the period of cleansing is essential if you are to make way for changes that will uplift the vibrations. There is so much that is new to you and waiting to be revealed, that will finally see the end of the low vibrations and the commencement of most welcome changes that will totally change the quality of your lives. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - July 22, 2022
22.07.2022 21:55
Life at the moment is one problem after another, you seem to get one cleared and another takes its place. Yet what is happening is part of the cleansing of the planet to prepare for what will be seen as most welcome changes. Naturally, it all takes time and is no mean task when viewed from where we are. The urgency for prompt action is beginning to be understood, and action needs to be taken now whilst there is ample time to cope with changes that are vitally necessary. We are doing the prompting from our end but we cannot force you to take action if the urgency of the situation is ignored. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - July 15, 2022
15.07.2022 18:13
As fast as you clear one problem another turns up to take its place and so it goes on, a seemingly endless number that gets more difficult to deal with. In reality you are seeing the result of many, many years of mismanagement that need putting right if you are to clear away the rubbish that has accumulated. It needs a clean sweep to enable you to start afresh as you lay down the basis of a new period that will carry you forward with all speed. As we have said previously, you have entered a new era where small is beautiful along with advancements that are yet to be given to you. Much that is very acceptable awaits you but first the old must be moved out of the way. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - July 8, 2022
08.07.2022 20:23
So much is still happening as that which was hidden is being revealed, enabling you the opportunity to dispense with all that no longer serves your purpose. The changes must come if you are to commence setting up the basis of a new era. All that you need is available upon Earth, and here and there are the beginnings of a new way of life that is more suited to the higher vibrations that are coming into being. They are also necessary for you to keep your onwards progress so that you are ready to ascend. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - July 1, 2022
01.07.2022 23:16
Regardless of what is happening on Earth, in the greater scheme of things there is progress as a path out of the present chaos has been laid down. It requires people to wake up to the opportunities that are on hand that will start a movement towards more cooperation between nations, that can set aside their own political beliefs for the greater benefit of all. It must come otherwise you will keep repeating the same pattern that is a road that leads nowhere at all. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 17, 2022
17.06.2022 22:08
The necessary changes are being placed upon you to hasten progress towards a New Age. It is painful for many but unavoidable as so much of the old has to be discarded. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes mankind is to introduce all that is new and to be part of your evolution. Recovery from the past troubles is taking place but the new must now be introduced to enable a quantum leap forwards. There is much rebuilding necessary not just of your houses and buildings but also the necessary structures to prepare for new ways of living that are more beneficial to everyone. We say again that all people should have a roof over their head and sufficient food to live a healthy life, such progress must be planned well ahead. We know that many souls are with you who are well equipped to take on the challenges, and they have the foresight to see it through. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 10, 2022
10.06.2022 20:27
You live in a troubled world that is seeing the worst of mankind’s resolve to protect themselves by using force. It is the old way that has been used for many centuries with untold damage and deaths of civilians. The people have been deceived for so long that they despair of ever being able to live in peace. We assure you however, that there is a road map that leads to it and it is not too far away. It is sad to think that the leaders of the world have not agreed to peace terms for the sake of humanity, who have turned their backs against it. You can only take so much before you realise that war never solved a problem but creates more. However, there is a move towards creating a worldwide pact, so that no country would dare attack another without knowing that they would suffer serious consequences. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 3, 2022
03.06.2022 22:01
There is much happening all over the world and there seems no end to the changes that have been taking place. They will gradually settle down until the scene is set for the shaping up of a new way of life compared to what you have been used to experiencing. Be assured that all will eventually be to your liking, giving you a much easier life and one that has adequate provisions for your needs. It would have come in any event but time is of the essence and progress must be made much more quickly. Your future hangs in the balance and we will do all we are allowed to do on our behalf. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 27, 2022
27.05.2022 22:51
The Alliance continues to make advances but as normal they keep their activities to themselves to safeguard those involved. The war with Russia will be the last one of such proportions, because it will not have benefitted anyone. The time for diplomacy to settle disputes is clearly the pathway to follow in future. Naturally the dark Ones are involved, and responsible for maintaining a situation that is calculated to keep Humanity in an unhealthy state and lower levels of consciousness. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 20, 2022
20.05.2022 22:48
Each move by the dark Ones is counteracted by the Alliance so that when it would appear they have achieved their objectives, they find that they have been caught out and experience a different end result. So whilst the Light must play to the rules, the dark Ones will attempt to bend them to achieve their aims. As we have informed you many times they will use the most devious means to gain the advantage, but the Light will ultimately win. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 13, 2022
13.05.2022 22:06
There is still a way to go before there will be any signs of normality, and even then it will be a new way of experiencing what was normal for you. However, all changes will be for the better so as to place your feet firmly onto the new path that awaits you. Everything has to start somewhere and it is no mean task to do so without overwhelming you. As you see the benefits from the changes you will be eager to participate in them. Be assured that the old will be considered cumbersome by comparison and the net result is that you will have more time to follow for your own desires. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 6, 2022
06.05.2022 22:05
The turmoil continues upon Mother Earth with no immediate signs as to where it is going, yet the very nature of the changes are destined to lead you onto a path that will bring you the final peace upon Earth that you desire so intensely. There are factors of which you are unaware at present that will pave the way for major changes that will speed up your transition to a New Age. We have often mentioned them because they are a major part of every ones future. There has always been a plan that is controlled by the higher Forces of Light, and it will ensure that progress is made accordingly. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - April 29, 2022
29.04.2022 22:14
Behind the scenes so much is happening that is in your interests and will thrust you into the New Age. However, you are still being held back by the dark Forces who have created a reality that is designed to keep you from advancing out of it. Yet time does not stand still and eventually the truth will start to come out. You should have advanced far beyond the point you are at now, whereas you have been in the control of those who have an agenda to prevent you from evolving. However, the Alliance has made much progress in recent times by breaking up the web of deceit and lies that holds you in check. There are now increasing opportunities for progress to be made that will lift you up out of their control. So keep positive in spite of the present chaos knowing that it will clear in due course and a new era commence. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - April 22, 2022
23.04.2022 16:06
Dear friends, the changes cannot come quick enough for most people, so as to put the current period and all of its negativity behind you. It is a testing time even if you are only an observer of events happening all around you. Yet without being directly involved you are learning from the experiences of others. You are seeing the outworking of karma that can be hard to bear, when you are unaware of the events that have brought it about. Often karma is cleared through the experience of “like for like” as it is necessary that a soul fully understands the result of their actions. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - April 15, 2022
20.04.2022 20:10
The unsettling times continue and it must be realised that you cannot continue to war with each other if you ever want to see lasting peace. There has to be an end to the use of force to get your own way. However, we know that it is easier said than done but there must come a time when permanent peace is called for and accepted. We say again that wars never solved any problem and simply make matters worse and harder to deal with. The war to end all wars seems to have come and gone a number of times and it is the people that always have to pay the price. They have a voice and will be heard eventually and acted upon to end all hostilities. Read More…
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - April 8, 2022
08.04.2022 20:42
Events on Earth have brought about yet another consideration as to how things are best carried out. It is becoming clear that the old ways are no longer adequate for your needs to operate in a more fair and generous manner. It is also apparent that the people are rising up against the War Lords, and look for leaders who also want a peaceful co-existence. The bullies of Earth no longer have the support of the majority of people and their wishes will be fulfilled. It has to come as the New Age has no place for rule by fear or dictatorship. The power for change lies with the people who have much more influence than they realise. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 25, 2022
25.03.2022 20:56
The time has come to reflect upon what you want out of life, because your actions will speak louder than words. You are projecting an energy that creates a path ahead of you and attracts what is needed for it to become your reality. It is like being careful what you wish for as few realise the power in the spoken word. It does not take much to imagine what you are creating for yourself with negative thoughts, after all these also attract similar energies so be careful as to how you express them. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 18, 2022
18.03.2022 21:20
Without knowledge of the plan for mankind you cannot be expected to know what lays ahead, but be assured that actions are being led by the higher powers that oversee humanity's experiences without usurping their freewill. You can help by remaining positive and not giving your energy to the negative forces by keeping positive and not getting involved with the negative forces. Use your understanding and knowledge to give strength to the forces working for the good of the planet and its people. The more you are able to hold your highest level of vibration the more you are helping the Light to overcome the dark energies. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 11, 2022
11.03.2022 22:55
It seemed that matters could not get any worse, and then suddenly you are confronted by a major confrontation that has the potential for a devastating war. Many have left the war zone that is expanding whilst the world watches on in anxiety. It is an hostility that was unprovoked but premeditated by those who hoped to gain by it. As it stands Putin would seem to be achieving his objective to make the Ukraine beholden to him. However, the forces for good are working towards an ending that will stop the anticipated outcome. As events are played out we do not yet know how it will work out, but it may be quite different to what was expected. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 4, 2022
04.03.2022 16:16
The problems upon Earth seem never ending including an unprovoked attack by Russia upon their Ukraine neighbours Some people are understandably questioning why our ET friends stand aside and let it happen. The answer is one I have given a number of times - we must allow you to exercise your freewill, but we will draw the line if any attempt is made to use nuclear weapons. At a stroke we could make all of them inoperative if we so desired. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 25, 2022
25.02.2022 17:36
Changes have been taking place on many levels, clearing out that which is unsuitable for the New Age, and promoting the future from a different angle that is more in line with the needs of this moment and lays down the foundations for it. For some souls this time period is causing much anxiety and even pain. It is regretfully both inevitable and unavoidable due to the scale of changes necessary. However, it is all for a good cause and it will compensate you for your difficult experiences. Time is of a premium and the sooner you advance beyond the present period the sooner the better times can commence. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 18, 2022
18.02.2022 17:28
If at last the confrontation being experienced brings about a peaceful solution, it signals a desire to avoid action that involves death and destruction. It would start a more sensible way of settling disputes without the need for force to be used. It could create a precedent for the future, and with the increasing upliftment of the vibrations peace is starting to come to Earth. Your history is one series of battles and wars with a great loss of life, and the cost of making good the massive damage it causes. We see more than a glimmer of hope that this altercation can be the last time that war is threatened and carried out. Common sense will have prevailed and set a marker for any further disputes. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 11, 2022
11.02.2022 19:45
The period ahead is one of the most important you are likely to encounter. You will be laying down the foundations of a new way of managing your affairs that will prepare you for the changes that are to come. You will be prompted to think in terms of a new way of working that will equip you in readiness for the future. Many of the old ways are inadequate for what lies ahead and you will find it quite different to what you have been used to experiencing. Systems and methods will gradually change for the better, placing you in a more agreeable situation. You will also find that you have much more time on your hands for personal matters. There may be some problems to overcome but in the long run it will be to your advantage and evolution. The good times are beckoning, but first you must put things in order to make room for what is waiting to be introduced. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 4, 2022
04.02.2022 15:55
The world does not want to see another war, and fortunately the energies that have arisen because of the confrontation in the Ukraine show without a doubt that the desire for world peace is growing very rapidly. It means that they are having a calming influence on the situation, and that a way out for the Russians is possible without them losing face. Peace is coming to Earth and it is a precursor of better times to come where countries can come together to broker peace agreements. Certainly the people have spoken and the powers that be will feel compelled to take notice otherwise they will lose all credibility. It should be realised that the Alliance of Planets are awaiting such a development to enable them to safely show themselves to the people of Earth. It will happen because that is your destiny and the future is full of welcome changes that will quickly bring the advancements into being. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 28, 2022
28.01.2022 16:41
All events on Earth seem to be speeding up and not least of all the end of the pandemic. So far it has been a great learning curve for mankind. Unwelcome by many who have suffered because of the changes it has forced upon their lives. Yet some are already being appreciated because of the light it has shown upon age old problems. With time on your hands you have been able to question the motive for some practises that now seem outdated. As a consequence you are returning to what you call normal life but discontinuing that which no longer truly serves your needs. You are leapfrogging time that would otherwise have been spent on old outdated ideas when many had long serve their useful purpose. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 21, 2022
21.01.2022 17:44
At last there are signs that Covid virus and later variants are beginning to have less effect on you. With high death rates many of you have pondered what is the nature of human death and what can a soul expect to experience in the higher realms. There is much confusion depending on your belief as to whether you resurrect your body. It would help you to understand the position if you understood the truth, that you have no further use for your physical body once you have died. It is flesh and blood that decays and eventually disappears, leaving just your skeleton that serves no further function and is therefore not resurrected. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 14, 2022
14.01.2022 20:55
If you could but see the overall picture as we do, you would find that the changes are forcing people to move on and not cling to that which is no longer considered applicable. Out of the chaos you will see a move to advance Humanity to a new level that offers many ways to overcome your present difficulties. Not only that but on a new level that overcomes them with the minimum of difficulty and time. It has always been planned in readiness for your evolution, in a way that uses methods and inventions you have yet to see. Nothing has been left to chance and is achieved without infringing your freewill. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 07, 2022
11.01.2022 19:58
One year ends and another commences and I believe that people are now ready to accept that we are not just in a year of change. It will be the way our New Age settles in bringing with it the energies that will enable new ways of doing things, so that we can bring the New Age into being and enjoy the beneficial changes that have been held back from us for so long. The positive energies far outweigh the negative ones and we have much lost time to make up. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 17, 2021
17.12.2021 22:25
After a year of so many ups and downs you will be pleased to know that the overall result is encouraging as in the long term you will see that the changes have been very beneficial. The intentions of the Illuminati were to create an epidemic of such proportions that only a manageable number would survive and be easier to control. They have gone to extreme lengths to stop you learning the truth about your gift of eternal life. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 10, 2021
10.12.2021 21:44
