David Wilcock: Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now

Posted by David Wilcock | Apr 27, 2018
The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, based on multiple insiders. “It” is happening now.
Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent.
This is not necessarily going to appear as the “Mass Arrests” scenario we had prognosticated before. However, we may well see high-profile arrests and new data dumps soon enough.
No one can deny there are over 24,500 sealed criminal indictments on the books right now in the US — an all-time high.
My friend David Seaman had his entire identity deleted off of YouTube and social media, only to return with stunning confidence — and new, direct intel about the arrests that are pending.
Alex Jones has a Lockheed Skunk Works insider named Zach who is claiming we are on the verge of disclosure events that could transform us into a multi-planetary society.
Unimaginable evil is being systematically exposed and rooted out. We have been talking about this for years and it is finally happening.
Our own immediate insiders have experienced significant, ongoing threat. The obvious and extreme nature of these attacks again suggests desperation is occurring.
We are not backing down. We have public appearances scheduled for New Living Expo April 27-29, Contact in the Desert June 1-4, our Colorado Ascension Portal all-weekend event July 27-29, and others.
Once you understand the “shadow war” now reaching its crescendo, seemingly confusing and upsetting political events can take on dramatic new levels of meaning.
The payoff we will get if the Alliance succeeds in its campaign against the Deep State is almost beyond imagination.
[If you are new to this, we will define the Alliance a bit later on. A majority of the US military / intel community now supports Disclosure.]
As you may know, I have direct access to insiders who share very unique and compelling insights into the revolution now transpiring in our world.
As a result, we know that the Deep State has been hiding an astonishing wealth of ancient extraterrestrial ruins, crashed technologies, recovered bodies and reverse-engineered interstellar craft.
They also have ongoing, direct relationships with multiple intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.
The scope and power of what lies hidden in these various underground vaults could literally transform us into the Star Trek age overnight.
The idea that this much could be kept hidden from us is staggering. There is still widespread debate over whether any UFOs actually even exist.
I recently met two different people in the Baby Boomer age range at a birthday party, both of whom had impressive UFO sightings.
The ridicule factor was so high at the time they saw these obvious, intelligently-piloted craft that they were both actually saddened by it.
Each of these men decided to keep the sighting to himself because he “did not want to be one of those UFO kooks.”
Younger people are now the beneficiaries of four generations of gradual disclosure, and no longer see this as a subject of laughter and ridicule.
For the uninitiated, it would seem hard to believe how any government or organization would want to withhold such impressive, world-changing breakthroughs.
The main force preventing us from gaining access to this technology is an elite, hyper-wealthy Luciferian cult, sadly enough.
Many of their members engage in what most would call evil practices, such as pedophilia, sacrifice, human trafficking and the desire to greatly reduce earth’s population.
The steps I have just taken to transform my life were huge, but should provide a lasting solution — so we never need to suffer this much “down-time” again.
I did not want to publicly telegraph that we were making a major move from Los Angeles to Colorado during this last seven weeks, for security reasons that will become obvious in a minute.
The process began last September, and we were able to successfully buy a home. This was by far the most difficult worldly ordeal I have ever been through.
It was at least a full-time job from October 2017 until just the last two weeks or so. It often looked as if it was not going to work.
The freedom is just starting to “kick in” now that we have solved all the immediate personal crises from moving to a snowy, alpine climate.
Traveling an average of twice a month for work, over the last ten years, had caused me to feel severe burnout.
An incredible amount of productive time has been freed up by moving to the same city I work in. A taping now takes up two days of my time instead of two weeks.
Pete Peterson and Emery Smith both endured new, nearly-lethal events in the time before, during and after our move, making this transition even more stressful.
Both of these insiders have stepped forward in the last year with many new insights about the Secret Space Program — and the Deep State appears to have punished them for it.
Although many Alliance insider groups want to see disclosure, there are still powerful elements fighting to the death to keep it all a secret.
The tragic events that recently happened to Emery and Pete do not appear to be random accidents.
These attacks are so blatantly obvious that the Deep State clearly appears to be in a true state of desperation to have even attempted them.
Thankfully, these attacks did not kill either of them.
The back-story is quite remarkable. In many ways the truth is far more fascinating than any sci-fi movie or television series I have ever seen.
It is difficult to imagine that any elite group on earth could be keeping this many secrets from us. It is also hard to understand why they would hide it.
Nonetheless, the pieces all fit together beautifully. Genuine insiders from this world have invariably experienced many of the same things firsthand.
Multiple insiders from very highly classified projects have independently shared testimonies that interlink in ways that defy all probabilities of fraud.
These insiders appeared thanks to the trust, credibility and connections I built as a UFO researcher working online since 1996.
This subject has now earned far more widespread acceptance than it had in those dawning days of the internet.
When I first compared insider notes with Corey Goode in November 2014, we found many dozens of direct correlations — far beyond any possibility of coincidence.
Corey’s information fit in perfectly with what Emery Smith had been telling me for the preceding six years — along with the data from many of the others.
We sadly lost William Tompkins last year — another insider who had been involved in this world since WWII, and whose data fit perfectly with everyone else’s.
Tompkins was directly tasked with interviewing American spies embedded in Germany’s secret space program, and relaying that intel to top officials.
He therefore provided critical historical context to the origin and development of what we are calling the secret space program.

In fact, Tompkins’ design ideas for submarine-type spacecraft, seen in this 1954 diagram, became the prototypes for Solar Warden, the classified program Corey Goode served in.
Ships like these were among the first that were built on the inside track, in the hopes of policing the extraterrestrial traffic coming and going through our solar system.
What extraterrestrial traffic, you might ask?
As it turns out, our solar system is a very popular place, as it apparently sits right next to a rare portal that allows travel to other galaxies.
The German Nazis ended up cutting a deal with the most evil extraterrestrials around — a reptilian-human race called the Draco or the Saurians on the inside.
Tompkins did his best to relay this information to top US government and military officials, who completely refused to believe it for some time.
All of this was kept strictly hidden from us, just like the Manhattan Project that led to the development of the atomic bomb.
The cubes that you see allowed these ships to be built in modular pieces here on earth before they were transported and assembled in space.
Tompkins intended to release everything he knew over the course of three books. He only managed to finish the first one and part of the second.
I was fortunate enough to have had multiple conversations with Bill, and to develop a friendship with him before his tragic loss last August.
Bill helped me visualize a happy, healthy and loving relationship, which directly paved the way for my connection and marriage with Elizabeth.
His loss was part of what compelled me to start the process of moving to Colorado a few weeks later — so our lives would ultimately be healthier and happier.
Bill’s public debut was at age 94, and he only lasted less than two years on the scene. This was more than enough time to change the entire scope of UFO scholarship.
Friends and associates have often asked me, “Why don’t you just write short articles?”
The truth is so out-of-the-box that short articles will only make sense to people who have been steadily following the narrative.
That in turn means that anyone else who is new to this will be completely lost, and be apt to think the whole thing is an internet fever dream.
My most recent book, The Ascension Mysteries, represents my first effort to create a large, unified summary and analysis of what these various insiders told me.

