Galactic Fleet Command: Facing the Shadow on the Hearth
12.02.2021 22:11 Galactic Federation

by Beth Stormont
Beloved Ones, we greet you with love and joy on this beautiful sunny morning. We realize that you may not see life on planet Earth as one about which to be joyful, due to circumstances around you and throughout the world.
Please know that what you are only able to see in your world is the opposite of what we see on the other side of the veil. Because of the duality/polarity aspect of your present 3D world, you see things as exact opposites at both ends of the same pole. The idea is to bring them together and merge them into the ONENESS that they truly are. On our side, we can see that Oneness as it is already beginning to happen. (We reiterate: Manifestation occurs much more rapidly in the etheric than in your dense 3D physical world. Therefore, whatever has already manifested where we are has not yet happened in your 3D world.)
That being said, the main topic we would like to address today is what is called by some systems of thought, ‘Facing the Shadow on the Hearth’. You may be thinking, “What in the world does that mean?!” — and we fully understand.
Let us address this further. You have been told multiple times to think only positive thoughts so as to not give fodder to the evil of the Forces of Darkness. Positivity has been praised for a very long time as being the only loving and good thing to feel and express. Therefore, any negativity has been repelled… but at what expense? It has not been actually driven away — it has only been suppressed… driven down further into the subconscious layer of your being. This is what has happened not only individually but on a collective scale throughout eons of time.
All that is happening throughout the world today is the releasing of that stored negativity as the light is being shined on all that has been hidden in darkness. It has to come out and be expressed before it can be released. True positivity can reign only when the dark evil has been revealed and released. This is now being done on a massive collective scale throughout the world — and that is indeed good!
There are two major points we would address in the name of this topic.The first one we have just addressed here about the actual evil that has reigned on the planet for eons of time and kept Earth’s humanity under its subservient control.
The second major point we wish to express is about the negativity inherent in the polarity/duality aspect created for the purpose of learning and evolving in the school of planet Earth. The errors you make in your experiential lessons – thus incurring karma – are on the negative end of the pole. However, they are just as necessary in the learning experience as are the many things you ‘do right’… the positives. As a matter of fact, it has often been said that one learns better from a mistake than from doing it right — you never forget a mistake!
Therefore, when a mistake is made, it is important to recognize it and do something about correcting it, is it not? That is where karma comes into the picture. Rather than as a punishment – the way it is often erroneously viewed – it is a tool for aiding the learning process. The mistake has been nothing to feel guilty about, as you have so often been made to believe… that you have committed a ‘sin’ and need to be forgiven for the ‘error of your ways’. It is just a lesson to be learned. That is the way of learning, evolving, and graduating from this Earth school… certainly considered the most difficult of all the schools throughout the Universe!
As you awaken from the deep sleep of this illusory 3D world aspect of planet Earth, you will see more clearly the right and wrong of your present life, as well as the need for the cleansing and purifying process… both individually and collectively.
We mentioned above about ‘facing the shadow on the hearth’. This is where that comes in. As you turn towards the hearth and see a fearful shadowy figure there that you have been running away from, you will see that it is only the shadow of your own self – the negative aspects of self… actually, the darker shadow side of yourself. Indeed, the shadow side is a natural polarity part of every 3D human for the purpose of experiencing, learning, growing… and evolving!
This is what will make ‘facing the shadow on the hearth’ of extreme value to you:
First of all, ‘acknowledge’ that shadowed negativity… then lovingly ’embrace’ it … and finally, ‘release’ it. It is all very simple:
ACKNOWLEDGE… EMBRACE… RELEASE. The most important is the releasing. Do not remain wallowing in it; be sure to release it immediately! And it does require a degree of trust or faith.
Dear Ones, as the myriads of light beams from above and from within are penetrating your beloved Mother Earth, a massive awakening is taking place on a daily basis. In your 3D sleep state you are seeing primarily the darkness – the negativity that appears to be so prevalent on the surface of the planet. It appears as the greatest of nightmares! When you have truly awakened, you will see it all through different eyes.
However, the evil must be revealed in the light of love. And the negative aspects of you – both individually and collectively – must be addressed and resolved. Let ‘The Shadow on the Hearth’ aid you in that process… both individually and as a member of collective Humanity.
We send you all our love and light for a wonderful experience of traveling with Mother Earth on her long-awaited journey home to the reality of her 5D Self!