The Pleiadians have undertaken to stop “horror and suffering” but not exactly when, but as we are preparing for an upliftment in the vibrations as part of our advancement, logically it cannot be very far away. Certainly the higher vibrations will overcome the negative energies to bring about harmony for all life forms. These will be necessary to get you onto the path that leads to fulfillment and Ascension. Much is lined up to be manifested as you rise up and experience an increase in your levels of consciousness. By comparison the Pleiadians are already on a much higher level. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 03, 2021
07.12.2021 19:58
You are in the storm before the calm and the cleansing will continue until the Earth has increased its vibrations, to allow many of you to advance your evolution in readiness to move into the 4th dimensional vibrations. You will be noted for your calmness in testing conditions and through your example many others will follow. It is your destiny and the old energies will be left behind. The level you reach will determine the future for you and you will most likely move to a planet that meets your needs to continue your present evolution. The transition will be smooth and much to your liking. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 26, 2021
26.11.2021 21:58
As you progress through the weeks and months, so there will be more revelations to advance your understanding of the truth. You have previously been given a minimum of information but you are now more advanced and ready to learn some greater truths. Many of you have grasped the fact that your souls are eternal and realise that you must have had many, many lives. It will undoubtedly surprise you to know that any incarnation can be “called” back as a live person that you could speak with. It could for example open up a lot of possibilities that allow for the truth as history to be verified. The examples are endless, like being able to speak with family members that had already passed on before you were born. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 19, 2021
19.11.2021 22:12
The future is an open book and there are so many opportunities coming up to satisfy everyone so set yourself on a course that achieves your ambition. Good things are coming and waiting to be activated to open up a new vista that will give you a new perspective of life. So look on the bright side knowing that your future is assured that it will bring you much happiness. The dark Ones will have been left behind finding the higher vibrations beyond their reach. The turmoil that you are in at present will reach a point when all will settle down to give you the start of a peaceful period. So as you look into the future be positive and help the better be times an opportunity to manifest. Clearly there is much to sort out before things can settle down but it will come because it is your destiny. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 12, 2021
12.11.2021 22:24
As each year passes so the vibrations increase a little more helping souls on the path of light to evolve easier than any earlier occasion. The upliftment gives much encouragement and is just reward for the effort you have put in. The truth is the more you get used to it the easier it becomes and there is no holding you back. There is no reason why a soul who chooses to receive messages should not be successful. It is a matter of having the confidence to do it and not be too self-critical. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 05, 2021
05.11.2021 23:13
The changes are taking place that will speed up your experience so that life becomes easier. Most of you accept that you reincarnate upon Earth many, many times as you experience in a variety of different roles that further your evolution. All is carefully planned to give you every opportunity to continue evolving with the ultimate goal of Ascension in mind. You may not be aware that since you have passed the marker you will carry all knowledge with you, to be available for when you reincarnate. Previously you would have had no remembrance of an earlier life. Many aspects of your life will be different and to your liking making it easier for you. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 29, 2021
29.10.2021 22:07
Matters have reached rock bottom on Earth, and out of the chaos shall come a new way forward that will recognise the end of many old ways that still persist. You must move on and set up the Earth so that it can receive your help to manifest the new ways of life that will introduce many advances that have been held in check. It is because you passed the marker in 2012 that you signaled your readiness to take a great step forwards. As a result much of what you have taken for granted and has been part of your daily lives, will no longer serve you, as you are now on a new path that will bring many improvements in your daily life. Indeed, changes will come very quickly and many are ready when the appropriate time arrives. After all you have been through you are due many pleasant surprises. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 22, 2021
22.10.2021 21:36
The changes are coming more quickly than ever as new technologies have taken a massive leap forwards. Changes that had been held in check waiting for the right time for them to be introduced are now being released. In a few short years you will have directly benefited from some of them, and slowly but surely your quality of life will have greatly improved. It is of course relative to your existing levels of achievement and in the long run there will be a levelling up. It is now the appropriate time to give you the advantages of new ideas that will propel you into the New Age. There are many who are ready to adapt to a new way of living that makes life a lot easier, and so it will continue in a new era where you have sufficient time to follow your own desires. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 15, 2021
15.10.2021 19:39
Dear friends, as I am not sending out my message this week, I thought it would be helpful to send one I have always kept a copy of as I consider it to be one of the most informative ones. It advises how you can conduct yourselves as a helpful example to help others. It certainly seems very appropriate at such a time as we are in at present. Read More…
No Chance of Nuclear War
12.10.2021 19:06
I repost this article from 2016 to allay fears of a nuclear confrontation between the USA and China – no matter how much it looks like things are going that way. Rumors of a nuclear World War III persist but will a world war be allowed to happen? And need it be a factor in our considerations of building Nova Earth? Those of us who know that the planet is surrounded and protected by intergalactic federations of light know that Armageddon will never happen. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 08, 2021
08.10.2021 21:13
As intimated a long time ago you are starting to see that what was hidden comes to the surface and where there have been crimes against Humanity, the perpetrators will face justice. It is all part of as you might say “clearing the decks” so that a New Age can be established. There will be no place for those whose vibrations are still at a stage of early development and are unable to lift themselves up by seeking the Light. They will be given every help but some are so captivated with the lower level they cannot move on. However, their destiny is to rise up but with freewill the timing is up to them. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 01, 2021
01.10.2021 22:52
The changes continue to take place and will carry on for quite a time yet, one thing leads to another and so it shall continue until all are truly on the same path. It will clearly take some time to raise the levels of those countries that still have populations living in near poverty. It has to change, and it will change as the voices of those who are compassionate to the plight of others find strength and support, to force those in power to respond with the true intention to get things done to raise the standard of living. So much has been wrong for so long that to put it right calls for full support from the governments of the world. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 24, 2021
24.09.2021 22:20
Almost on a daily basis changes are coming and going but not always to your liking. Now the dust is settling, the time has arrived for a reckoning to take place. You cannot go through so many changes without some repercussions that are happening worldwide. The effect of the Covid19 virus has so to say turned things upside down, and now the time has arrived for the cost of it to be taken into account. Coming on top of other problems that have since arisen, the cost to mankind is being assessed. It is clear that all countries will have serious decisions to make as to how the Pandemic will be paid for in times when everyone is feeling the squeeze. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 17, 2021
17.09.2021 22:51
The Light is at the end of the tunnel and getting brighter all of the time and nothing can remove your path towards it. It is your destiny and will conclude your journey through the 3rd dimension. Your freewill experiences will have well prepared you for the future where you will take your place with other Beings of Light. You will have a new life plan that will bring you peace and enlightenment and joyful reunions with those souls you left behind. Your real family eagerly await your return and joyful celebrations will follow. You will soon forget the trials and tribulations of your negative experiences and this is a good time to put them behind you. You will not have to experience them again and the sooner you forget them the better it will be. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 10, 2021
10.09.2021 22:51
Depending on your level of consciousness it will determine how well you interpret the messages. You are not all expected to understand the deeper meaning but there is no reason why you should not understand at your personal level. Times are still confusing but there are underlying changes that are taking you onto a path that will eventually bring you complete satisfaction. Events are being arranged in such a way that regardless of how they affect you personally, the ultimate goal will be reached. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 03, 2021
03.09.2021 21:56
Time has seemed to stand still yet in the period you have been experiencing, so much has changed never to return to what it was previously. This was intended as otherwise you would have been stuck with the old energies when they were no longer suitable. Of course there has been a lot of upheaval and inconvenience, but that has been unavoidable. But you will eventually find that it was all necessary to “move you on”. The best is yet to come and you will see that the sacrifices you have made were well worth it. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 27, 2021
27.08.2021 21:27
It is difficult for you to see the direction things are going in when so much is happening all at once. But for certain, things cannot return as before and most belong to an Age that was suited to its time, but not in the present time when things have moved on through changes that are here to stay. What is happening is that you are shaking off that which no longer serves you, to a more appropriate lifestyle that is suited to the New Age. It has not been easy especially for those who cling to the old ways and some are even scared as to what the changes may bring. However, be assured that in the long run all will be well received and result in a more pleasant life. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 20, 2021
20.08.2021 21:20
The future beckons and is full of promise and of an upliftment of your vibrations, and it is unstoppable as you start to enter a new area of space. In fact it is beginning to affect those of you who are already living your life with Ascension in mind. There are also signs that Governments are losing their appetite for warlike actions, and you will find a growing reluctance to war with other nations. It was expected and welcomed as a precursor to world peace. Countries are seeking a more friendly approach to their actions where differences are causing strife and problems that in the past would have resulted in a cold war. It is particularly apparent where religious differences have previously been so powerful that peaceful solutions have been difficult to come by. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 13, 2021
13.08.2021 22:57
As you adapt to the changes that are being made it has become obvious that some are here to stay. It is acceptable as you have much lost time to make up because you have been deliberately held back by the actions of the dark Ones. However, you have broken loose from their control and are making up for lost time. The changes are making the way you do things somewhat different, and for many who have got used to the “old ways” they do not come easily. But as with any changes you do eventually get used to them and can benefit from them. However on a worldwide basis many countries are so backward or live in poverty it is almost impossible to make up for lost time. Yet if the quality of life is to improve the beneficial changes must come in and quickly before you are overtaken by the climate changes that are already causing havoc. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 06, 2021
06.08.2021 23:15
Many changes are taking place on Earth as the old ways are being replaced with those that are more in line with your needs to move with the necessary changes. As you are now finding, much of which you have taken for granted and has served you well, is no longer adequate for the period of advancement you have now entered. Bear in mind that such changes are normal after the end of a solar cycle. The vibrations are continuing to lift you up giving you every opportunity to raise your own. Some of you will find it hard to maintain such high levels but that is to be expected, as you are not all at the same level of evolution. There is no shame or reason to be disappointed if you struggle to keep a positive outlook and are unable to lift your vibrations, as many souls are like you and as time passes you will progress and be given every assistance to do so. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 16, 2021
16.07.2021 22:46
Things appear to be moving very slowly when in reality it is quite the opposite, as for a considerable time matters have been speeding up. They are reaching a point when it may be considered appropriate for the public to know what has been happening and how it will affect your future. Clearly the truth cannot be kept from you for too much longer and it should be uplifting and explain some of the more unusual happenings. In general it will be good news, as for the first time the Alliance can be open about their activities to contain and reduce the powers of the Illuminati and free you from their control. Their leadership is in disarray and unable to succeed in their plan to control the population. Be assured that they will answer for their murderous and diabolical plans to eliminate a large number of people through a more deadly version of Covid19. They have had to be allowed freewill, but higher forces have prevented their actions from resulting in large scale death. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message - July 09, 2021
09.07.2021 22:57
On many occasions we have mentioned that if you are ready you have the opportunity to ascend. At any given time you can achieve it as an individual, and having passed the marker you are being given help to do so. The vibrations continue to rise up and if you are also lifting yours up there is no reason why you should not be ready to ascend. You should already be aware that if on balance you are 51% or more positive then you are on track to ascend. It means to hold that position you must keep positive by focussing on all that is going to continue to lift you up. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 02, 2021
02.07.2021 22:23
If you were to know the real truth as to what has been taking place for many, many years you would realise that there has been an ongoing battle between the dark and Light. With freewill the dark Ones have been fermenting wars and altercations and causing much fear which energy they feed upon. They have ensured that there are conditions that result in chaos and prevent the people from living peaceful and happy lives. They have continued to feed the negativity that has existed upon Earth for eons of time and hoped to finally decimate the Human Race and take over the world. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 25, 2021
25.06.2021 22:41
At our higher level we see all before us and it is a quagmire of actions that are mostly negative, but we must give credit to those who are attempting to bring stability and purpose into your lives. There is a cleansing taking place that is proving successful but the size of the task is formidable so it is impossible to accurately predict when it will be near to completion, however progress is being made and success is assured. It is no mean task to round up the dark Ones who have broken the Law and ensure a stop to their activities. The purge will go on until it is safe to introduce beneficial changes that will lift the people up. The plan for your upliftment has already been prepared and simply waiting for the right circumstances to proceed. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 18, 2021
18.06.2021 21:57
The end of the worldly troubles is in sight but even when you return to what you would call normality there is much to be done to start anew and leave much of the old behind. With lockdown many countries have been laid bare and their shortcomings so apparent. It is not always the result of mismanagement but circumstances that have led to the acknowledgement of antiquated systems and a lack of foresight. Inequality has led to a great disparity between countries, although it is also due to the misuse of funds that have been kept for personal gain. These situations are coming to light and steps are being taken to remove those who have abused their power for their personal benefit. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 11, 2021
11.06.2021 22:22
The hopes and wishes of the people are gathering force and must eventually bring about changes that are long overdue. It features the removal of those in power who do not carry the best interests of the people, and it is sad for us to see that the only way you can achieve your freedom is through the use of force. The will is there to succeed but until your efforts are drawn together, they cannot fully benefit from the potential power that they have. Thought alone is powerful and all of the time people are projecting them they become a collective that will have the power to materialise them. So never assume that your positive thoughts are a waste of time, as certainly every little helps and remains in the ethers waiting to be used. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 04, 2021
04.06.2021 22:22
There are two main groups on Earth at present occupying each end of the spectrum, you would know them as those of the Light and the Dark. They are both fighting for control of the Earth and as it stands the Light is leading the way. The dark Ones will try by every means possible to regain their position but it will be to no avail. You could say that the dark Ones have had their day but they will not accept defeat. However, as events move on and the vibrations increase their place and influence will cease to have the power to dictate the future of mankind. With the arrests that have been taking place their strength has been diminished and their plan for world domination is in tatters. It is difficult to see it with so much unrest all around, but the people have awakened to what has been going on. They have been making their protests all over the world and will eventually be heard and taken notice of. In reality it is the people who hold the power and when they put their petty squabbles behind them and come together amazing things can be achieved. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 28, 2021
28.05.2021 22:27