You can begin reading at Chapter Fourteen, “Disclosure,” on page 241, and get the equivalent of a full-length book’s worth of information on the secret space program in a condensed form.
There are 251 references in this section of the book alone, which is double the amount required for a doctoral dissertation in most subjects.
Nonetheless, it is not at all dry or boring, but reads like a fast-paced sci-fi drama.
This second half of the book is consistent with the style and research quality of the previous two, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key.
In many ways, the scope and power of the information in the second half of Ascension far outstrips the previous two in terms of the “wow factor.”
The 251 references tie in a wide variety of different research topics that help provide a factual basis for the remarkable claims you will find.
This includes multiple NASA images of what clearly appear to be intelligent, geometric architectural ruins on the moon, Mars and elsewhere.
This all seems highly implausible to the conventional mind, but it provides intriguing evidence to support the idea that our solar system has been widely inhabited and colonized.
I managed to pull multiple, direct quotes from Tompkins right before the deadline, adding even more scope and depth to the disclosure.
This included stunning new detail about extraterrestrial architecture we found both on the surface and within Earth’s moon.
One of the surprises Bill shared with me was that NASA covertly photographed massive buildings that were completely levitating above the lunar surface.
Imagine a rectangular building that is two miles long, just hovering there above the surface — apparently with no threat of collapse whatsoever.
There were many different styles and types of architecture on the moon, depending upon where you looked. This suggested a variety of cultures had settled there.
This data fit beautifully with Corey Goode’s claim that many different ET races have settled on our moon and are directly involved with our classified programs.
It almost makes you crazy to hear things like this, as if it is all true, then the scope of how much we are being lied to is beyond imagination.
Even skeptics would want to enter into a world where this technology was accessible — they are just too cynical to believe it is possible in their lifetimes.
Emery Smith has been a friend and trusted insider since 2009 — and one of my longest-term and most interesting witnesses.
I never imagined he would come forward. Up until his life was very aggressively threatened in the summer of 2017, he had no intention of doing so.
Emery was attacked in the same wave that corresponded with Tompkins’ loss. It is very sad that we were never able to get them together for an interview.
Since Emery hadn’t yet come forward at the time I wrote The Ascension Mysteries, the book only contains a small sampling of the knowledge he had provided me with.
I didn’t want to go into too much detail in case it would identify who he was and lead to undesirable “visits” from the Deep State.
I was admittedly stunned when Emery first told me he had autopsied some three thousand different extraterrestrial species while working in an underground military base in New Mexico.
The details were staggeringly complex — and correlated precisely with what others had told me, in many cases, while adding significantly more information.
Emery’s data ties in very nicely with other insiders I discussed in the book — including Daniel, Henry Deacon, Bruce, Jacob, Bob Dean, Clifford Stone, Corey Goode, William Tompkins and Pete Peterson.
These are some of the people I had private conversations with, often for many hours — and would find dozens and dozens of very specific data points in common.
Emery also had worked as the vice-president of CSETI, Dr. Steven Greer’s disclosure organization, for many years. I first met him in a joint meeting with Greer in 2009, at Inn of the Seventh Ray in Topanga, California.
As you will know if you are a regular reader of this site, I attended Greer’s original Disclosure Project event at DC in 2001, and met most of the 39 insiders who came forward that day.
Emery appears in the movie Sirius, though he does not share any insider information. Emery is also the surgeon who autopsied the mysterious Atacama humanoid in the movie.

Emery reveals that the US military has been sitting on a story of far greater scope and intrigue than we could have even imagined.
In order for a military base to have gained possession of this many different species of ET corpses, they would have to be in regular, widespread contact with a variety of civilizations.
Almost all of the specimens he autopsied in the underground facility at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico were humanlike in some way.
They usually had the classic “five-star” pattern, as they called it, meaning a head, two arms and two legs.
Once you get past that basic guideline, what you then see is a wide variety of different types of intelligent, human-like life.
In most cases, you can imagine a being similar to something here on earth — in any of the different kingdoms — being elevated to a human-like level.
This means you will have all different sorts of aquatic humanoids, mammalian humanoids, avians, insectoids and reptilians.
Some species have undeniable examples of vegetable cells in their physiology, and may even photosynthesize light.
You also occasionally get strange types of “light beings” that appear to have died in a proto-plasmic state, somewhere between matter and energy.
In the earlier stages of his insider career, Emery was given hardly any information or access, other than that he was obviously working on very strange cadavers.
The technology on the base was vastly ahead of what we had in the open world in the 1990s — and much of it is still like science fiction today.
This included interactive holographic displays, consciousness-assisted technology, “printed” meals made to order, and smart-glass pads similar to those discussed by Corey Goode.
As he progressed in the programs, he began having direct interactions with a variety of different ET races who would help him with the autopsies.
He occasionally had to stay overnight at the base, in rooms that were configured to accommodate multiple different types of ET species.
Not one ET group he interacted with appeared to be negative in any way. In fact, there was a very consistent sense of extreme positivity from these people.
They explained that they were here because they wanted to help us understand our galactic neighborhood, even if it was all being kept secret at this time.
These races invariably wanted to see disclosure take place, and to tear down the walls of secrecy that keep us apart.
As you may know, we have now taped a few dozen episodes of Emery’s testimony for Cosmic Disclosure, a show on Gaia, which is like the “Metaphysical Netflix.”
These episodes have been airing since January, and we just finished our third taping last week — despite the death threats.
Emery was given MD-level training in the military, and it shows in the speed and technical precision he uses as he describes his experiences.
Our second taping in January featured at least eight episodes where Corey Goode and Emery Smith were comparing notes on their remarkable experiences.
It was a true blessing to capture their initial conversations and data-sharing on camera.
The crossovers are numerous and fascinating. The odd, specific details are often what stand out as the most surprising — defying any reasonable possibility of chance.
If you want to check it out, please click on gaia.com/cosmic to make sure we get compensated for your subscription.
The first month is only 99 cents with no cancellation fees.
We keep cranking out new episodes every week, except for the very occasional production break — and your membership conveys full access to everything in the library.
Emery shared far more detail in these tapings, after having his life so aggressively threatened, than he ever had revealed to me before.
As is the case in the best interviews, I was learning all sorts of mind-blowing new things in real time as I continued asking questions.
One of the weirder discoveries was that many of the UFOs we have found are an interesting fusion between technology and biology.
These ships are often “grown” out in space, using a combination of sound frequencies and advanced technology.
A particular being may often use its own genetic material to help produce the craft it then travels in.
The craft then interfaces directly with its occupant, creating a thought-assisted transportation device.
Scrapings from the craft would show DNA test results that matched the signatures in the cadaver itself.
Many of these craft have their own type of personality — very eager to please, and ready to do whatever you are authorized to ask for.
Emery also reported that many of these craft would refuse to take us outside our atmosphere or solar system — understanding that we were not yet ready for this as a society.
The Secret Space Program definitely found workarounds for this, according to Tompkins, Peterson, Deacon, Jacob, Dean, Goode and others.
As Pete just told me recently, “No one will believe this, but there are Americans all over the galaxy.” Goode has reported that other nations are involved as well.
Many people are electrified by what Emery is saying. It is certainly helpful to see how these pieces fit, as I have been able to do since we started talking about a decade ago.
The evidence keeps piling up as more and more insiders like Goode, Tompkins, Peterson and Emery step up to share what they know.
One researcher in the UFO field who has really “run with the ball” on this whole subject is Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics Institute.
Salla had multiple interviews with Tompkins before his death and did amazing work in validating his accounts with documents and other proof.
Somehow he managed to write yet another book recently, which is getting great reviews — Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs.

