Who are the Illuminati?

In these Accountability and Reconciliation phases of Ascension, some people may for the first time be hearing about a group that has so far managed to operate largely in the shadows. Or people have ignored what they consider to be “conspiracy theories.”
By now, the reality of this group and their agenda is becoming better known. Let me offer an introduction to them here from the messages of Matthew Ward.
They call themselves the “Illuminati” or often the New World Order. They are called the “deep state” by whistleblowers and their investigators.
They’re very far from being illumined and many of their ranks scoff at God and worship Satan. But the name stuck.
The group thought of themselves as “planetary controllers” and “masters of the universe.” They planned to rid the world of 6.5 billion “useless eaters” in a World War III which they’d survive in underground bunkers (now destroyed). The remainder of humanity that survived would serve them as their slaves.
If they weren’t present, the Reval and NESARA might not be needed. These phases of Ascension are in large measure concerned with the planet’s emergence from their control.
These two passages from Matthew, taken together, are as complete and insightful an introduction as any I’ve ever read.
From Matthew’s Message, July 29, 2016, at http://matthewbooks.com
The Illuminati—also now known as the cabal, global elite, shadow government, One World Order, One World Government—began as a group of individuals who felt that they were the most intelligent and learned people in the world. Thus they were entitled to rule everyone else.
Over time, others with the same superior attitude were drawn into the fold of this secret society, egos grew, tempers flared, and two competing factions emerged with the same goal, world domination.
Now we fast forward to sixty-some years ago, when the Rockefeller faction that operates out of New York and Washington, DC, was expanding its tentacles far westward and into Latin America. The Rothschild faction, headquartered in London and the Vatican, saw their territorial influence meager in comparison, so they buffed up their Council of Europe by establishing the European Union, European Central Bank and euro currency.
The Union was put under the Council’s flag and shares its anthem—such a duplicitous choice, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.” With the first few countries buckled in by their EU belt, so to say, the Rothschilds and their minions set off on their expansion course; they moved into the new state of Israel, then throughout the Mideast, and more recently, northern Africa and some countries formerly within the Soviet Union.
They infiltrated governments, military forces, intelligence agencies, multinational corporations, law enforcement and justice systems, religious hierarchies, entertainment industry, medical and educational fields. They garnered fortunes by manipulating the global economy through stock markets, banking and lending institutions, usurious interest rates and unfair taxation.

Walt Disney too? The eye chart reads: “Ask about Illuminati, young boys” (spelling errors intentional)
They initiated civil wars, wars between adjoining countries, and World Wars I and II; assassinated or imprisoned opposition; formed terrorist groups; suppressed and misused technologies; controlled mainstream media and the illegal drug trade; and took over natural resources wherever they went.
The original plan also included what they have failed to do—reduce the population by several billions via nuclear weaponry, toxic pollution, and pandemics caused by laboratory-designed viruses.
All attempts toward that diabolical end have been thwarted by members of your universal family in your skies or living among you. Still, the two factions kept adding to their respective lines of dominoes and each felt that the world was coming within its grasp.
What they hadn’t taken into account is the light. After millennia of being held captive by the darkness that enshrouded the planet, the peoples started responding to the light beamed to Earth by spiritually evolved civilizations. The more enlightened they became, the more determined they were to throw off the yoke of oppression and persecution, and voices for freedom grew in numbers and volume. All the while, the intensifying light also was exposing the Illuminati’s global network of corruption and ruthlessness, and their dominoes started falling.
From Matthew’s Message, Jan. 8, 2017.
Their control of Wall Street and European and Asian stock markets is unraveling and so is their banking empire. They won’t much longer be able to hold onto their vast fortunes amassed illegally and immorally. The forces for good will obtain those and use the monies to end impoverishment.
Expanding renewable energy forms will phase out their fossil fuel industries.
Free-energy sources they have kept under wraps will emerge. And protection of the environment will end wanton destructiveness. Their unjust justice systems will be reformed, prisons-for-profit end, and control of mainstream media in nations with “free press” will meet its end, too.
Healthcare—a maze of global collusion involving pharmaceutical and insurance companies, vaccine and medical equipment manufacturers, and World Health Organization as well as FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, AHA and related alphabet groups in the United States—will wend its way out of those Illuminati-owned or infiltrated organizations. Toxic therapies will be replaced by long-suppressed safe, natural remedies and proper healthcare will become available to everyone.
As significantly as the Illuminati’s stronghold on those critical areas has adversely affected life on Earth, the most effective means whereby they have subjugated generation after generation after generation has been by exploiting every kind of difference among the peoples to create hostility and divisiveness and by starting wars. People worldwide are hungering for peace. The energy of their collective desires has gained unstoppable momentum over the energy of conquest, and battlefield action will wind down incrementally. Industries that make the machinery of war will produce what a cooperative, progressive civilization needs; construction companies with honorable management will rebuild destroyed cities; money formerly spent on warring will go into projects and programs that uplift and enhance life.
Some of those activities are underway, others are beginning, still others are in planning stages, and rising vibrations will be under-girding all the endeavors. You will be seeing evidence of this, but please do not expect the continued unfolding of world transformation to be free from patches of resistance. You are well prepared to deal with those as they arise and help others do the same—beloved sisters and brothers, you have earned PhD’s in ingenuity, perseverance and triumphing over obstacles!