Matters are now moving on very quickly and at last the end is in sight of all the problems associated with the coming of Covid19. It is a situation that was allowed to take place, and used to give you more time to think carefully about changes to your way of life. Much has been learned from the lockdown, and there is no doubt that it is obvious that many aspects of your way of life will have to be changed for good. We see it as part of your experience that has caused you to take a deep breath and consider how you could make your experiences more appropriate and uplifting. You will make the decisions with our prompting although as we have told you many times, the final choice will be yours in accordance with the freewill given to you. We see the potential for you and wise decisions will ensure you have chosen correctly. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 21, 2021
21.05.2021 22:17
We see you rather confused and worried about events on Earth that every now and again take a turn for the worse. Be assured that what you are seeing is the final outworking of old ways of dealing with each other. There is less enthusiasm or support for them and there will be no place for them in the coming higher vibrations. How many more times will you try to settle your differences by using force when diplomacy, common sense and a desire to create a peaceful dialogue would result in a peaceful solution. The people tire of violence being used to settle differences and are rising up in anger at their leaders, who seem unable or unwilling to seek answers that bring peace. Eventually common sense will prevail, but how many more unnecessary deaths will occur before peaceful negotiations take place with the necessary “give and take” that will enable success without bloodshed. Peace will come and not a single drop of blood need be spilt in the process. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 14, 2021
14.05.2021 21:18
World events are still very mixed but there are the first real signs of the Pandemic coming to an end. The after effects will last for quite some time but eventually it will all settle down and life will return to some kind of normality. As a result of your experiences many permanent changes are to come, but will mainly address the problems that were holding your progress back. In fact, the coming changes will enable you to speed up your activities, and you should by now have a good idea of what will be involved. Your so called hotspots will be amongst the last to be sorted out and an end to hostilities will come in due course helped by the increasing vibrations that will not support them. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 07, 2021
07.05.2021 22:01
In Europe the Covid19 virus seems to be in decline and relaxation of the measures to end its effect, are beginning to take place. Freewill and karma are in play so that some souls will have a totally different experience to others. Even a soul’s life plan is involved so you cannot say for certain how things will work out. However, on a greater scale for humanity in general, all will be affected in one way or another as things cannot return to the way they were before the lockdowns. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 30, 2021
30.04.2021 22:59
Time marches on and in general terms you can sense that in many parts of the world Covid19 is under control and having less effect. You could say the end is in sight but you have little idea as to the time scale. In some parts of the world such as India the situation is dire and has not yet peaked. It was to some extent expected as the virus is significantly more dangerous to those souls who are of Asian birth. Their immunity is not as successful for them, and in consequence more fatalities can be expected. However, be assured that the souls involved are immediately cared for and helped to overcome their experiences. Great help and love is exercised and any fear or harm experienced is quickly replaced by calmness and caring. Like all souls that have passed over they are quickly restored without carrying forward the result of any aging or experience they may have been involved in. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 23, 2021
23.04.2021 21:22
Everything is moving in the right direction as life is beginning to return to some resemblance to what you would call normal. Yet the Covid19 virus has caused you to make many changes so much so that you will never return to exactly how you previously lived. The lockdown has shown you where you can improve your quality of life and already changes are taking place. You have realised that small is beautiful and more suited to your needs. It is why some of the massive companies have downsized after finding that some of their set-ups have proved too large to continue and have since been closed. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 16, 2021
16.04.2021 21:58
The stranglehold that the Illuminati have had on you is slowly but surely being broken, and so much is waiting to be revealed that will propel you into the New Age. Progress is slow yet all of the time preparations are being made to release information that will prepare you for the changes that are to come. There is so much that needs to be done to lift up the quality of your lives so that your future experiences leave you feeling happy and satisfied. For a long time subtle changes have been taking place to lay down the bedrock of your future, so that you can enjoy life without the intrusion of the various plots hatched by the dark Ones. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 9, 2021
09.04.2021 23:08
More than once recently the Light has been in a position to take control over the dark Ones, only to be confronted with threats of carrying out atrocities on such a scale that thousands of lives could have been lost. But in conceding to them it has not stopped the plan that is still taking shape to weaken their power base. Furthermore the arrests of Illuminati members continues at a fast pace, and there will be no let up until their web of negativity is destroyed to allow peace to descend upon Earth. The Covid19 lockdown has created an opportunity for the Forces of Light to speed up actions being taken with record results in apprehending Illuminati members. Be assured that the Light continues to be the dominant force and is winning the battle for the freedom of the people of Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 02, 2021
03.04.2021 21:18
There is so much going on behind the scenes that cannot yet be made public knowledge, but it should be sufficient to say that all progresses well. The size of the tasks ahead would be beyond your imagination, they involve many thousands of people working for the Light who are gradually dismantling the web of control that the dark Ones have built over a great period of time. It has taken years of planning to build up to the point where the Light has achieved its power, not to just match the Cabal but to overpower them. However, it is not as simple or easy as it may appear to be because the dark Ones will stop at nothing in their efforts to maintain their position, and hold onto the power that gives them so much control over the Earth and its people. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 19, 2021
19.03.2021 22:38
In a way time is standing still and unable to progress until action is taken to finally curtail the power of the dark Ones, to a point where they can no longer interfere with the planned changes leading to freedom from their cynical and evil plan to control and reduce the world’s population. The audacious plan has only been possible through their infiltration and control in so many areas of business and politics, you could say in many instances it has only been possible through coercion, blackmail and even murder. Clearly it cannot and will not be allowed to achieve its aims and it will be upheld by those who are your unseen and often unknown protectors from the higher levels. It has been a long and arduous journey that must soon come to an end so that the New Age can truly commence. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 12, 2021
12.03.2021 22:28
At last events appear to have reached a point where it seems possible for a major event to take place, it could be just weeks away but the timing must be absolutely correct as so much is at stake. It will certainly not be broadcast in advance, as it would give the dark Ones warning of a long established plan to make their supporters answer for their crimes against humanity. Such action would be the forerunner of many changes to restore freedom and the right to be allowed a peaceful life without fear and threats of violence. For too long mankind has been controlled and continually involved in wars or threats of wars, that have been instigated by those whose agenda was for total world control and a major reduction in the population. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 05, 2021
05.03.2021 22:15
There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise. Unbeknown to most people there has been a major battle taking place between the dark Ones and the Light for millennia of time. It is drawing to a conclusion and as a result many changes will take place to release you from the false position you have been placed in for so long. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 26, 2021
26.02.2021 22:52
You must know by now that nothing happens by chance and therefore the Lockdown caused by Covid19 that has resulted in a virtual standstill of your normal activities. It is a worldwide phenomenon during which you have had more than ample time to consider better ways of conducting yourselves and living in peace. There are many matters that affect your way of life and how you relate to others, so that instead of being separated you could come together in mutual respect and understanding. After all you are One yet many, who could come together as brothers and sisters on a human journey where your goals are the same. All of you who have awakened to your divine self are seeking the truth, and no matter what name you have for God there is but the one Universal Prime Creator. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 19, 2021
19.02.2021 22:19
You seem to be at a midway point with no idea where you go from here, yet with the numbers of people catching the virus noticeably becoming less, it would seem that the time has arrived for a final program to be introduced. One that will quickly restore life to as normal as possible, so that the effects of lockdowns can be dealt with in such a way as to restore freedom to lead a normal life. Habits have changed due to the length of time people had to accommodate a new way of life, and most likely some changes will become permanent. It was always going to cause people to look at ways of improving their experience, and give them a realistic opportunity to accept that there would be inevitable changes. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 12, 2021
12.02.2021 22:59
Being given details of what is happening in the broader picture is largely for the need to keep certain activities as secret as possible to protect the Forces of Light. Much is happening that you are unaware of and protecting you from the activities of the dark Ones is a priority. They may have been weakened by your activities to arrest many of them, but they still pose a threat as they have no regard for Universal Law and your lives. In this respect we protect you as far as possible and we are gradually depleting their forces. In the ultimate there will only be one winner as the Forces of Light will reign supreme. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 05, 2021
05.02.2021 22:54
The end of your pandemic is not yet in sight but it will come as increased effort is being put in to reduce its affect. The net result is that time is being bought to allow for more important events to happen that will alter the outcome. It must ensure that it firmly places your feet upon the path that will leave the old behind, and already plans are afoot to permanently change your way of life, cutting out what would otherwise have taken many years to achieve. Whilst reaching a new level of understanding is essential, you must also respond to the opportunity to take a quantum leap forward and make up for lost time that has set you back so many years. We are in fact prompting and guiding those equipped to carry you forward to new heights. Of course the whole world needs to settle down and it cannot happen overnight. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 29, 2021
29.01.2021 22:10
As sometimes happens an expected event has not taken place yet all the signs pointed to it occurring. So how can the outcome be explained that would help overcome your disappointment, after it was expected to be so positive. The intent was quite clear and very convincing because the outcome was considered beyond doubt. Yet a different path was followed to ensure that it laid down an opportunity that could be taken advantage of without causing great trauma and upset. The path to fulfilment may be full of twists and turns but the result is assured and you will progress as intended. The object of what took place will set the scene for further changes that will carry you along the path that allows for those that are necessary to speedily move you into the next phase. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 15, 2021
15.01.2021 22:12
Patience is needed at a time like this when the continual restrictions are still in place and could even get stricter. Certainly there has to be all necessary precautions taken if you are to throw off the manacles that are holding you back. Yet the time you have had to consider where you want to go and how to get there should enable you to see the path ahead. Throw off the old ways and welcome a new approach that is free from the interference of those who have a different agenda for the glorification of self rather than for the good of all. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 08, 2021
08.01.2021 22:49
We can understand your concern at the continuing problems arising from the Covid19 virus and we acknowledge the confusion and agitation that is being caused. However, as muddled as everything seems we assure you that the problems will disappear as quickly as they first appeared. The demanding times have been a test of your endurance without the knowledge of where it is all going, and how it will all end. From our panoramic view of everything we see a quick ending to the effects of the virus but exactly when is uncertain. There are certain aspects that have to be played out before the problems cease and even with your own predictions it will take some months to clear. We are loath to make predictions particularly at this time, as there may yet be some unexpected moments to come. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 18, 2020
18.12.2020 22:16
It has been a traumatic year and it has not yet finished, but we perceive a “happy ending” so do not be downcast as without a doubt better times lay ahead. I will tell you again that “change” is the keyword and a lot will happen in this interim period before it becomes clear what it is all leading to. There are certain preparations that are necessary to put you on the new track that sets you up nicely for the final thrust to Ascension. For some of you it will happen when you are back in the etheric realms between incarnation. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 11, 2020
11.12.2020 21:13
The troubles of the world continue and seem never ending, yet as time passes so the aspects of life that need uplifting become clearer. You cannot expect to continue as before as you had become caught in a vice like grip of the old energies, and it was holding back opportunities to move into a more acceptable and agreeable way of living. It has not taken very long for the frailties of your old ways to be recognised and it is realised now that much of what you have taken for granted must change, It has to so that you can lay down the basis of a New Age that can be developed to give you a more acceptable way of living. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 04, 2020
04.12.2020 22:08
The problems you have been experiencing through Covid19 are far from finished, and causing more problems without an end in sight. Job losses are mounting and future prospects look bleak, and every day more companies are going out of business. It is a symptom of the times you are living in, and the necessity to clear out that which will have no further use in the New Age. Where the US elections are concerned it looks like evidence will be provided to prove that fraud had taken place to prevent Trump from winning. There is ample time to provide proof of it but the outcome cannot be predetermined. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 27, 2020
27.11.2020 22:18
There seems no end in sight to the turmoil that exists all over the world due to the Coronavirus. It is understandable since such a situation has never existed in living memory and is why it has had such an impact and shows little signs of abating. It has however given Humanity time to access their life styles and what they want from the future. It has become apparent that there is much that needs thinking about, if Mankind is to start again with a clear objective in mind that will move on from all that is found to be outdated and no longer has a place in your future. The pace of change will undoubtedly pick up and new ways of making progress found. It is a golden opportunity to take a serious look at the way you have been living. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 20, 2020
20.11.2020 22:55
No one can doubt that we are truly in remarkable times the likes of which we could not have been imagined. Every soul has to make up their own mind as to which path they wish to follow, and to many the Path of Light is too demanding and they are simply not ready for it but hopefully will realise that they are always given another opportunity to ascend. It is not a matter of having to start all over again from the beginning, from a spiritual point of view lessons learned are carried forward. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 06, 2020
06.11.2020 22:49
In the midst of upheaval and uncertainty Mankind is confused as to where it is all leading and is often experiencing depression with no apparent end of it in sight. Hope is born out of good faith in your leaders who in turn are being guided regardless of whether they are aware of it. The lockdown in most of the world is serving its purpose to awaken humankind to the necessity for vital changes to ensure you place your feet onto a new path that leads to a rejuvenation of society, and prepare you in readiness for a great leap in your evolution. You already have some idea of what that means, and the most important aspect is to grasp the opportunity being given to continue raising your vibrations all the way to Ascension. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 30, 2020
30.10.2020 20:57
Dear Ones you may never have thought that you would be on Earth at a time when matters are at the crossroads yet the path for you has been decided, and you may be assured that nothing can stop your progress as you make your way to Ascension. You have done the hard bit and lifted yourselves out of the lower vibrations, and now you can anticipate an uninterrupted pathway as you progress towards your goal. You are making history, and so many sacrifices are being made to comply with the need for a time lock to allow matters to evolve that are essential to your future. We are asking so much of you but please understand that you would have been put in the picture prior to making your incarnation. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 23, 2020
23.10.2020 21:28