Dr. Salla has done the hard work of including 584 references in the book to support this discussion with academic rigor.
This shows that legitimate researchers are taking this very seriously, and there is plenty of supporting data if you go looking for it.
Michael is very excited about Emery having come forward, as it greatly supports the overall body of Secret Space Program insider data we are gathering.
There is an ongoing roster of impersonators who want to pretend to be real insiders as well. If I don’t discuss them, it’s because they didn’t pass our vetting process.
If you think I haven’t heard of someone, believe me, I have. Repeatedly.
99.9 percent of “new insiders” will turn out to be fraudulent. It’s a sad fact at this point. We can easily “vet out” the real ones and they are extremely rare.
With that being said, one of my policies is “we do not hang our own.”
I will gladly go after billionaires, politicians, CEOs, pedophiles and satanists, as well as producers and directors of Deep State propaganda masquerading as entertainment.
However, I will almost never turn against fellow researchers or even wannabe insiders by name.
That doesn’t change the fact that we are routinely and sardonically attacked online by many different individuals, including fellow researchers.
I get that it may seem fun and tempting to want to make up fake stories, but the real insiders are not enjoying the process of coming forward at all.
Emery has had very real and ongoing threats levied against him ever since he spent time living with Elizabeth and me in 2017.
Skeptical people often view subjects like this as if they are watching a movie or a video game, where there are no real stakes and everything is a virtual reality.
Alliance insiders have expressed shock and disappointment at the degree to which so much of the UFO community has turned their backs on all of us, sticking to their own traditional narratives.
Dr. Michael Salla is a notable exception, and he has made valuable research contributions to this developing subject. Almost all other traditional UFO scholars have ignored it.
This is one of the reasons why disclosure will proceed through public information releases, not through any private individuals in the UFO community.
We now have an impressive body of data that gives us far more detail than we could ever hope to obtain from analyzing pyramids, Roswell, classic sightings or insiders from 20 years ago.
We may be on the verge of getting a treasure-trove of new information in the next “data dump” as well.
Emery is still barely surviving at this point. There is no logical reason for him to keep having car crashes, emergency room trips and even fatalities of his loved ones if he was just trying to “tell a story.”
I try not to have feelings of anger or judgment when I see people accusing him of making all of this up. If you get to know him personally, it will soon become very obvious that he is the real thing.
On December 29th, we revealed how a black SUV pulled up and abducted Emery’s dog Raven. Immediately thereafter he became very sick with flu-like symptoms and ended up in the emergency room.
I speculated that Emery may have been hit with an ice dart weapon that introduced a fast-acting virus into his system.
This is one of many ugly technologies available to insider operatives in classified programs.
Pete Peterson actually invented the ice dart system and described it to me in detail. Part of his desire to come forward was to “clear mud off of his wheel of karma.”
Miraculously, Raven was found alive by a local animal lover, and Emery got her back unharmed.
Now imagine that this attack was ordered by a malicious group attempting to protect Emery’s secrets, and brutalize him into silence.
They were obviously furious that the dog survived. They were compelled to strike him and his loved ones again.
The next attack had far more violent and fateful consequences for Emery and his beloved canine companions.