Dear Ones you are in the middle of some drastic changes, but be assured that you knew before you re-incarnated what experiences your life would entail. For those intent on being ready to ascend it is a very testing time, but if they are true to their life plan they will avoid being pulled down by events happening around them. It is what every soul that has awakened to the truth has for their goal. It is a one-off opportunity to put the past behind you, and enjoy a new life free from all of the negativity that you have undoubtedly experienced throughout many lives on Earth. Naturally there are many other souls also looking to raise their vibrations, but they are still in a learning cycle and are not sufficiently advanced to ascend this time around. However, they will be acquiring more experience that they can take with them to start yet another life thereby increasing their chance of being successful. No one is forcing the issue and as always help is on hand as soon as they are ready. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 16, 2020
16.10.2020 20:06
What wonderful times you are living in, and I am positive that at some time in the future you will look back and be so pleased you were there to experience a once in a lifetime event. Of course you are bewildered and even confused by what is happening but in time you will understand, when the reasons are made known for the changes you are experiencing now. All you see is chaos and events that seem to spell big trouble for the future yet you will eventually understand and realise it was all necessary and totally in control. Of course there are real hardships but the outcome will be far more acceptable than you could possibly have imagined. The changes are for the better and when your ET friends make their worldwide announcements, no one will be in doubt as to their good intentions. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 09, 2020
10.10.2020 15:06
Life still goes on but for many it is a painful experience and the turmoil grows as many people from poor countries try to find a place in countries that can offer a refuge and safe place to live. With everything else that is going on that has become a problem as the numbers of people has become overwhelming. It is a severe test of each countries approach to the human problem facing them. For some people their future depends on what action is taken now, but with the increase in your vibrations a more sympathetic approach is taking place, but the sheer volume of people is very testing. Be assured that from our level we try to influence you for the good of others and understand that if the problems are to be overcome a worldwide plan is necessary, and it begs the question as to whether you have the leaders that can rise to the occasion and lead the way forward. We can see the possibilities and the “right” people are waiting in the wings for an opportunity to be appointed. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 02, 2020
02.10.2020 19:05
Dear ones, your immune system has never seen this. Most of you have a robust immune system, but for those who don’t your system will overreact to the virus. You might say that the immune system is what is killing the Human Beings, not the virus. The virus will take the dysfunction of your body to a certain level, and then the immune system which has never seen this before will completely overact and cause quick death. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 25, 2020
25.09.2020 22:26
It is by no means an easy time to be on Earth but in the future you will appreciate that all of your troubles will have been well worthwhile to raise the quality of life. We know that many souls were already experiencing problems, but be assured that prior to incarnating upon Earth they knew of the hardships they would have to endure. Even those who have sacrificed their lives were aware of how it would occur and accepted their roles willingly, and in some instances knew it was for karmic reasons. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 18, 2020
18.09.2020 21:21
Your future is up to each individual, each one having the opportunity to project it as they see it and want it to be. It then becomes the great possibility and will gain strength as more souls project similar ideas into the ethers. It is how it should be and you will advance collectively to the degree that you have yourselves reached. So whilst matters are still in a turmoil it is a good time to cater for your own needs and put them above any other commitments you may have. You have entered one of the most important periods in your entire life, and the opportunity is there for you to lay down your own pathway to Ascension. Understand that those of you who have chosen to ascend will need to maintain a high level at all times if you are to be assured of reaching your goal. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 11, 2020
11.09.2020 21:45
As time continues to speed up matters are moving along very quickly, and things that carry the lower vibrations are beginning to find that their very existence is under threat. In not such a direct way a large number of human Beings are feeling that their place in society is under threat and their future is very uncertain. It comes from a feeling of insecurity about their future. The more the vibrations increase the more a distinct difference is being felt by those who have yet to find their true selves. It all leads to the separation of those who are preparing to ascend, and those who have yet to grasp the significance of the period they are in. As time passes the truth will become more apparent, as it is the individual’s choice and decision as to whether they turn to the Light. It will ensure a fair and acceptable outcome as all shall eventually find themselves at the right level that is in accordance with their vibrations. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 04, 2020
04.09.2020 20:16
For those who hope for matters on Earth to return to normal as they were it is a forlorn hope, as although some normality will return the fact is that many changes are for good. It will seem chaotic yet as things settle down it will be realised that all that is happening is bringing about necessary changes. Evolution must continue so that advances can be made that will prepare souls for a new paradigm. You just cannot stand still although it must be said that your need to take an evolutionary jump is because you have been deliberately held back by the dark Ones. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 28, 2020
28.08.2020 21:31
Things are beginning to get back to what you call “normal“ but an astonishing amount of changes are underway that look as though they will become permanent. In some respects the lockdown because of Covid has proved to be an ideal opportunity to sit back and question the ways of living that you have taken for granted for so long. Whilst it is true that many changes have been forced upon you, on reflection you are finding that they are proving preferable to the old ways. It is a monumental time when inconveniences apart, it is bringing out into the open the fraility’s of your old ways. The far reaching effects are seeing worldwide changes that all together will lift Humanity up, and prepared for the increase in vibrations that will eventually lead to a new Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 21, 2020
21.08.2020 22:13
It is possible that by now you have seen beyond the disadvantages of living through Covid Virus and understand that the wider picture is one where the Alliance are using the lockdown to isolate the dark Ones. Many have been arrested and so it continues whilst the people have used the free time to re-access what they have been doing with their lives, often realizing that their best interests are better served in a different manner. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 14, 2020
14.08.2020 23:06
From a short message by Ashtar on the 18th July comes confirmation that order is coming and we will be united through a time shift that we are creating. You are creating the time lines you want to be on. Those that are not ready shall be accommodated and they will be back with you again – as they always return. You are destined to complete this journey. The Way Showers have ensured that the Light of the Violet Flame has won. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 07, 2020
07.08.2020 23:12
These really are amazing times as so much is happening, all at the same time and it must really be confusing for you. You are however assured that in the greater scheme of things all is progressing well. The overriding factor is that nothing can now prevent Ascension taking place and you have now entered a new phase that will carry you all the way in preparation for the final Event. These are unsettling times but understand the Earth must be prepared for the end times and that is why Mother Earth is beginning to become more active. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 24, 2020
24.07.2020 21:17
Humans are very strong willed and determined to overcome their difficulties and challenges to get through what will undoubtedly be a strenuous period in their lives. Having experienced two World Wars and many minor skirmishes, they are hardened to accept the many drawbacks that they face now and in the near future. You will soon be coming out of your enforced lockdowns and other controls intended to keep you as safe as possible. The experience will cause a rethink about how you will live in the future, and how you can improve the quality of life and shake off the issues that still exist from many years ago. Already reviews are taking place to see what can be learnt from your experiences to make life easier and more enjoyable. The New Age is still in its early stages of development and you will have all to gain and nothing to lose. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 17, 2020
18.07.2020 16:27
Matters are building up so much so that something has to eventually break out. It is at long last realized that it would be better now that some secret projects are brought into the open to gain public support. They need to know what is being carried out in their name and be allowed to benefit from them. Free energy is at the top of that list and it would help remove many problems that presently exist. It would free up immense amounts of money that could be better spent reviving economies all around the world. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 10, 2020
11.07.2020 15:13
You may speculate on how it was achieved but the Coronavirus was mainly spread by drones. Its affects will not last much longer but pockets of the virus will tend to keep it going. A remedy for it is on the verge of being discovered and that will clearly help to reduce its potential to spread further. Understand that where some souls have had a bad experience because of the virus, it is as always largely a karmic situation and like earlier instances of this nature is clearing it away. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 03, 2020
03.07.2020 19:49
There is a change in consciousness levels taking place as a result of Coronavirus, and the most important one will be the creation of opportunities for people to reflect upon their future and what they want from life. It will happen on all different levels the most important one being your spiritual understanding, related to your everyday life and the way you conduct yourself and view other people. If you already accept that All is One and the supposed divisions are man-made and largely based upon colour and religion, there should not be any division between the different groups. However, due allowance must be made and freedom granted for each group to practise its beliefs without interference. One group is not superior to another and each have a role to play so that their followers can evolve to a greater understanding of the truth, that will eventually lead them all back to the Godhead from whence they came. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 26, 2020
26.06.2020 22:40
Remember that nothing happens by chance and whilst your experiences may seem that way they often involve many other souls, some because of karma and others who will simply join them. The Pandemic has given many people ample time to reflect on their life so far and decide where they are going from this point in time. It is a chance to reflect on your life so far and whether it satisfies your ambitions, because in many ways time is running out and a new era will come into being. The old ways have served their purpose very well, but a new way forward is beckoning for those who have set their sights on Ascension. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 19, 2020
19.06.2020 22:37
Events are moving on quite quickly but news of them rarely reaches your ears because those that dictate the course of humankind are so secretive about their actions. Sometimes it is necessary for their protection, but as the Illuminati are slowly being set back by the Alliance their influence is considerably weakening. At the same time many of their members engaged in negative activities are being arrested for crimes against Humanity. As a result they are unable to interfere with plans to remove those negative forces that jeopardize the positive work being carried out to release Humanity from the tentacles of the dark Ones. A point should soon be reached where it is possible to work openly and permanently banish them and once again restore freedom upon Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 12, 2020
12.06.2020 22:51
The enforced lockdown because of Covid19 has ensured that people have sufficient time to think about the future and what they want from life. Consequently changes are taking place that will in some instances result in those that are permanent. These had to happen to speed up your pathway to Ascension, as many souls are now ready for such advancement. There is still time to lift your vibrations to ensure you are ready to ascend as it is still some years from occurring. The exact time is not yet known but there is an indication that it will take place during 2029/2030. The changes that are coming will bring into being new and easier ways of doing things, some providing time saving with the net result that you will have more time to yourselves. There are so many advancements that have been held back from you that have long been in use by the dark Ones. Clearly they must eventually be released and once their minions have been rounded up that opportunity will arise. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 05, 2020
06.06.2020 21:15
Realise that regardless of what you do upon Earth, it cannot affect the progress of the changes that are proceeding well as seen from Mother Earth’s point of view. How mankind is reacting to them will determine how easily they take place and the only way is to flow with them and be prepared so that you are not taken by surprise. Governments have a habit of waiting until changes are forced upon them, and by then find it difficult to handle them. It is apparent that there is a sense of urgency connected with the changes and it is becoming evident that your way of life has to change, otherwise you will find yourselves forced to take action, as they impinge on your normal way of life. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 29, 2020
29.05.2020 21:51
The break from normal activities has given people an opportunity to have a deep look at their lives and where they are going. It is a worrying time for many, but is necessary to be able to sit quietly and contemplate your future. Few realize the true significance of what is taking place, but the circumstances reveal how unsettled the population is and how few are satisfied with their lives. This is in part due to the uncertainty of their future that is yet to be determined and there is a sense of loss of direction. It is as you might say “all in the boiling pot” and it is being laid down as you advance as you are in fact creating your future. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 22, 2020
23.05.2020 16:57
Your experiences since 2012 that was the end of the last Age have clearly shown that you are going through change, so that you can release the old that serves no further purpose. You are in the process of a change that will lead you on to the next phase of your evolution. Clearly when one cycle ends another commences so it is necessary to do some cleaning up so as to prepare yourselves for the next stage in your evolution. More so it will separate the “wheat from the chaff” so that each one can continue to follow a path designated to allow for further development, at a level that gives you opportunities to experience the next stage necessary to expand your consciousness even further. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 15, 2020
16.05.2020 14:28
You are beginning to recover from the Coronavirus and most countries are experiencing an upward turn that will allow an easing up of the restrictions you have been experiencing. It has been a costly experience in many ways, not least of all the knock on effect of so many businesses suffering near closure. You have come face to face with the flaws that the business model reveals, and how it has been controlling the lives of so many people. Already they have realised how the world economy has largely been run and manipulated by the banks, revealing that your monetary system has been deliberately subjected to ups and downs to their benefit. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 08, 2020
09.05.2020 23:33
Do not despair at the seemingly never ending changes that are taking place but they are necessary to move you from the old ways that have now served their purpose. There has to be many changes to the way you are living now, some will be far reaching and seem drastic whilst others may pass without causing more than a little ripple. Whether you like it or not we can assure you that once you see the benefits that the changes will bring, you will be more than satisfied and never wish to go back to the old times. Some changes will of necessity take a long time to complete, but at the stage when your Extra-terrestrial friends can safely introduce themselves they will be allowed to assist you and speed up your activities to completion. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 01, 2020
01.05.2020 18:29
Life carries on regardless of what is happening in the world, but it cannot help but be affected in the long run as times are rapidly changing. It has become evident that you are rapidly moving into a new era and have much to catch up with that has deliberately held back from you. The dark Ones have long prevented you from benefitting from the advances that have been made with free energy at the top of the list. However, they cannot be held back indefinitely and the present time is an ideal one to release details. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 24, 2020
24.04.2020 20:53
With time on your hands you all have a unique opportunity to consider your degree of evolution and whether you are firmly on the path to Ascension. It is very important at this point in time as in real terms you do not have that much longer to firmly set your sights on your evolution and take the golden opportunity that is before you to ascend. If it is your goal and you have made every effort to adequately prepare yourself, no doubt you are aware of the need to push forwards and never lose sight of it. With so much happening around you it would be easy to become distracted, so the need to keep well focused on what you are doing is so important. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 17, 2020
17.04.2020 22:26
The testing period you are in is going to make a big impression, so much so that things, many things that you take for granted are going to change. It is hoped that you will seize the opportunity to lay before you a path to Ascension that will reflect the needs that will arise as a result. Your focus should be entirely upon it as you have much to do in preparation for it. We feel that your present experiences will result in a more cooperative feeling amongst nations, who will recognize the Oneness of mankind regardless of color or creed and realise that there is a greater need for a coming together, if you are to make world peace for once and for all time. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 10, 2020
11.04.2020 11:54
The Coronavirus seems to have peaked in many countries and is leaving a trail of problems behind. It heralds a period of introspection as Governments seek ways to avoid such a catastrophic experience again. The after effects will cause many difficulties in respect of seeking a new path that will overcome such a possibility again. Change is the keyword but how do you predict your future needs as you head towards new territory. You have much time to make up as you should by now have been much more advanced than you are at present. Everything you need to step into the New Age is now available, providing those who are holding you back release their hold upon you. Be assured that there are powerful forces pushing hard for your future freedom from restraint and they have been successful in curtailing the power of the dark Ones, although they will always remain a nuisance but able to be handled. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 03, 2020
04.04.2020 15:31
The world has never had an opportunity to sit back and take a look at itself, or test what response it would give in a worldwide emergency. Now one is confronting them it is interesting to see how the main countries are coming together not knowing where the pandemic may take them. The virus that threatens most of your civilisation is testing you to the limit, and it will show how well you can come together to deal with the threats that could bring down some of your governments. The virus is testing your resolve to beat it before matters become too serious. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 27, 2020
28.03.2020 13:27
Mother Earth is in the course of cleansing it and cannot wait any longer for Man to grasp the truth of what is coming. Man’s ways are destroying the Earth and it must now be stopped before it is too late. However, there is no judgement involved as Man has been given freewill but has repeatedly ignored helpful warnings as to the result of his activities. Whilst it is true that some positive changes have taken place it is as you might say “touch and go” as to whether they will be sufficient to avoid a series of dramatic changes that are now needed. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 20, 2020
21.03.2020 19:50
The chaos on Earth is reaching a new level and many of you are understandable confused because it is totally unexpected. As a result of a new virus that you have yet to find an antidote for, your world is experiencing a serious epidemic that has spread so quickly. Many of you thought that with the coming of the New Age that the new vibrations would quickly result in a great upliftment that would soon see the end of such troubles. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 13, 2020
14.03.2020 21:18
As ever time is flying by and is your measure of how it is increasingly going quicker, and you are realising that time is not constant. Once you venture outside Earth and even outside of the solar system it will become more apparent. Eventually you will cease to measure time in your way and be guided by astronomical signs. A human’s life is built around time yet if you were more spontaneous and just allowed things to happen, you would be very surprised at how well synchronised events would be. You have a saying “that old habits die hard” and we realise it will take you quite a time to allow the flow of events to embrace you. You do not have to be a slave to events in your life, but sometimes try and be free and easy. It is of course appreciated that when you are employed you may well have targets to meet, and do not have the luxury of natural progression. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 06, 2020
07.03.2020 15:14
It is the time for reconciliation, as you cannot ascend until you have forgiven those souls who have offended you. You must make peace with everyone who has hurt you in any way and the sooner the better. It matters not whether they are one of the most evil souls living, as you do not help them or yourself if you continue to put up barriers against them. Life is something of a pantomime except that you rightly take it very seriously. However, the fact remains that even the darkest of souls can turn to the light, and they are helped by those who can see the inner soul spark of light in them. No one is beyond redemption and they could become fully lighted given the chance. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 28, 2020
29.02.2020 21:59
At a time when many new inventions are being developed in secret, it is nevertheless a most amazing time to be present on Earth. Behind all of the turmoil that is taking place, great steps forward are being made that will propel you faster than ever into the New Age. Advancements are happening in many different industries and are such that it is going to be impossible to keep them secret. In fact where they are of a necessity there is a certain degree of urgency to get them introduced. Free energy and water are amongst those at the top of the list, and the way that climate changes are taking place, the needs of people in some areas is becoming urgent. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 21, 2020
22.02.2020 16:08
Why do we warn against holding onto negative thoughts, simply because they are energies that build up and eventually take form. Consequently they are attracted by those souls who hold onto such thoughts, even though they represent experiences they would rather let go. The most obvious example is that of the “Devil” that exists in thought form only and does not possess a soul. However, its influence is fearful and although souls try to ignore it, through the fear it creates they are maintaining its existence. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 14, 2020
15.02.2020 19:05
As time passes and the vibrations continue to lift up so gradually the degree of negativity on Earth will decrease. In fact there will come a point where only the positive energies will exist and that means the end of the dark Ones, as they cannot exist at the highest levels. By such a time the “Event” will most likely have taken place and those souls whose vibrations had been sufficiently lifted up, will have ascended. Already many souls are sensing that the changes they are going through are an indication of something “big” that is going to happen. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 07, 2020
07.02.2020 21:45
The secret advances in technology have been going on for over 50 years, and the speed at which they have increased means that you are so far behind it would take ages to bring you up to date. The technology now exists to quickly deal with your present problems that are greatly holding back your evolution, and the dark Ones are preventing you from fully benefitting from it. However, the forces of Light have been trying to create a new scenario so that the rate of change can be speeded up. A complete change cannot go ahead until the dark Ones are stripped of their ability to continue with their control of affairs on Earth. For some time now many of the minions who support them have been removed and imprisoned, but it is a formidable task to deal with thousands of miscreants. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 31, 2020
31.01.2020 21:54
If ever you doubted that the Earth changes are speeding up, the Artic Region is attracting a lot of attention for that reason. The potential sea level rises are known and when they become your reality you may be looking at the permanent flooding of low lying lands. Fortunately, there is ample time to prepare for such happenings, ensuring that people can be moved to safer areas. Obviously to avoid panic it is sensible to make suitable plans well in advance, and the sooner they are started the smoother the re-location of the people can take place. In time with modern advances such problems will no longer represent such a threat as now, but clearly to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 24, 2020
25.01.2020 19:10
You have only to learn of the pending world changes to realise that something big is taking place, as unlike seasonal changes there is disruption and upheaval of a measure never quite seen in your recent times. Mother Earth is almost shouting at you that preparations must go ahead to make ready for even greater changes that are coming with the Event. The longer Mankind takes to recognise the necessity of the changes, the more difficult it will become to handle them and avoid traumatic events that will inevitably follow. By anticipating what is needed in readiness for the future a path can be followed that will prepare the way with the least effect upon the people. A worldwide decision must be made to join forces and share the responsibility for ensuring that progress is made with the least damage to the Earth itself. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 17, 2020
18.01.2020 20:43
The big clamp down on members of the Illuminati continues and inevitably takes time as thousands of individuals are involved. There is no quick answer as matters must be handled in accordance with the law of the land. Be assured that things are on the way to reaching a conclusion, but even so there are other matters that must also be attended to. Originally it was intended to release information little by little but in view of the delays experienced a complete disclosure is now envisaged. It means that as so much has been held back, the changes to come may well be overwhelming. Your whole way of life will ultimately change for the better as things such as free energy will put a completely new way of life into being. The Alliance is prominent amongst those who are pushing for changes to be introduced, and are now in a more powerful position than the Illuminati, so progress has become well advanced. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 10, 2020
11.01.2020 15:00
Dear Ones every effort you put in now to continue evolving will be well worth it, mainly because every soul has an opportunity to ascend based on to what degree they have lifted up their vibrations, because at a certain point they will realise that the ultimate is to not only be in control of your ego but to take full control of your emotions. In so doing you will find that no matter what assails you, you can maintain a calm and peaceful outlook, thus ensuring that you keep your vibrations at their highest level at all times. Slipping back into the old ways will delay progress and a great opportunity to ascend could be lost. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 20, 2019
21.12.2019 13:40
Here we are again looking back on yet another year that seems to have passed so quickly and that has been the pattern for many years now. It is proof that time is still speeding up and if prophesies for this period are proved to be correct, we shall continue to experience many changes. Some are undoubtedly brought about by the actions of mankind and not all are necessarily beneficial. However, there are great movements underway that can hardly be held back any longer and I believe that the year 2020 will at last see some positive changes that will move us away from strife and struggles into a more peaceful time. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 13, 2019
14.12.2019 11:20
As we rapidly approach the New Year the pressure is building up on the authorities to officially announce the presence of ET’s on Earth who have bases underground. They have been in existence for many years and their spacecraft have been regularly seen in your skies. First Contact was made in the late 1940’s, when by agreement ET’s were allowed to have an undisturbed underground presence on Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 06, 2019
07.12.2019 19:45
Dear Ones, I cannot emphasise sufficiently the need to focus on your future, and give your visions of it your full energy, inasmuch that it would be pointless in still living in the past. You are all well into the New Age now and leaving the old behind as it has well served you with its purpose. Already those of you who have awakened will continue to do so and the ultimate goal is to experience Ascension. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 29, 2019
29.11.2019 23:31
By now you should be becoming aware of the changing pattern of the New Age energies, they are pushing ahead more quickly than any previous time. No matter how much people hang on to their old ways the onward movement for change is becoming well established. People are aware that their freedom has been controlled and curtailed to such a degree that they are unable to fully follow their own desires. Perhaps the most important aspect will be considered as freedom of speech that is essential for a growing movement that desires to freely express its opinions. Rest assured that we on our side of the veil are giving you every encouragement to press for the changes that will help propel you along your chosen path. The time for real change has arrived and they cannot be turned back and that particularly applies to Mother Earth whose actions are already felt. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 22, 2019
22.11.2019 20:49
Immediately after the 21st Century commenced the world appeared about ready to make a dramatic leap forward, with the announcement that ET’s were intending to show themselves as part of First Contact, and it was planned to make numerous fly-overs all over the world with their craft. That event never took place and in accordance with instructions from the higher command of the Galactic Federation, it was seen that it would not have been an appropriate time for such an event. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 15, 2019
17.11.2019 12:28
The waiting game for some indication of moves towards positive changes is soon to be over, and will come after major political changes in the U.S. These will be unavoidable and take place in full view and be the first steps to political freedom. For too long election results have been “arranged” by the Illuminati, and only a miscalculation for example when it seemed that their choice Hilary Clinton would be the declared winner but went wrong. They were careless and others took advantage of the situation resulting in Trump being empowered and becoming the President. His term may have to be terminated allowing for the first time an appointment to be made of one who will work for the betterment of all Mankind. You have little or no idea as to what goes on behind the scenes, but not unexpectedly cause your the strongest and most popular party generally ends up the Electoral winner. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 08, 2019
08.11.2019 21:15
If we told you that the world was your oyster you might wonder what it had to offer, when all around you is the great mess that Man has left it in and is continuing to make worse. What you cannot see are the changes going on behind the scenes that would totally change your view about things. We have often mentioned the nature of coming changes, and an end to the disrupting activities of those who have ignored the needs of nature and Mother Gaia to satisfy their own greed. Clearly matters have to be taken in hand so as to put a stop to the destruction that is taking place. Plans have been made and all that remains is to put them into being at the appropriate time, so as to ensure success. We cannot say when that will be but due to the urgency of the situation we cannot visualise it being too much longer. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 01, 2019
01.11.2019 18:18
Changes around the world continue unabated and will do so until the old can be replaced by the new. Advances are happening so quickly now, that you must be allowed to benefit from them thus removing old ideas and systems that are no longer appropriate. In the short time the direction you are travelling in would not seem to be of benefit to you, but see it as clearing the way ahead to allow the new to manifest. You have already spent too long in the lower vibrations and instinctively know that better things are to come. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 25, 2019
26.10.2019 17:46
A solitary life is not necessarily one without needed experiences and offers much time for contemplation, and certainly those quiet periods in your life are opportunities to clear the clutter from your mind. Clear thinking comes with positive knowledge that enables you to follow a life plan that is assured of opportunities to further your evolution. Have a life plan, and if it is in line with your needs it will be supported by your Guides. It will also enable you to make decisions that are going to advance your plans in a way that is beneficial to you. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 18, 2019
18.10.2019 21:51
We see you and the history of Humanity and over generation’s humans have changed. You were seeded on the Earth 200,000 years ago, and 100,000 years before that it was when life began on this planet in a significant way. When you get the invention that is coming it will change everything. When you are able to manipulate and create sustained Quantum energy on this planet, you will have the invention that will change Humanity forever. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 11, 2019
12.10.2019 19:11
The build-up for change is growing, and as we see the greater picture we can tell you that major changes loom large. The impetus has been growing for some time now and more delays are being minimized. The energy for change is now so powerful that it cannot be held back much longer, as many countries are in a state of confusion and the people are getting stronger in their demands. The old ways are no longer being accepted so expect changes that reflect the path the new energies are leading you. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 04, 2019
05.10.2019 19:15
Events are moving so quickly that changes must come soon that will be for the betterment of Mankind. The old guard will not give up their remaining power of control without a fight, but there are new energies gaining strength that will ensure evolution continues as intended. There are many souls waiting to introduce new ways of living, that will help remove the need for labour intensive operation. You have been held back for far too long and now it is time for beneficial inventions to be released that will give you more time to follow your own interests. Changes never come easily, yet come they will and nothing will be allowed to halt their introduction. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 20, 2019
21.09.2019 22:07
With the young people of the world showing more and more independence and determination to bring about changes, the old regime cannot last much longer and must make way for the changes necessary to move Humanity firmly onto a new path that is opening up for them. People are sensing that changes are imminent and are eager to move onto a new path that is free from the old dictates that have become outdated. There are many souls who have incarnated at this time specifically to serve the people and help them understand what is required of them. They have a different outlook and understanding of events on Earth and know that they have an important part to play in bringing the new into being. The old energies are being played out never to return, and already the new vibrations are beginning to lift people up, and their sights are set upon creating a pathway to the New Age. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 06, 2019
06.09.2019 21:07
With the coming of the New Age we are slowly but surely being enlightened as to the significant changes it carries with it. The mystery of “who” or “what” we are is being revealed and Kryon is the principal source as shown by the following extract. Clearly there is a long path to travel before we are ready and able to make it back to the Source, but it is uplifting and heart-warming to know where our future is heading. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 30, 2019
30.08.2019 20:49