On Saturday, January 13th, just over two weeks after the previous attack that we publicized, Emery’s other dog Beowulf was struck and killed by a truck.
This happened while he was changing a flat tire on the side of the road. The rampaging truck came very, very close to hitting him.
A very brief statement was made about this on Emery’s Facebook page on January 21st, without going into any significant details.
If Beowulf’s body hadn’t absorbed the impact and knocked him out of the way, Emery would have been severely injured or killed.
For this same reason we have chosen to see Beowulf’s death as a heroic act — protecting his friend by standing in the way of danger.
Even though Emery was safely changing his tire eight feet off the side of the road, this vehicle had steered far over the line on an insane collision course, at full speed.
The driver never even slowed down — making this a blatant hit and run. Beowulf was hit in the face and body, and had multiple missing teeth.
The speed and power of the impact literally hurled Beowulf across an entire four-lane interstate highway in Southern California.
The dog was choking on his own blood, and Emery had to intubate him to keep his breathing going.
I have seen some disturbing pictures from that night and Emery is definitely not making any of this up. I will not add any more horror than necessary here.
I also spoke with him on the phone in the initial phases of the trauma, and no one can fabricate that level of emotional intensity.
Every minute in a call like that seems like hours. You go numb as you struggle to listen and grasp the full implications at the same time.
The whole thing was shocking and sad, but absolutely real. Emery still has Raven, but Beowulf is gone forever.
Very shortly after the impact, Emery was approached by what appeared to be local sheriffs and animal control officers.
As you will soon see, these men acted like violent psychopaths, not at all like upstanding public servants.
It took a while for us to determine that these may not have been real law enforcement officers, but possibly criminals wearing fake uniforms, which is a felony.
It is entirely possible for intelligence operatives to impersonate police officers if they are performing a specific mission.
Anyone can buy all sorts of official-looking uniforms and gear online if they are dumb enough to commit this type of a crime.
We only came to this conclusion after Emery had extensive discussions with local California Highway Patrol officers.
They confirmed that sheriffs have no jurisdiction to work on the interstates. This entire incident is under investigation.
The alleged sheriff was therefore breaking the law by stopping and engaging with Emery after this terrible accident.
It is also possible that they were all real officers, but extremely corrupt and willing to accept bribes and do “dirty work.”
Emery was very harshly confronted by these men. Normally you would not expect severe verbal abuse after your dog was struck and severely injured in a hit-and-run.
They insisted his suffering dog was “already dead” and forced him to sign papers releasing all legal ownership rights to them.
One of these is entitled an “Animal Relinquishment Form.” Emery still has the pink copy, which he showed me and photographed.
The other form is white and says “County of Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control Order to Comply.”
He was so distraught and shocked by the verbal abuse and pressure they put on him, in the midst of this severe trauma, that he signed the documents without reading them.
They wanted to take his dog away. He fought valiantly against it, not realizing that he had already signed away his rights in the document.
We have not been able to find one shred of official documentation about this visit, other than the two forms Emery kept with him.
This further established the likelihood that it may have been an elaborate setup.
An agent-type man in a suit emerged from an SUV, beat him as the alleged officers watched, and said, “You WILL keep your f-ing mouth shut.”
I know. It sounds crazy. Either way, this is what actually happened. And Beowulf is now dead.
This is not at all what we would expect to transpire in a typical accident scene, right after a man’s dog was nearly killed in a hit-and-run.
It seemed obvious that the warning to “keep his mouth shut” was directly targeting Emery’s appearances on Cosmic Disclosure and elsewhere.
This type of tragedy makes perfect sense if you can simply accept that the Deep State is real, and does not want Emery to talk about his past.
Emery was kicked repeatedly between his legs. Whoever did this was very careful not to leave bruises we could appropriately photograph.
This was another major clue that this was an intentional operation and not just a tragic misunderstanding, or an encounter with nasty cops.
The “officers” then confiscated his dog against his will. Beowulf was still alive but in obvious distress, with agonized breathing.
When Emery checked back in the morning with the local shelter, where he determined that Beowulf had been dropped off, the dog had been euthanized.
When we tried to obtain the body for evidence the next day, we discovered it had been incinerated — again without our permission.
I would have written about this sooner, but we were all genuinely shocked. It has taken time to process all of this in the midst of a very stressful move.
Alliance insiders told us it was far too dangerous to stay in California. There were too many operatives on call in the area for these sorts of “dirty tricks.”
This includes people from the MS-13 Mexican gangs, which have been secretly colluding with the Deep State for years now.
After Emery was beaten and threatened, the “officers” then immediately called in an apparent Uber.
It was there very quickly. Too quickly.
They told Emery he had to leave immediately and abandon his rental car on the side of the road.
They would not give him time to finish changing his tire, which was all he needed to do to get back on the road. Nor would they help him change it.
They said it was “not legal” for him to stay there with his vehicle broken down so close to the interstate, as he could be hit by a car. Again.
They demanded that he leave the car there. Right now. After the beating he had just taken, it was obvious that they would not take no for an answer.
Emery did not know if they were really even police officers. He couldn’t be sure whether they would have murdered him, just like his dog, if he did not comply.
Therefore, in his haze of trauma and pain, he did what they asked, got into the car and abandoned his property, along with everything inside of it.
California Highway Patrol disputed the legality of this detail as well. Emery should have been allowed to finish changing his tire with police protection.
Strangest of all is that the California Highway Patrol office was only 300 yards away — within visible distance.
The alleged Uber drove him back to the hotel. Alone. The alleged officers took off with his dying dog. Emery was inconsolable.
Most likely, the rental car was then immediately stolen. It was gone when he went back the next morning.
The vehicle still had a majority of all of Emery’s worldly possessions in it — which were all stolen as well. They didn’t even give him time to recover them, or say goodbye to Beowulf.
He had already lost almost everything when his house in New Mexico was burglarized a few months earlier.
The rental company soon demanded that he pay full price for the vehicle, 35,000 dollars, immediately — even though he had taken out full coverage.
They accused him of stealing the car himself, and said the coverage did not apply because he had abandoned the vehicle. They didn’t care that an alleged sheriff had ordered him to do it.
Investigators were threatening Emery with immediate arrest for the theft of the vehicle.
Eventually the vehicle was found abandoned, and he was off the hook. However, all of his belongings were missing. We went through about a week of sheer hell before anyone found it.
CHP itself believes this was some kind of an elaborate criminal setup, possibly involving the MS-13 Mexican criminal cartel.
Officers told us there are gangs that will actually go to lengths this extreme simply to steal a car in Southern California. They run these scams consistently, as if it was a day job.
This incident seems to be a little more than just a typical car theft. We got the stolen car back. My theory about what may have happened is as follows:
- An initial team drives past Emery and shoots his tire out with a small-caliber weapon with a silencer, such as a .22.
- Soon after he pulls off to change the tire, a second operative in a truck veers off the road and attempts to strike and kill him and/or his dog.
- A third crew arrives within minutes — or possibly the same guys from the first step.
- One of them had animal-control officer clothes in case the dog was hit. Or they may have intentionally planned to hit the dog all along.
- He is severely verbally abused while in a deeply traumatized state. They trick him into signing over all legal rights to his dog.
- A straight-ahead intelligence agent, not even dressing as anyone else, then beats him and threatens him to keep his mouth shut. The warning was obvious.
- The apparent Uber they called was not actually an Uber, but owned by another one of their associates, so there were no actual witnesses.
- They then stole the car right after he left and called in the loss to the rental company, knowing this would further disrupt Emery’s plans.
Here is the punchline: We were literally within days of shooting more Cosmic Disclosure episodes for our second taping when this event took place.
In fact, Emery was already late for leaving, and that was why he had all of his stuff in the car.
The theft of the rental car forced us to delay the next Gaia shoot by almost two weeks as Emery cleaned up the mess.
The rental car company put a freeze on any and all other car rentals while the theft was under investigation, effectively grounding him.
We did decide to soldier forward anyway. Emery cleaned it up, got another rental car after the first one was found, and made the drive from California to Colorado.
We then taped a whole series of fascinating episodes where Corey and Emery compared notes on their experiences in “the programs.”
As is always the case in this arena, sadly enough, there will be skeptics claiming we made all of this up.
We have documentation and multiple witnesses to support everything I am attesting. And Beowulf is dead.
I am not publishing the documents at this time in case the animal control officers involved were genuine, and could attempt to sue us for any number of things.
These types of Deep State plans can be very intricate and multi-layered, and you have to be very careful about how you handle them.
Emery and I first disclosed this tragic event at the end of our joint talk at the Conscious Life Expo in mid-February.
It was very brave for Emery to step up on that stage with me, right in Los Angeles, just four weeks after the tragic murder of his dog.
We may release a video excerpt of the part where he describes the incident fairly soon. We had not planned to discuss it on stage beforehand.
I wasn’t sure if he would even come on stage, and had prepared the talk to be able to run without him in case he changed his mind.
Emery went through a terrific, wide-ranging overview of his many experiences working in underground bases on alleged ET autopsies.
He did a great job, and you can still see that event along with all my other talks with the premium Conscious Life Expo Trilogy Pass. Please consider ordering the Trilogy Pass for $144.
In my Sunday joint lecture with Corey Goode, I went into significant new detail regarding the connections between the Law of One series and Christianity.
This included compelling data I have never presented before, arguing that the Great Pyramid had actually been built as a monument to the coming Christ.
A well-researched timeline written into the measurements of the Great Pyramid’s passages flags the birth and ascension of Christ as very pivotal moments in our entire history.
It is a known fact that Carla Rueckert, the channel for the Law of One series, was a devout Christian.
What may not be so obvious is that there is a much greater cosmic background to the story of Christ than most people have ever realized.
This includes measurable cycles of time in historical events that were directly referenced in the Bible, as I explain in The Synchronicity Key.
Furthermore, if you actually read and study the Law of One, the core principles of love, forgiveness and service to others are all very familiar.
A majority of the proceeds from the Conscious Life event go towards helping us with expenses as we recover from our big move, and we do appreciate your support.
Now that I don’t have to travel for work, I am taking on more conferences this year as I finally have enough time to do them.
Let’s not forget that Emery was in a suspicious head-on collision that totaled his last worldly possession — his Range Rover — just a few months before his dog Raven was abducted and he ended up in the ER.

Before the head-on collision, he already had everything he owned stolen out of his house in New Mexico.
An armor-piercing bullet was left on the countertop as an obvious death threat.

Holes were cut in the wall to remove all hidden traces of incredibly valuable computer files and artifacts from his time in the programs.
Whoever did this knew right where he had stashed them — in an area normal burglars would never think to look.