There is so much happening on Earth at this time and if the outcome is as intended then you should be well on the way to very acceptable changes. Those entities that influence you for the betterment of all people are trying to influence you to take steps that would hasten your days to Ascension. As we have mentioned quite recently, leadership changes are important so that you can be certain that you leave the old behind, making room for the long overdue advancement that can propel you into the New Age. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 23, 2019
23.08.2019 20:41
The changes that are taking place are all the result of the uplifting of the vibrations, and they are continuing to rise up and for those souls who are still tied to the lower vibrations. it is proving to be an uncomfortable time as they are unable to adjust to the changes. Consequently they are destined to stay at their present level until after Ascension when they will find themselves moving onto a similar planet to Earth. Naturally, those who have lifted up their vibrations will ascend with Mother Earth. There is no picking or choosing as you simply go to the level that is compatible with your vibrations. It is what you have been working for since the last Solar Cycle began and you are to be commended for having reached the higher level. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 16, 2019
17.08.2019 11:36
Many of you are aware that the Cabal was allowed comparative freedom to try and prevent Humanity reaching Ascension. However, they have been unsuccessful in spite of being able to use all means at their disposal against you, and were prepared to go as far as destroying the Earth. You had the support of the Light Forces yet they were not allowed to intervene where your freewill was concerned, but at the same time could assist you once you made positive decisions to bring more Light to the Earth. In other words, they could not do your work for you, but could help you to be successful and you were. The Cabal threat no longer hangs over you, and you have the assurance that you will safely reach that moment in time that you know as Ascension. The Cabal still has some power, but only to delay your progress in reaching your goal and not stop it altogether. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 09, 2019
10.08.2019 18:56
You are the seeds of the Creator and even if you can grasp this in a small way with your personality today, I am telling that you can be all of it. If you could look at yourself and understand you are not just worthy, you are above it all, all of it. No matter what you think tomorrow holds you can soar above it. Every single one of you including your partner will take a last breath someday and humans fear that last breath. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 02, 2019
03.08.2019 18:34
It seems that there is hardly one Country of late that has not experienced problems within their political set-up, and what you presently see in Hong Kong shows the determination of what are mostly young people who insist that politicians and authorities truly represent them. The days of confining people and muting their expressions desiring free speech will soon be over. The wind of change blows hard and it cannot be ignored for very much longer, and those in power will be forced to take note of what is desired. We certainly do not agree with the use of force on either side, but sometimes it seems unavoidable unless you are prepared to concede your right to free expression. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 26, 2019
27.07.2019 16:32
The unsettled countries of Earth continue to sort themselves out, suffering troubles and strife as major changes are often hard to introduce. People become used to a system of management and are reluctant to entertain something different, often fearing the changes that may be necessary. When the obstacles are those who govern some form of confrontation seems inevitable, yet it does not deter the people for holding out for what they want and believe in. It means that conflict is often unavoidable and no matter how long it takes the people will emerge as the victors. Since the New Age commenced in 2012 you are helped by new energy that has taken hold and it is lifting people to a level where ultimately only the truth can exist. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 19, 2019
24.07.2019 17:17
When one views the unrest in the world, it is apparent that much seems to arise from the difference of opinion as to how life should or should not be lived. The problem seems to be one of intolerance to another person’s views or beliefs that all through history has led to confrontations, and even wars. From our point of view we see groups of people playing out their beliefs, but some are more extreme and wish to impose themselves upon others believing that theirs is more important and of the truth. Dear Ones, why can you not allow others to follow their own beliefs knowing that in the long run only the truth will remain. Historically forcing people to follow one set of beliefs has never worked and inevitably led to wars without achieving a peaceful co-existence. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 12, 2019
12.07.2019 23:27
There is no doubt that the vibrations of Mankind have increased considerably within the years that followed 2012, when the New Age officially commenced. It is notable amongst the younger generations who had a head start because they had already lifted up their vibrations prior to their incarnation. Their influence has helped many individuals reach new levels of Light, enabling them to achieve their objectives in a much quicker time. Much of their good work is acknowledged but goes unpublicised, yet in fact they do not seek recognition for it. Generally evolved Lightworkers do not seek a reward for what they do, and it is the satisfaction of doing work for the good of humanity that is their first concern. Nevertheless, should your work be acknowledged it is a credit to your efficiency and dedication to your tasks. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 05, 2019
05.07.2019 22:14
I would like to introduce this week’s message with an extract from one of Kryon’s recent messages, as in my opinion it is monumental in its implications. “I follow the God inside and that is pure, and everything that I control with the intent to listen to the voice and be that thing that is in line with the Creative Source, which is in me and talks to me, and that is why I am not going to age much anymore, because I dropped my karma and I am in control” Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 28, 2019
28.06.2019 22:09
The turmoil of change continues as it clearly causes confrontation amongst you, as certain groups fight change not wishing to move on to more peaceful lives and leave behind all the trappings of war. It is clear that the people have had enough of continual warlike experiences and are tired of them. Even those younger generations who have had little or no experience whatsoever of wars seek a peaceful future, as they have a more heightened awareness and intuitively know what is best for Humanity. There is no doubt that slow but sure peace is being brokered all over the Earth, and even those in the hotspots are beginning to see the futility of continuing with warlike activities. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 21, 2019
23.06.2019 21:11
The dark Ones have lost the battle but not the fight and their presence is still noticeable. However, the low vibrations that their kind carry around, can only influence those souls that are of a similar vibration, and it is apparent in many of the younger members of humanity. Nevertheless, it will not have any effect on those who have evolved beyond that stage. The dark Ones are no longer the power that they were, and their aims to take over the world have dismally failed following many centuries of growth. It means that the shackles that have been holding you back have been removed and you are becoming free souls able to take charge of your own evolution. It is entirely expected in the present times and you should now make much quicker progress. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 14, 2019
14.06.2019 22:17
Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down all over the world, and that should not be surprising in view of the effect the new energies are having. As we have stated on more than one occasion, you are in rapidly changing times that will eventually take you fully into the New Age. In most instances the higher vibrations that you are experiencing have brought about what you call the grass roots of a new way of living that will be far more acceptable and in accordance with the wishes of the people. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 07, 2019
08.06.2019 13:16
Nothing can prepare you for the future except that you expect the best of everything. Be assured that you are already on a path to great changes that will be more than welcome, and fulfil your dreams of having everything that you ever needed and more than you can presently imagine. Already different groups are receiving promptings to advance mankind, but for peaceful purposes and to set up societies that work for the betterment of all without any exclusion. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 31, 2019
01.06.2019 14:45
From our standpoint we see a world that is struggling to come to terms with problems that do not respond to the old way of working. It is clear that you are not going to solve them until you are prepared to look at them from a new perspective. The people as a collective are beginning to realise that a new pathway must be opened up and due consideration given to changes that need to be introduced if you are going to overcome your present problems. The answers are awaiting you immediately you show willingness to move into the new paradigm without any preconceived ideas, and are open to solving your problems in ways not considered before. As always your Guides are ready to assist as they are already aware of the answers to the problems you face. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 24, 2019
26.05.2019 18:52
The long wait goes on and matters seem to keep coming up that look as though important changes are about to occur, without there being a conclusion. Yet there are outcomes that suggest what is happening is all part of the slow process to move away from the old paradigm, allowing the new one ample time to take effect. It is clear much of the old ways that still remain must make way for the new to come into being, and in part that means removing those who stand in the way of progress. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 17, 2019
17.05.2019 21:59
About 11,000 years ago, at the end of the last glacial age, a mini ice age if you wish, there were things happening on this planet and you can search for this and you will find it. These things have to do with what I will call an unusual plasmic activity in the atmosphere. The magnetic grid was much, much different. Mass ejections from the Sun, and the kinds of things that the movies are made of would arrive and hit this planet's magnetic field. This would charge it with different kinds of plasma. It's there for you to see in science history. It's in the ice cores, and in the magnetics you would measure in the layers of the earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 10, 2019
12.05.2019 18:22
There is no doubt that as time passes we are able to see many changes taking place, they go from the weather to the function of big business that is finding that what served them in the past is no longer fit for the purpose. Fortunately progress is being made through new ideas and methods, that will pull people into a new era where advantage can be taken of advanced techniques and methods that will quickly leave the old ways behind. For too long you have been denied much that would have made life so much easier for all of you. That time is now past and new ideas and inventions are gradually coming to light, and they cannot be stopped. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 03, 2019
04.05.2019 16:55
Who said time flies because they were correct and it seems to be going faster than ever. It certainly proves that time is not constant and I do not think anyone would dispute that. Then move forward to a coming period when the vibrations will have become so high that everything will be spoken of as being in the now. You may ponder whether everything remains forever and there is every reason to believe it does. You can travel back in time, so somewhere out there you can view history as things really happened. Much of it goes unrecorded in your history books and in any event is often incorrectly recorded. The Akashic records are your main source of information and are such that you can actually be a spectator at an event as though you were really there. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 26, 2019
26.04.2019 23:00
I am back feeling all the better for a nice break and renewing links with my family. Generally matters seem to be getting out of hand again, but they should be viewed as the last efforts of the dark Ones to prevent us from achieving our goal. Much is progressing in spite of outer appearances, and it is notable that the young people are well organised and able to demonstrate peacefully to achieve their aims. It was anticipated as those souls incarnating upon Earth are far more informed, sensible and organised, to help Humanity advance on the path to Ascension. Bear in mind that most of the changes mentioned cannot take place until after Ascension. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 05, 2019
05.04.2019 22:15
Behind the scenes so much is taking place in a massive joint effort to take away the power of the dark Ones by removing the source of their funding, without which they will quickly lose their power to control events of the world. They never dreamt that they could be defeated and will still fight to the last. The Forces of Light have not been idle and for many years have planned the downfall of the Illuminati. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 29, 2019
30.03.2019 16:03
People have been waking up for some time now to their ability to demand better representation, as their leaders have not truly put them at the head of their list. It seems that some are more interested in service to self, and it is time more attention was given to the needs of the people. Governments have proved to be too big to provide personal attention to the problems that have arisen. There is an arguable need for smaller groups that are given adequate power to serve the people on a more personal basis. Local Councils are an obvious choice if given the power and financial assistance that would be needed. In some countries the people are virtually ignored and have openly stood up against those in charge. The mood for change is very powerful and it must come if you are to move with the times. Needed changes cannot be held back as the impetus is too powerful, but sometimes it is a hard struggle to get going when the dark Ones still interfere with progress. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 15, 2019
15.03.2019 20:01
This year is flying by and together with weather changes should leave you in no doubt that time is continuing to speed up. It is an indication that you are moving up with the higher vibrations that are slowly but surely leaving the lower vibrations behind. It means that as it continues you will move into a greater harmony with everything else, and little or nothing will be left at that level of a negative nature. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 08, 2019
09.03.2019 15:36
Potentially there is nothing you cannot you do if you put your mind to it, and have total belief in your own powers. You are genetically empowered to reach certain levels that will continually rise up as you evolve. You can help yourself by projecting ideas that embrace the changes that you are working towards. By thinking big you can accelerate your evolution, as what you think is projecting the energies of possibility that in time will manifest what you seek. There is however a need to be aware that by sending out negative energies you actual attract more to yourself. Lightworkers are unlikely to do so, but there is a need to think carefully about the consequences of your thoughts before you empower them, and put simply it is that “like attracts like”. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 01, 2019
02.03.2019 15:08
If you ever doubted that big changes were ahead you only have to look at the unusual weather patterns. Add to this a distinct change in the wishes of the people who now desire to have a much bigger say in the affairs of the Earth. For too long they have been subjected to wishes of the few who have led humanity along a path to near destruction of the whole Earth. Fortunately, although small in numbers, sufficient of them have raised their vibrations to carry humanity past the marker of 2012. The consequence is that instead of gloom and doom, you have entered a period of great hope and potential that is now with you. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 22, 2019
23.02.2019 21:15
Everywhere changes are taking place and have been for quite some time, and if you can see the overall pattern you may correctly conclude that the outcome is for a more settled Earth. The emphasis is more on the people who are able to determine their own future. It is also being seen that small is beautiful, and people will eventually merge into smaller compact self-supporting groups. It does not happen overnight, but already you are beginning to see the big conglomerates having to size down. With the coming of changes in technologies it will be seen as a natural and necessary development. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 15, 2019
17.02.2019 16:14
You have an expression that the world is your oyster and it is true, and the pearl inside is you. After so many lives of struggle and a multitude of challenges you stand today on the steps of Ascension. You have held your heads up high and always risen up after the more trying experiences. In some ways it is as well you cannot remember all of your earlier experiences as they would weigh heavy on your mind. Of course they were interspersed with lives that were not so demanding, but the whole time the emphasis was on your evolution. Always the degree of challenge you were given was with your approval, and we never try to advance you too quickly. In fact it is you who are often so keen to push yourselves ahead and we warn you against going for too much, as even with our support it is you who have to perform. There would be no gain for you if we did more than help you along with our advice. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 08, 2019
09.02.2019 17:29
Yet another great message from 2013 answering many questions about our Creation, the coming of life within our Galaxy and what the future is for Humanity. Ascension and Prime Creator - channeled by Kathryn E. May. 30th July 2013. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 01, 2019
02.02.2019 20:49
The door is open wide to those who seek more information, and it is being given in a way that allows for a greater understanding. It is all in preparation for your advancement into the higher vibrations and eventual Ascension. Hitherto we have only given out that which has been sufficient to answer your questions, but now your understanding is such that you are able to expand it. It is time for you to take a great step forward, and there is no limit to the gains you will be able to make. Between now and Ascension you have much to learn, but by the time you are ready for it you will have become Masters in your own rights. At last there is nothing to hold you back and your Guides are ready to help you and able to satisfy your needs. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 25, 2019
25.01.2019 23:19
Following the interest shown in the “Event” extract in a recent message, I am now including a longer extract that is very informative and well detailed. It certainly reads better in the present day, bearing in mind that the original message as per the extract below went out on the 22nd November 2013.
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin. Read More…
“THE EVENT” a Lord Sananda message extract through ElizabethTrutwin. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 18, 2019
18.01.2019 20:29
Time is passing by quicker than ever and that fact alone is proof that you are well on the way to Ascension. Much help is being given to you who have already set your path on ascending, and short of changing your mind you are assured of success. As your Guides can now come closer to you, they will be able to directly influence you thus helping to keep you to your life plan. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 11, 2019
11.01.2019 20:04
Information coming through many reliable sources, not unexpectedly gives much detail about the coming “Event”. I believe it is correct to say that no one knows exactly when it will take place, except that it is coming very soon and to this end much information is being released to prepare us for it. My impression is that the Event will take place approximately around 2028, so at least you will have some idea as to when. However, as the years pass it almost certain that firm indications will be possible, and we should expect to have a much better idea of the timing of the Event. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 04, 2019
04.01.2019 19:58
We can see the full potential that beckons but not the exact time certain events will take place. However, you are at last almost certain to soon see a number of predictions fulfilled, including the changes in politics that will bring you a new order and the curtailment of the power of the Illuminati to dictate your future. Instead a new order should be established that will speed up your advancement into the New Age and the benefits that come with it. As people realise that what is happening will be to their benefit, it will commence to bring the countries together in peace and they will start cooperating with each other. The times of conflict are ending and will be helped by those who will take up positions of authority, and have the power to lead people in the right direction to achieve their aims. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 14, 2018
15.12.2018 17:05
David Wilcock is without doubt the most reliable source of information, as is his video that lasted 3hr.01min.30sec.covering quite a few of the changes that lay ahead, and I believe they will be of much interest now to many of you. The extracts have been condensed, but if you wish to hear/read the full version it is mainly from the section commencing 1hr.51m.54sec.to 2hr.30min.00sec. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 07, 2018
08.12.2018 00:12
The realisation that there is an undercurrent of change taking place is becoming apparent to many more people on Earth. It is also being noted that there seems to be more compassion for those souls in need more than ever before. The Human Race is going through a difficult period at present as those who see the greater picture understand the need for action now. More souls than ever are awakening to the needs of the Earth and her people, but struggle to get the support they need. It is a position from which they will emerge victorious but not without a fight. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 30, 2018
30.11.2018 22:24
As the level of consciousness increases people will become more intuitive and less likely to accept what they are expected to believe. For ages they have been fed with news that has not given them the full truth and at times have been outright lies. Now the situation is changing as people are becoming more aware and they are beginning to demand the truth. Their voices will be heard and at one end of the scale there will be demonstrations until they get what they want. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 23, 2018
23.11.2018 20:28
There are still people talking of the possibility of war between nations, but be assured that all steps are being taken to ensure that it does not happen. The consensus of the people is that they have had enough of war and bloodshed, and that it is now time for Humanity to enjoy the coming together of all people in a worldwide move to broker permanent peace. We in the higher realms are overseeing events on Earth and while we do not interfere with your freewill decisions, at the same time we back those who have dedicated their lives to bring peace to all peoples who are collectively putting out powerful thoughts for total peace to return. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 16, 2018
16.11.2018 21:00
You are waiting for what has become to be known as the “Event” and in the higher realms it is seen as in the Now, and it is therefore difficult to put a date on it. At best it is possible to say that there is a probability it will occur quite soon, and within the period of the next 10 years. However, that should only be taken as a guide as things are constantly changing. It is unwise to hold fast to firm predictions even for such a great Cosmic Event, but be prepared for it to occur within most of your lifetimes. When the vibrations reach the inevitable high point Ascension will take place, and nothing will delay or prevent it. In the meantime it is therefore up to you as individuals to apply yourselves to the task of raising your vibrations so that you are ready for it and assured of going through. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 09, 2018
09.11.2018 22:02
The Illuminati are now being recognised for what they really stand for and no longer able to fool the general public or authorities all of the time. It means that progress can now be made much more quickly on the path to Ascension. It helps stop the confusion that has existed for a very long time, and now it is much easier to identify those who are working for the dark Ones. Those souls who are unenlightened are still being given opportunities to raise their vibrations and turn to the Light. For those who have a spiritual revelation, there is much help on hand and given to encourage further development. No soul is pressurized to turn to the Light, and it will be by their freewill choice. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 02, 2018
02.11.2018 21:15
About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master plan to put in place, and to Ascend Earth. The plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new plan had to be made because the dark Cabal had taken the grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 26, 2018
26.10.2018 20:37
“Time waits for no man” is perfectly true now that you are in a period when matters are moving ahead very quickly. You may not see it from your perspective but be assured that since the New Age commenced things have speeded up, in spite of the delaying tactics of the Illuminati. Their ability to dictate the outcome of events has been taken from them, and it goes right back to the late 1980’s when they were making plans to destroy the Earth. Since that time the Light Forces have successfully countered their continued attempts to hide the truth and hold back your advancement. Old problems are slowly but surely being solved and it has been firmly established, that another World War will not be allowed in any circumstances. Indeed, the Forces of Light have been so successful, that there is a growing movement for making World Peace. The era of Dictators running countries has almost come to a close and when the last one has been removed, plans for peaceful co-existence can go ahead on a worldwide basis. Certainly there is still much work to do, but when the pathway is clear things will suddenly start picking up. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 19, 2018
19.10.2018 19:02
As the new cycle continues to impose itself upon the old one, great conflict has occurred between the two as new ideas are emerging whilst there are those who are prepared to hold onto the old ones at any cost. In consequence progress is very slow, and sorting out the entanglement of the old and the new is proving a difficult task. However, the new must be established to move mankind forwards, and introduce new ideas that will completely change the way of life. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 12, 2018
13.10.2018 17:18
You are reaching a point where you cannot fail to start achieving your aims for the future. It matters not in which direction you are heading, you will get support and help to achieve your ambition. As you continue to evolve you will acquire all of the talents that you will need to succeed, but help it along by concentrating on your goal. You will always have your Guides around you so call upon them if you need help. Understand that when you are born you come with the essence of what it is you are aiming to be, and know that at various stages in your development there will be key points to help you along. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 05, 2018
10.10.2018 21:53
You are rapidly approaching the end of the year, and looking back realise that time is still speeding up. The vibrations continue to lift up and slowly but surely many souls are also experiencing a change in their vibrations. The result is they feel more at ease and less inclined to have drastic mood changes and feel able to experience some negativity without any lasting effect. A peaceful and fulfilling experience beckons and calmness in the face of any upsetting experience. You can be a catalyst for peace when conditions are very changeable as at present, and will find people gravitating towards you for that reason. It is all part of your evolutionary experiences, and by example you encourage other souls to follow your way of life. At present the outer world continues to be in a turmoil, yet at the same time it is so to say clearing up old problems, and thereby releasing karma that has often accumulated over many centuries. However, now that you are in the New Age you cannot take it with you, and it has to be worked out and finally cleared for once and for all. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 14, 2018
14.09.2018 20:03
Progress may seem slow but in reality so much is taking place. You are looking at worldwide events that are slowly but surely pushing the dark Ones back, and preventing them from being able to prevent good progress being made. What only few of you will know is that the Lightworkers operate at a high level, where they have the influence and power to set moves in position that will further advance matters to the benefit of the Light. There has always been a plan to oust the dark Ones who had reached a stage where they were lulled into false confidence into believing that they were close to taking over control of the Earth and its people. The plan has always been to see that once Humanity passed the marker, those souls who were ready would in any circumstances successfully reach Ascension. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 07, 2018
07.09.2018 20:19
I believe our curiosity about our past is now being covered by some recent messages, as it seems that now we have passed the marker of 2012 we are considered ready and more evolved to accept and understand more about our past. As we are now on the path to Ascension we certainly expect to become more enlightened. We have been held back for many, many years and have much to learn about the truth of our past. The future is becoming more clear and welcoming, knowing that we are leaving the old lower vibrations behind, with all of their dark energies and those souls who refuse to return to the Light. Peace and happiness is beckoning and in the not too distant future we shall be so evolved, that we become Galactic beings. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 31, 2018
31.08.2018 17:48
The dark Ones have spent many, many years establishing a set up in high places that gave them a solid grip on events that enabled them to dictate the course of humankind’s progress for their own purposes. It may be difficult for people to accept that they were behind both World Wars, inasmuch that they perpetuated the violence and carnage for their own ambitions. Through them they had a target to drastically reduce the human population, and disrupt any attempts to bring an end to wars. They have been successful except that in recent times their dominance has been broken, and they no longer have the power to dictate how events progress that are now providing the means to bring peace to the world. A massive cleansing is taking place and many key Illuminati members have been removed from power, and that has broken their hold on it and the Light is becoming the dominant force. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 24, 2018
24.08.2018 22:00
Your authorities have been trying to speed up the changes that have been set in place. They have obstacles to overcome and there is a feeling that the time is approaching when some initial announcements can be made, that will settle those who are running out of patience, and in general will be accepted as a sign that the Forces of Light are finally pushing for completion. The first real steps forward should soon be followed by announcements that will so to say “get the ball rolling”. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 17, 2018
17.08.2018 18:40
Time marches on and be assured that measurers are being taken to speed up the introduction of the many changes that are waiting to be introduced. It has finally been recognized that the situation is becoming intolerable and that the people are desperately waiting to see things come to fruition. Humans by nature are inclined to be impatient, and for example some years have passed since the first mention of revaluation being prepared for introduction. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 10, 2018
10.08.2018 18:14
You have so much to look forward to and we have given you ample indication with a picture of where you are heading. Time and time again we have informed you that the old energy is dead and you are no longer bound by its dictates, and have relative freedom to choose your own path to Ascension. It therefore follows that matters develop according to the activities taking place on Earth, although encouragement is given to keep you pointed in the right direction. Out of the apparent chaos and uncertainty that presently exists, there are changes taking place to create a basis for a new way of looking at things with a view to achieving permanent peace on Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 03, 2018
03.08.2018 21:41
The massive funds kept safe and under the control of St. Germain will when possible and in due course ensure, that great strides are made to quickly bring much needed changes about. It will be well beyond the ability of the dark Ones to interfere with the release of such monies that are safe and well protected. The syphoning off of money intended for good work will also be prevented by the total safeguards already in place. Be assured that plans for the restoration of the Earth have already been made, and as was previously mentioned are in no way going to be allowed to fail. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 27, 2018
27.07.2018 17:04
You wonder how much longer you have to wait until events start to take place as promised. The truth is that on a higher level all is in the “now” and it is difficult to pinpoint a date for an exact happening. The most that can be said is that certain ones are destined to occur regardless of any other activity, particularly attempts by the dark Ones to prevent them happening. When the higher powers declare that certain events are to take place, you may rest assured that they will. They are beyond interference from the dark Ones, and can ensure that progress follows a path that leads to success. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 20, 2018
20.07.2018 18:00
Dear friends there is much in the way of important news coming from Kryon, and we need to awaken our awareness to the changes that herald the commencement of a new cycle that is going to take us far beyond the limitations of the old one. We are heading for a new area in Space that will take us into higher vibrations. It will finally see the end of the dark Ones as they simply cannot exist in them, and will remain in a level that resonates with their present one. Meanwhile you are gradually being introduced to Quantum Energy that you will need to understand as soon as possible. A parting of the ways is coming so play your part in helping the New Age to continue manifesting, and all will be assured as going well and proceeding as expected. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 13, 2018
13.07.2018 18:47
You have noted for some considerable period that time has speeded up and continues to do so. It is a positive indication of a continuing change upon Earth, and as the vibrations increase you enter further into a new area of Spaced it will continue to be your ongoing experience. With the uplifting of vibrations also comes a more peaceful existence with less negativity and much more harmony between all living creatures. You have already seen examples amongst animals with the most unlikely friendships, and it is truly an example of the biblical story of the "Lion lying down with the Lamb". So what does it signify, as surely it must be a lifting up of the vibrations bringing about more harmony and peace upon Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 06, 2018
07.07.2018 14:23
How long is it before you advance into the promised future and experience the many benefits that have been spoken about, it depends very much on you. At present the conditions upon Earth are deteriorating and a solution does not seem to be coming. Yet the answers are known, and it is only a matter of time before a wave of expectation resulting from what is approaching lifts up the people. Certainly many sources have been tirelessly working to get things moving, so that an announcement can be made to keep you in the picture, and encourage a more acceptable outlook. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 29, 2018
29.06.2018 18:23
At one level there is some excitement, as the indications seem to suggest that matters regarding revaluation of the currencies have advanced and are almost ready to be released. However, it should be noted that completion of the transactions is not in itself necessarily the green light to go ahead. It is such an important step to take that the decision will be made by those who have a complete picture as to the likely outcome. However, the outcome is assured and absolutely nothing will prevent the many changes that are going to lift humanity up. Keep focussed upon a successful outcome and you will be helping it come sooner than later. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 22, 2018
23.06.2018 14:58
The uncertainty in the world still continues with no apparent end in sight. However, those who are working for peace and needed changes are hard working to ease Humanity into an era that must come, as the vibrations continue to lift up. The essential changes are in respect of those who are ready to take over important roles running the different countries. A few are still controlled by those who serve self and are not allowing democratic rule to take place. It will come because it has to so that despots and the like make way for those with a more liberal approach to politics, and put the people first.