Just a week and a half ago, on April 11th, 2018, while still struggling to find a place to live, Emery was hit yet again by a car.
The circumstances had an extremely bizarre feel to them, as usual.
This time the vehicle was going 45 miles per hour and struck him from behind at full speed, after he had been standing still at a red light for 20 seconds.
The most bizarre aspect of this story was that the same exact make and type of vehicle — a Kia sedan — hit Emery in both occasions.
The first vehicle was a black Kia Optima, and the second one was a light gray Kia Spectra. Those were the only differences.

Even more outrageous is that both kids said they had just purchased the Kia and driven it off of the lot right before the accident.
In the second case, this was obviously a used-car purchase.
This could therefore be an example of the Deep State “showing off”, by creating ponderous synchronicities that would only further frustrate skeptics and frighten believers.
Thankfully, this latest accident caused no serious injury, only some back and neck pain, and Emery had full coverage on the rental car.
The damage to Emery’s vehicle was surprisingly minimal, whereas the front end of the Kia got smashed up, as you can see here:

The kid who did this seemed dazed and unaware. He didn’t even hit the brakes. There were no skid-marks prior to the point of impact in both crashes.
In last year’s collision with Emery’s Range Rover, the driver had actually accelerated before the impact, rather than braking.
Neither of these young drivers had any idea why they had failed to avoid colliding with Emery.
They both seemed to have been dazed, and completely unaware that they were heading into a collision before it happened.
Does this sound normal to you?
Just a few days ago at the time of this writing, new information leaked into the media about classified mind-control technology.
If everything contained within these leaked documents is true, it is certainly possible for these attacks on Emery to have been orchestrated.
Taking Emery out would be considered a high-level hit. The planners would want to use a method where there is “plausible deniability” and it cannot be traced back to them.
The drivers in these cases may not have had any idea about what was going on, or that any technology was being used against them.
The main thing I would disagree with in this headline is the idea that the leaking of this data was “accidental.”
More than likely, this was another clever Alliance operation to reveal what is actually being done by the Deep State.
4/20: USG Leaks File Disclosing “Remote Mind Control” and “Forced Memory Blanking”

Some of the text terms we find on the included graphic below include the following:
“Forced Memory Blanking and Induced Erroneous Actions”
“Forced Waking Visions, Some Synced With Body Motion”
“Forced Precision Manipulation of Hands, Sometimes Synced to the Forced Waking Visions”
“Forced “Drop In Your Tracks” Sleep Inducement”
“Irresistible “Go Here, Go There” Commands”

I have transcribed the following section of the graphic for inclusion here as well:
“First un-classified successful transmission of the human voice into the skull of a living person was performed by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1974.
By transforming a hypnotist’s voice using the Lowery silent sound or Smirnov scramble methods, used in the Gulf War, it is possible to hypnotize a target without the target being aware, from hiding, leaving zero trace evidence.”
This is a written description of the early development stages of what Corey Goode has disclosed as the “Voice of God” technology.
Corey himself reported using it on people when he was in the programs. You speak into a microphone and the technology beams your words into their heads.
Pete Peterson and other insiders independently confirmed that such technology does indeed exist.
Apparently, some people who believe they are channeling extraterrestrials are actually hearing messages conveyed through this method.
The precise timing of William Tompkins’ lethal fall, hours before the “Blood Moon” total solar eclipse last year, could well be another example of this technology in use.
In Bill’s case, it may have been that his advanced age made him susceptible to these sorts of influences.
Additional coverage of this surprising document leak can be found at https://boingboing.net/2018/04/19/government-accidentally-sends.html.
I do understand that a technology like this can be terrifying, and make the Deep State appear all-powerful and nearly indestructible.
Interestingly enough, not everyone is susceptible to these influences. A consistent number of people, about 15 percent, are immune to it.
Pete’s research concluded that if your brainwaves were reliably operating above a certain speed, or frequency, it won’t work on you.
This again underlines the extreme importance of remaining calm, free of negative emotions, meditative and peaceful.
This causes your brainwaves to smooth out on the EKG, which actually generates a higher frequency — in terms of what Pete’s devices would measure.
Perma-skeptics should bear in mind that the frequencies Pete measured are not electromagnetic, and require specialized equipment to be able to detect.
Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, depression, jealousy, anxiety and fear cause your ‘frequency’ to lower into susceptible levels.
With all that being said, the number of operatives who have access to these devices and the clearance to use them is very, very small.
Sadly, many people believe they are being affected by this type of technology when they are really just suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
That does not mean that all cases like this are simply the result of organic mental illness.
I have repeatedly stated that the Deep State / Cabal / Illuminati cannot just knock off whomever they want.
This is a spiritual battle, and the Deep State must follow what they call “The Rules” in order to be successful — at any level.
“The Rules” stipulate that the Deep State cannot do anything they are not authorized to do — either on an individual or collective level.
The attacks against Emery have not killed him, nor caused any lasting damage to his health or ability to function.
Going silent at this point would be the worst thing he could do. If you are attacked this blatantly, you have to fight back.
I have coached him extensively on the need to have impeccable karma while doing this mission, so as to avoid these sorts of disasters.
You never want to get cocky or arrogant about your level of safety and security. It is always possible to slip up. The risks are very real.
With that being said, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of “authorizing” these types of upsetting events by having a dedicated spiritual practice.
Jacob, one of my top insiders, revealed that the Deep State / Cabal people have to wait for the right moment before they can successfully attack someone.
This is very different than the conventional idea that they could just “order a hit” and carry it out without any problems.
In many cases a great deal of work is necessary to sufficiently corrupt someone before such an operation could be initiated.
If you don’t create the right climate on your own, they will provide temptations to cause you to think and behave in a negative fashion.
This then “authorizes” them to attack you in ways that meet the karma you have since earned. Even if you were deceived, it is still your karma.
The most common means of “grooming” someone for an attack involves the use of a handler.
This is a person who appears to have shown up in your life by happenstance, but who is actually a covert employee, paid to monitor you and create disruption.
I have worked very diligently to protect myself against any and all incursions of this nature. My trusted circle of friends and insiders is very small.
I have occasionally heard of contacts bragging to someone that they are “my handler,” and when that word comes back, I cut them off.
You always have to be careful of people who want to pose as friendly insiders while actually working as double agents.
Simple and obvious temptations that could authorize these types of attacks include substance abuse, sexual indiscretions, blatant lying and/ or theft from others.
The experiences I have had over the years have convinced me, beyond any shadow of doubt, that this spiritual battle is very real.
I take extreme precautions to ensure that I maintain control of my life and do not get overly busy or agitated, as that is now very dangerous.
Since Emery was not obviously hurt in the most recent crash, and his vehicle looked OK, the kid just laughed about it and acted like it was no big deal.
I have inspected photos of the kid’s drivers’ license and registration, the original photo of his vehicle with the license plate number included, and the damage to Emery’s vehicle.
This is another sad and crazy event. The kid may very well have been given “induced erroneous motion” of his hands, and an “irresistible desire” to keep driving and not look where he was going.
In addition to the signature of a Kia sedan that had just rolled off the lot, the timing of the accident also was very suspect.
This crash happened less than three weeks after Emery’s name was published as one of twelve authors in a formal scientific paper.
The main author was Gary Nolan, the head Ph.D. geneticist at Stanford University. The paper discussed the Atacama humanoid we featured in Sirius.
Emery’s inclusion in his paper hammered down the Dark Alliance agents and skeptics who were trying to say he was an impostor.
Now he is listed in a formal academic study. Take a look… he is the ninth name in this list, second from the left on the second row down:

Notice that the title of the paper admits there were “novel mutations” in DNA of the “skeleton,” but then links them to dysplasia, a birth defect.
The study concludes the specimen must be “human” simply because a majority — but not all — of its DNA is similar to ours.
Emery sent me a raft of article links to the coverage of the publication of this academic paper before he was hit. Here they are:
New York Times
National Geographic
The Telegraph
The Guardian
Los Angeles Times
Washington Post
You will notice that the paper attempts to claim this six-inch humanoid, with over ten percent anomalous DNA, is just the result of a “birth defect.”
We completely disagree. The anomalies of this being, just including the shape of the head, go vastly beyond the possibility of normal genetic defects.
There are also other examples of the same beings, as we reported in “Nearly Identical ET Corpses Found in Russia and South America” on Feb. 1st, 2013, when Sirius was first coming out.
This conclusion appears to have been made under duress, thanks to the same types of threats Emery has encountered.
When you watch Sirius, Dr. Gary Nolan goes from being obviously compelled by the idea that this is an extraterrestrial specimen to being oddly dismissive of the evidence at the end.
Why would all this coverage be happening now? Why would Mockingbird mainstream media outlets all line up to publicize this paper?
Perhaps the Deep State is concerned about an imminent disclosure, and wanted to discredit our evidence for a genuine ET specimen.
I therefore see the publication and promotion of this paper as another sign that the Deep State is fearing major disclosure in the near future.
This was not the first time that Emery had a suspicious car accident right after achieving a major milestone in his work.
Emery’s head-on collision happened just one day after he had gotten a modified Bedini-style free energy device to an operational and validated state.
Yes… this may seem surprising or off the wall, but Emery spent years of time and significant amounts of his own money working on this problem.
Both of us were involved in getting the device operational while he was staying with me. The device lived in my house under a blanket for several weeks.
Emery had purchased all of the necessary equipment from the Bedini brothers while he was running his own science lab a few years back.
Here is a picture of John Bedini with a slightly larger version of the device Emery self-financed and built in his lab days.

This next image is closer to what Emery’s version actually looks like:

The basis of the Bedini technology is a “homopolar generator,” where a rotating magnetic disc of a certain configuration causes excess electrons to shower out of the edge, much like a lawn sprinkler.
This principle was first discovered by Michael Faraday on December 26th, 1831.
It has been largely, if not completely ignored by mainstream science ever since, as it violates conventionally-held ideas of the “laws” of physics.
I covered this breakthrough in Section 5.7.1 of the fifth chapter of The Science of Oneness, a free ebook I wrote on this site in 2000.
Our own studies validated that the Bedini device was charging the batteries with more energy than it took to run it — just as the original findings had suggested.
The Bedini is one of the classic examples of a genuinely operational “overunity” device. We knew it was very risky to bring it to a functioning state.
John Bedini himself died tragically on November 5th, 2016.
Emery was very fortunate to have removed the device from his home in New Mexico before the break-in occurred. That is quite a story in and of itself.
We are hoping that technology like this will soon become available to everyone. That may be one of the many gifts that disclosure brings.
These suspicious crashes may also have involved “vehicle hacking,” where any car from 2006 to the present can be covertly driven by remote control using OnStar-type technology.
Vehicle hacking may have occurred in conjunction with remote mental influence.
It is therefore possible to distract the driver while also ensuring that his car performs as needed.
This may be why the first kid’s car actually accelerated and steered towards Emery, in defiance of all common sense and survival instinct.
We take all of this very seriously and do not believe these are coincidences.
The Deep State could consider this “the perfect crime” since the driver is effectively innocent, and no one can prove any foul play.
Since Gaia pays everyone the same amount, Emery’s work on Cosmic Disclosure has not been sufficient to keep him financially stable.
He is under absolutely relentless attack, with the goal of driving him into personal and financial ruin.
He has still been enduring severe hardship these last few months. If it feels right to you, please consider sending some help his way.
Sadly, we’re still not done talking about direct attacks against insiders who are revealing various aspects of the Secret Space Program.
Last year, Pete had a shocking threat and attempt on his life that made him angry enough to reveal far more of what he knew on Cosmic Disclosure.
We did not disclose the event at the time as Pete was intimidated enough to have asked us to keep it strictly secret.
The information he shared in those episodes dovetailed beautifully with what we were hearing from William Tompkins, Corey Goode and others.
In early March, right as my wife and I were leaving California for good, Pete fell on ice and split his entire femur in half, top to bottom.
Let’s not forget that William Tompkins died from a very similar fall at a suspicious time.
A technology like “Voice of God” could be used to cause an elderly man to lose his balance. This is what I feel happened in both cases.
Tompkins fell, hit his head, got a brain bleed and died. Pete fell in such a way where his femur sustained the full impact, and split down the middle.
If Pete had hit his head, it would have been all over within days at the most, if not nearly instantaneously.
We are all very fortunate that Pete’s head did not suffer any of the impact.
Pete was written off for dead by the doctors and appeared to be fading fast. I spoke to him recently on the phone, not knowing if it would be the last time.
He was so disoriented that we needed to have the head nurse wheel him out and have him use their central phone in order to talk to me.
After a while he went into a murmuring, 20-minute analysis of the different buttons on the phone and what extensions they went to.
Pete has been a true friend to me since we met in 2009. We talk every week. This has been another highly upsetting emotional situation.
Friends who visited him said that he was often descending into incoherent mumbling. The medical staff said he had suffered a stroke as well.
I am happy to say that Pete is now posting an amazing recovery. He has a cast on the entire leg and everything is healing.
The slurred speech and disorientation appeared to be a side effect from the medication, and thankfully not a permanent loss of brain function from the stroke.
The costs of Pete’s hospitalization are all covered by Medicaid / Medicare and veteran’s benefits, which is a blessing.
However, Pete cannot remember the entire month of his initial time in the hospital, and thought he was only there for a couple of days.
The house I was renting in Los Angeles had a loft apartment over the garage. Part of how I was able to afford living there was by having someone rent it separately from me.
I am friends with the guy who lives there, Jeff the “Rawtographer,” and he would look after my dog when we traveled.
Jeff’s main job for the last year was in doing weekly YouTube videos for Verne Troyer, who played Mini-Me in the Austin Powers films.
We talked about Verne all the time, as this was a great gig for him that was paying the bills and therefore helping keep our mission going.
Their “Tesla Unboxing” video went out two days after Christmas and went viral, racking up a whopping seven million views.
At the 5:50 mark, there is an outtake where Verne asks Jeff for help while he is holding the camera, and it takes a second for him to switch hats.
Less than a month after we moved out, on April 2nd, Verne was rushed to the hospital with a very high level of alcohol poisoning in an apparent suicide attempt.
Verne succumbed to the complications from this overdose while still in the hospital, just a few days ago, on April 21st.
Most celebrities want to be left alone, so I never asked to meet Verne, though now I wish I had. He didn’t know anything about me.
I would have told him about all the fascinating and exciting things that are about to happen as we head towards the defeat of the Deep State.
We may have anti-gravity and free energy mini-Teslas that can take us on a cruise around the solar system sooner than we think — traveling a lot faster than six miles per hour.
Verne’s loss may not have any connection to these other events. I hope it doesn’t. Either way it was another sad event surrounding my move to Colorado.
Look up Rawtographer online if you would like professional photo shoots or quality affordable video work like he did for Verne.
Some of the best photographs of me that you have seen on this site were taken by him.
In the next section of this article, we will set aside our discussion of the threats and attacks our Secret Space Program insiders have endured.
The struggle for disclosure is most definitely a political one.
Although there are breakaway groups, much of the administration of the Secret Space Program is orchestrated by the Deep State here on earth.
There could be hundreds, if not thousands of soldiers and contractors doing similar jobs as what Emery had performed — all in secret.
The Deep State is also very much involved in the control of mass media, and the utilization of films, TV shows, music videos, awards ceremonies and video games for cult propaganda.
Their entire public platform is now collapsing before our very eyes. This is no accident. It is all part of a highly orchestrated campaign by the Alliance.
The awakening is being meted out in ever-increasing doses, so as not to shock the public with too much all at once.
Hiding behind the mysterious and upsetting public events we see is a fight for the greatest revolutionary change the world has ever known.
I have met dozens of insiders, ever since 1996, who have revealed that enormous secrets are being hidden from us by “the government.”
The term “government” used to be sufficient when these people controlled both political parties in America and therefore never lost an election.
This same “government” killed John F. Kennedy in broad daylight, blaming it on a ridiculous lone-shooter conspiracy theory, after he opposed them.
This “government” had a stranglehold over the media, top corporations, the military, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, oil and “too big to fail” banks.
All of that has changed with the development of what we are calling the Alliance.
In reality, the Alliance is a confederation of multiple, differing factions working against this evil force.
This evil force is now more appropriately called the Deep State.
Other commonly-heard names include the Cabal, the New World Order or the Illuminati.
It would be terrific if we had a nice, easy, well-packaged official revelation of the Deep State on a mass level.
Or so it would seem. There are actually some significant problems with anyone attempting to do this.
Even though the evidence for the Deep State’s existence is overwhelming, its members will still fight to the death to keep it a secret.
Some very real examples of this struggle among my own circle of insiders were just shared in Part One.
The mainstream media is still very much under Deep State control.
If you haven’t fully grasped this yet, much of what is going on right now can seem mysterious.
The Alliance people know firsthand that the Deep State is as real and serious as a heart attack. They don’t have to wonder if “any of this” is true.
The Deep State is a hard fact for them. It is a murderous group they are fighting to the death. Yet for most people, this is still a fantasy.
It’s easier to keep it that way to avoid the emotional pain of facing the truth.
Occasionally we get emails or comments that say something like this:
“David, I wish you would get rid of this Illuminati stuff. It’s so dark. Even if it’s true, nobody wants to hear it. Why don’t you go back to talking about spiritual things?”
As far as I am concerned, any person who is pursuing spiritual enlightenment or insight should be keenly aware that this problem exists.
A genuine spiritual path is not one where we dwell in fantasy. We are not seeking to enshroud ourselves in mystical beliefs that everything is just fine the way it is.
We look at reality head-on, and confront the real problems in our world.
If a dark force has taken control of our planet, the most spiritually advanced people should be well aware of that — and working to stop it.
What amazes me is how easy it is to “do the homework” and assemble evidence that proves the Deep State really exists.
It’s actually quite a big payoff once you break through, and realize that the world you thought you knew is an illusion.
The spiritual aspect of this discussion is that it takes great strength and fortitude to actually let yourself believe the evidence.
It is all too easy for us to overlook the mountains upon mountains of provable evidence that the Deep State is real.
Why? Simple.
It is much, much easier and more comfortable to “stay asleep,” just like the Deep State wants you to, and remain in denial.
That way you can go on pretending that everything is OK, and there is nothing you could do to solve these problems anyway.
The Deep State’s business model requires you to remain ignorant — at least until the final stage of their plan where they attempt to take over.
The Alliance’s valiant efforts have made that ancient dream of a “New World Order” absolutely impossible for the Deep State to achieve.
The amount of Luciferian propaganda being paraded in front of us has been at an all-time high these last few years.

Some movies don’t even hide it at all, like Zoolander No. 2, where genuine top fashion icons appear in cameo roles and participate in a satanic child sacrifice at the end.
If you don’t believe me, just watch it for yourself. Or read this synposis from Movie Spoilers, which includes the following:
Mugatu has DJ locked up in a room to fatten him up, as he has been doing for years since he ran the orphanage from prison and made sure that the boy got fat to prepare him for this day….
Derek and Valentina arrive at the location of the sacrifice to find fashion superstars like [Valentino,] Tommy Hilfiger, Anna Wintour, Kate Moss, Marc Jacobs, and Alexander Wang all gathered for the ceremony [in hooded robes].
Mugatu prepares to sacrifice DJ until the heroes arrive to stop him.

About the only major fashion icon who didn’t show up for this was Donatella Versace.
She in turn was greatly lampooned by a fantasy character played by Kristen Wiig, named Alexanya — perhaps as a form of punishment.

Even more bizarre is that this film is estimated to have had the greatest number of celebrity cameos of any movie in history.
One link details 39 different cameos, including Justin Bieber (who gets killed,) Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Matt Lauer, Katie Couric, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Ariana Grande.
No amount of money or celebrity intrigue could ever convince me to star in a movie where a child is threatened with satanic ritual sacrifice.
It amazes me that this veritable “Who’s Who” list of all the top icons in the fashion industry would wear those robes and participate in that scene.
No one I have spoken to who has watched this film thought that the child sacrifice scene was even the least bit funny.
It may also be significant that I have had a very hard time finding any pictures online from that part of the movie.
This film came out just before the #MeToo era started… and it is one of the most bizarre and disturbing “proofs of concept” you will ever find.
If there were only five, ten, fifteen or twenty examples like this, maybe we could write it all off as — yes — a “conspiracy theory.”
However, once you understand the game and recognize the propaganda, you will find hundreds, if not thousands of examples.
Almost every film in the horror genre is now chock-full of highly disturbing stuff this group wants to indoctrinate you with.
“The Cabin in the Woods” is particularly shocking, as an underground base controls various monsters to sacrifice teenagers for their ancient gods.
The kids are lured into the cabin and are tricked into choosing which monsters take them down. The kids end up choosing “Zombie Redneck Torture Family.”
Their deaths are treated as humorous, just like the name of the group of monsters that kills them.
The second image below shows one of the employees of the base in front of a white board with some of the monsters they control.