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Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 08, 2018
08.06.2018 21:10
Your patience is remarkable and to be commended as you have known that important events are affecting you and your world. They have been near to being revealed for quite a long time, and you will be rewarded in more ways than one and will know by now that nothing can prevent the changes from taking place. The planet itself is also going through critical changes, and has been so for quite some considerable time, and is responsible for the indifferent and unusual weather patterns you have been experiencing. The final outcome will be to your satisfaction and joy as the extremes you experience, will no longer take place. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, June 01, 2018
01.06.2018 22:33
The space around you seems empty yet because there are many levels of existence it is in fact alive with many different forms of life. You talk in terms of dimensions for easy understanding, but in reality one vibration smoothly runs into another without any clear division. Each of you is at your own level that is consistent with your present vibration. You reach the higher levels of vibration as a result of your ability to project energy of love that is of the same higher vibrations. By maintaining a constant high level you can evolve even further, to the point where they are so high that you are no longer affected by the lower vibrations around you. It is because the more you can raise your vibrations, the more you are protected by your Light that is all powerful. At your present levels you would be unable to stand in front of highly evolved souls of Light unless they lowered their vibrations. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 25, 2018
25.05.2018 23:50
Time is beginning to pass even faster than previously and it is a definite sign that the changes are speeding up. Much is waiting to be revealed that will bring into being changes that are very desirable and will be welcomed by all. The old is slowly being replaced by the new that shall make it clear that the New Age is underway. Humanity is beginning to understand how their presence on Earth is affecting the planet, and is looking to move away from those things that continue to support the negative vibrations. In this respect much progress has been made through the creation of smaller groups of dedicated people that are doing their best to bring harmony to everyone. It is also attracting more people who seek to bring more Light to the Earth. The positive effects will snowball and help raise the vibrations even further, and it is all being achieved in very arduous and trying circumstances. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 18, 2018
18.05.2018 21:42
Kryon continues to give revelations of the intended future for us. Gradually we are learning more about the Pleiadians our forefathers and obviously it is sensible to ensure we know what part they will play in our future evolution. We have had little knowledge of our history, but slowly and surely we are now being made aware of it. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, May 11, 2018
11.05.2018 17:23
Many things are happening on many different levels and some are so secret that the facts may never be revealed. These situations come about through the competitive nature of the different countries that try to lead the way, particularly in respect of technological advancements. So the race to get their hands on advanced technologies that are buried in the Antarctica sites that are under the ice is causing a great deal of secrecy as to their findings. However, the whole matter is so big it is beyond any one country to keep it secret for very long. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 20, 2018
20.04.2018 20:47
The current altercations of the West with Russia over the Syrian forces and their likely use of chemicals should not escalate any further as neither side has the appetite for another war. Diplomacy should be able to find a way of cooling the situation as the escalation of it will not help anyone, or the rise in sentiments that now look for world peace. In truth the people have had enough of wars and for some time now have urged their leaders to broker peace agreements that lead to permanent peace. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 13, 2018
13.04.2018 19:00
With the awakening that is slowly taking place, people in general are waking up to the way they have been deceived by the Press. They are also becoming aware of the extensive censorship that is used to keep them permanently in the dark regarding home and world affairs. Gradually the truth is slipping out and in time it will be vastly different and impossible to conceal it from the people. Ahead there is a different time coming when you will only be able to tell the truth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, April 06, 2018
07.04.2018 19:47
Dear Friends, I came across this message in my file, and in view of the period of change we have just entered it is now more relevant than ever, by giving us a clear view of what to expect in the near future.
ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL 27 NOVEMBER 2011. Questions put to the Andromedan Council. Read More…
ANDROMEDAN COUNCIL 27 NOVEMBER 2011. Questions put to the Andromedan Council. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 30, 2018
30.03.2018 16:24
The vibrations are picking up quite quickly and are already having an effect that is noticeable. There is a mood change amongst people that is resulting in a more peaceful approach to world matters. Sympathy for those who are needy and live in poor conditions has grown, and the oneness of the Human Race is being understood and appreciated. There is a coming together of those who have at times been arch enemies. At last the futility of war and its consequent outcome is being seen as unacceptable, and there is a movement towards mutual cooperation. There are opportunities arising for settling old issues in a way that is acceptable to all who are involved. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 23, 2018
24.03.2018 12:53
For some time now much has been happening behind the scenes, and if anything has increased as the dark Ones are removed so as to ensure that the needed changes can go ahead without interference. Over a long period matters have been formed so that they could manipulate events and turn them to their advantage. Those days are almost over and they are no longer the power that they used to be. In the meantime no opportunity has been overlooked in establishing a web of Light that will be fully activated at the appropriate time. More support for the Light workers has arrived and their influence will help speed up the changes. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 16, 2018
16.03.2018 18:39
Be assured that all goes well and although it is chaotic in some countries. The underlying reason is that dramatic changes are occurring, that are necessary to make way for that which is to be introduced. The changes are all part of your introduction to the New Age that is gradually showing itself as the old energies dissipate. Do not be dismayed at whatever measures are called for to clear the old away, as you will have everything to gain in the course of time. As time progresses the old ways that have no place in the future will gradually disappear. It will be an unsettling unavoidable situation, so never lose sight of the fact that the best is yet to come. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, March 09, 2018
09.03.2018 19:32
As always much is still happening that it is out of sight, and the good news is that most of it is in preparation for the coming time when the details can be given out. Activities continue in Antarctica but you will recall that they were soon subject to a cover up about new discoveries, following those that were sensational inasmuch that extremely tall Human Beings were found encased in the ice. However, the facts cannot be hidden from you indefinitely, as work in those areas will go on for many years due to the sheer size of it that needs to be uncovered. Freedom of Information has its place and should be fully applicable in peaceful times. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 23, 2018
25.02.2018 12:49
The future is in the hands of every soul, whilst some will project specific changes that they would welcome, others simply wish for the better without necessarily being specific. The net result is that as a Human collective you will determine what the future holds for you. You have already been informed of new advancements that have in the meantime been developed and simply await the right time to be introduced. Be aware that there will always be those who try to hold onto the old ways, so be assured that progress cannot be stopped. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 16, 2018
25.02.2018 12:04
Things you are involved in connected with bringing the New Age, move along very slowly on the Earth, yet the net result is that you are beginning to bring the changes about. Human thoughts are now more inclined to seek a peaceful path, having tired of the continual threats of war and confrontations. No sooner do you overcome one problem then another arises, and in part it is a legacy of previous actions by the dark Ones. Their set-up is still active but is diminishing with time, and is becoming fragmented. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 09, 2018
09.02.2018 18:12
As time progresses you should be aware that you are creating a new life for yourself. You are slowly beginning to discover the real you, a Being of magnificence and inner beauty. You are beginning to understand that “judgement” is something that you must overcome if you are to finally reach the level of a Cosmic Being. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, February 02, 2018
02.02.2018 18:43
The momentum is building up that will hasten the first changes, heralding the beginning of the introduction of new measures that will signal the New Age is really under way. There is an underlying sense of urgency so that the new can begin to replace the old that has now served its purpose, and is no longer suitable for peoples current needs. The old ways of confrontation will be replaced by the urge to move on and settle old issues in an amicable manner, without the use of force or threats of retaliation. Changes must come very soon and people will look up to the bigger powers to set a good example of peaceful co-operation. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message January 26, 2018
26.01.2018 18:11
It seems apparent that the battle by the dark Ones to retain some kind of power on the Earth reached new levels when they attempted to destroy Hawaii and Japan. However, their nuclear devices were stopped from operating in accordance with orders from the Forces of Light that control events on and off the Earth. Certainly great numbers of people who have been working against those of Earth, have been arrested and placed where they can no longer cause trouble. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message January 19, 2018
19.01.2018 19:24
Yet again I find that Kryon has put out a message that contains very important information that will help to increase people’s awareness and understanding. It also tells us how we are going to help to learn how to get on with each other. The idea of war will be replaced by tolerant and peaceful intentions. Learn about the new triad that is the new consciousness and realize that with the upliftment of the vibrations, Mankind is leaving the old paradigm behind as it has served its purpose, and makes way for a new one. Have no doubt that a new era has begun, and once the old ways are disempowered progress will speed up as that which has been hidden will be revealed. You the people are already helping create a new future that will be one of peace and loving intentions. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 12, 2018
12.01.2018 18:45
I cannot emphasise sufficiently what a fantastic achievement it was of yours to pass the marker in 2012. From here on you will begin to see the signs of positive change around you, and the quicker the vibrations increase, the quicker they will manifest. In general terms some of the most important changes that will affect everyone are with the general lifting up of the vibrations. The higher energy will transmute the lower energies so that negative actions will begin to lose their power, and the ultimate will be when only the higher vibrations can exist. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, January 05, 2018
06.01.2018 18:39
Another year has passed quicker than ever, full of events that have given you a tremendous lift for what is coming. As the years have flown by since the present Age commenced in 2012 so things are starting to take shape that will signal the reality of the New Age. So to say, the dust has settled and now you should be able to see the beginning of changes that are going to carry you forward. As you must already be aware, much is being held back until the right time to be released, and that really means the safe time. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Message, December 22, 2017
22.12.2017 21:14
I thought it would be nice to finish up the year with a message of my own. I feel it is vitally important that a soul who knows it is well on the path to becoming ready for Ascension, should be aware of some of the changes that are now in place, or are expected in the very near future. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 15, 2017
15.12.2017 17:52
It seems that time is still speeding up as the final days of 2017 draw near. As predicted the seasons are gradually running into each other, but in the long run things will level out and certain to be to your liking. Meantime things can get challenging and the animal world is being affected, but it is in no real danger as they can move to new areas. Their food supplies are a different matter, and where they are being depleted it can force them to find alternative sources. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 08, 2017
08.12.2017 18:06
A year that always promised to be one of much activity has not been disappointing, and the uncertainty of worldwide politics is still in a state of change. Behind those that are coming, are the slow but certain moves towards establishing Governments that not only truly represent the people’s interests but put them first. So more changes are to come and will show a distinct move towards open and honest representation. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, December 01, 2017
01.12.2017 21:08
Dear Ones the future lies in your hands as having been able to move beyond 2012 into the New Cycle, you are now creating a path to Ascension. At present it would seem that chaos rules yet even now the number of trouble hotspots is becoming less. The present uplifting energies are pulling away and leaving the lower energies behind, and soon there will come a time when the dark Ones have little of the energies left to feed off. Be assured that there are already less and it will result in the break-up of their ability to influence events on Earth. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 17, 2017
17.11.2017 18:28
The new cycle is well under way, and you should bear in mind that Humanity as a collective is creating exactly how the new era shall develop. The old is no longer automatically taking its place in the new cycle, and in fact it is not necessarily relevant in view of the higher vibrations that are now being experienced. Entirely new times are being introduced that are consistent with your coming needs. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 10, 2017
10.11.2017 18:27
Events are moving ever more to a conclusion where re-valuation of the currencies is concerned. That it will happen is beyond question, and the first countries to benefit have already prepared themselves to go ahead at short notice. As you are undoubtedly aware, many things are progressing well that signal the significance of changes that are occurring all over the world. The old energies are dying away but not before causing some confusion and upsets. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 03, 2017
03.11.2017 17:54
It is important that you bear in mind that as you are in a new cycle, a new paradigm will begin to take shape. It will be formed in such in a way that as time passes you will begin to see how the future is being laid out before you. It will bear little resemblance to the previous cycle, as the new energies that have been created are bringing harmony and peace to the planet such as not previously experienced by you. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 27, 2017
27.10.2017 17:45
Matters are coming to a head where the re-valuation of the currencies is concerned, and the degree of urgency is such that extra efforts are being made to progress. Everything seems to be ready and many are anxious to get started with a scheme that has required much planning and co-operation of the countries concerned. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 20, 2017
20.10.2017 21:17
Whilst time continues to speed up, your concept of events upon Earth leaves you with the impression that there is a stalemate and that things are at a standstill. However, we can tell you that behind the scenes, much has already happened and it is ensuring that the New Age continues to establish itself whilst keeping the old energies at bay. So do not despair as all is progressing well and in accordance with the plan for Humanity. The old paradigm is finished but those who fight to hold onto it and against change, will sooner or later have to admit that they have lost the fight. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 15, 2017
15.09.2017 20:20
As you are beginning to realise you are on the verge of something big, because some events can no longer be held back and you can expect some action very shortly. Fortunately you have been very patient, and it has made the process of change so much easier. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 08, 2017
08.09.2017 17:58
Dear Ones do not be influenced by the outer signs of turmoil and ongoing problems that seem to be endless and show no signs of coming to a conclusion. As you will see one day soon when you look back, the New Age commenced as predicted but it took time to establish the new ways of life. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, September 01, 2017
01.09.2017 21:03
There is no doubt that time continues to speed up, as you make progress towards the time of great changes that will transform your world. You are venturing further into the higher vibrations that come with the photon belt, and they will transform your Earth into what will eventually seem a paradise compared to your present life experiences. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 25, 2017
25.08.2017 18:01
The most important events that are waiting to go ahead are dependent on the first move to introduce a re-valuation of the currencies. It is the key to many important changes that have been prepared in advance, that will see elections quickly arranged to enable a new Republic to be established and a new President installed. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 18, 2017
18.08.2017 18:58
Be assured that everything is proceeding well in spite of the outer appearances. The new energies are becoming established, and in consequence the old ones are struggling to maintain a place upon Earth. It is like a battle to survive except that the old energies have had their day and losing their power to continue existing, and eventually will die away. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 11, 2017
11.08.2017 19:50
You are well into the New Age and the necessary changes are progressing and beginning to take place. They cannot be stopped and are necessary to commence the establishment of the new version of the Earth. The old Earth is to be cleansed and all that is of the lower vibrations will disappear. Read More…
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, August 04, 2017
06.08.2017 16:07
The vibrations continue to rise and those souls of the lowest vibrations are slowly but surely finding them more difficult to deal with the and as a result they become disorientated. Needless to say, they will leave such levels when Ascension takes place, and move to one that they find comfortable and to their liking. Naturally those of you who are raising your vibrations will feel no adverse effect, and on the contrary will become enthused and uplifted by them. All souls that are able to go along with the higher vibrations will find that their life becomes more pleasant and rewarding, and they will be attracted to those souls who are compatible with them. Like attracts like and it is so where you are concerned, although for karmic reasons many souls of different levels can be a part of your experiences. Indeed, karma takes precedence over other considerations, as it is a major factor in your development.
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