Many films in the Young Adult (YA) genre oddly depict a brutal, totalitarian police state dominating a post-apocalyptic society.
Classic modern examples of this would include the Matrix trilogy, the Maze Runner trilogy, the Divergent trilogy, “The Giver,” and so on.
The people in the Deep State are hoping to harness the power of our collective consciousness to manifest and “authorize” an apocalypse.
Maze Runner features a world where the sun has given off a flash that destroyed most people, and then created a virus that turns everyone into zombies.
The “solar flash” is something our insiders have been talking about for years — but this is a far more negative view of it, including the idea of the corresponding DNA changes.
Instead of people transforming into telepathic, “Ascended” beings, they suffer the seemingly inevitable risk of becoming horrific zombies.
A corporation called Wicked (World Catastrophe Killzone Department or WCKD) puts the kids who are immune into a huge concrete maze with robotic monsters that kill them off.
The hero and his girlfriend end up being the people who decided this was a good idea, and put all the others into the maze in the first place.
In the second film, we see a vast room filled where WCKD has hung up kids who are immune to the virus, keeping them in stasis as their brains are slowly drained of fluids.

The girlfriend betrays the whole group of survivors and sells them out, so WCKD can pick them up and carry on trying to extract their fluids.
The third film, “The Death Cure,” reveals that the kids were being tortured, in the maze and elsewhere, to produce a treatment for the zombie virus.
WCKD knew that only a few of them would survive the maze, but that these would be the strongest — and would provide the best elixir.
This film has consistently been in the top five most popular streaming movies since it came out about two weeks ago.

The more horrific the torture they go through, including seeing their friends actually dying, the more of the treatment their bodies produce.
However, the hero ends up being the only kid whose body fluids actually produce a cure, not just a temporary delay for the symptoms.
The movie ends with the hero realizing he should have submitted himself to everlasting, violent torture in order to stop the virus.
The bizarre mantra from the first film onward, “Wicked is Good,” then seems to be correct.
The murderous blonde witch who runs WCKD in the first two films is reframed as a sympathetic heroine, torturing and killing these children for the greater good.
All the actions of this Big Brother-esque military dictatorship are written off as sad but necessary actions to save the world.
This is exactly how the members of the inner circle of the Deep State see their mission.
The last remaining city of human survivors is wiped out, and the hero seems like a failure for not being able to surrender his body to WCKD.
[I am not blaming any of the actors here, nor do I think they have anything to do with the Deep State. They are just doing their jobs.]
The Planet of the Apes series reboot also features a post-apocalyptic society where everyone dies off from a virus that makes apes intelligent.
Like the Maze Runner and Divergent trilogies, there are multiple scenes of dilapidated areas from the days of the apocalypse, such as quarantine zones.
At the end of the most recent Planet of the Apes film, once again the last remaining city of human survivors gets wiped out in a violent war at the end.
Miss Peregrine’s School for Peculiar Children features monsters who hunt down and eat children, and a weird occult school opposing them.
A Series of Unfortunate Events has so many All-Seeing Eye and obvious Illuminati references that you will be laughing out loud repeatedly.
The Twilight and Underworld series both feature covens of vampires and werewolves with astonishingly blatant Illuminati tie-ins.
In both cases, the vampires and werewolves symbolically represent different bloodlines within the ancient organization.
The X-Men films are so completely loaded with Deep State propaganda and symbols that an entire college class could be built around analyzing them.
The Harry Potter series gets increasingly dark and disturbing as it goes on, and again is a veritable college course in Luciferian beliefs and symbols.
There are many, many other examples of films that didn’t do as well and still keep repeating the same messages and themes, over and over again.
Countless action thrillers fill our minds with desensitizing scenes of gun violence and brutal death. The villains often articulate the beliefs of this group.
The latest Batman films, beginning with the Christian Bale reboot, have all been legendary examples of this propaganda in action.
Heath Ledger died shortly after his role as the Joker, where he delivers an absolutely precise rendition of how the Deep State thinks and operates.
As I have said before, Batman vs. Superman is one of the most aggressive Luciferian films ever made.
In addition to a non-stop barrage of Cabal symbolism, both superheroes are blatantly framed and discussed as “fallen angels.”
Superman used to be a hero and friend to humanity, whereas in the new films he is dark, dangerous and destructive.
Crime caper films invariably make it appear to be really cool to steal enormous amounts of money and get away with it.
Spy thrillers glamorize the dirty work of intelligence agencies, including brutal torture, killings and shocking betrayals, and serve as recruitment tools for the CIA and other organizations.
Films featuring extraterrestrials almost invariably portray them as hideously evil, intent on destroying all life on Earth in an invasion.
Even “romantic comedies” are often now going for serious gross-out scenes that are unnecessary and disgusting, as well as having their characters put each other through strong betrayal and infidelity.
There is hardly ever a time you can go to the box office where you won’t find at least one film with blatant Cabal propaganda in it.
The Maze Runner finale is the most blatant example in current, new streaming video releases today.
The zombies in the second Maze Runner film are extremely grotesque and disturbing… not at all recommended unless you like horror films.
I could dedicate my entire career just to analyzing and exposing these films and still never have enough time to cover all the examples.
One very consistent website, by an anonymous writer, has been covering this for many years now: Vigilant Citizen. Check it out if you haven’t already.
He tends to focus on music videos, which is another area with so much content that entire college degrees could be built around studying it, post-Disclosure.
I do feel it is better to read about these things in writing than to get sucked into endless hours of potentially questionable YouTube videos.
Also, as we just saw in the “Great Purge” of February 2018, YouTube videos on this subject are extremely vulnerable to random deletion.
I wrote a free full-length ebook called Financial Tyranny that puts the “big picture” together for those with eyes to see.
If this discussion is already too overwhelming for you, I would recommend reading it in small doses and take breaks in between.
In case you still haven’t been able to “cross the line” and go through the sickening process of putting the pieces together, let me lay it out for you.
Let’s begin with a mental exercise.
One of the subjects I studied in college was philosophy.
In order for philosophers to have a discussion, they must agree on a platform of postulates first.
These postulates are a set of ideas that are assumed to be factual — for the purposes of a debate.
The discussion then centers around debating talking points within that greater, mutually-accepted construct.
It got a little weird with Existentialism, where the basic idea of whether we even exist or not was being questioned.
Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” wasn’t good enough.
This rigorous questioning of the most basic aspects of reality helped lead to the idea that a philosophical discussion must be rooted in fundamentals.
Online arguments in social media and comments sections invariably collapse because everyone constantly argues over the fundamentals.
If we can’t at least begin with a mutual, hypothetical acceptance of the fundamentals, then no real discussion of the data can ever take place.
Hypothetically, for the purposes of this philosophical discussion, let’s postulate that the Deep State really does exist.
Not “if,” not “maybe,” but absolutely, 100-percent yes.
That means we have an organized, international group where people are “really into it,” and want to promote their beliefs, just like any other cult.
I will build in some of the things I have heard about this group from insiders and discovered from research so they are included in our fundamentals.
If we can begin with those fundamentals as an intellectual exercise, we can then examine whether an Alliance is actually working to oppose the Deep State.
This may also help us to re-interpret current events with a completely new set of eyes.
First we must define exactly what the Deep State is, and how far-reaching its power had been.
Imagine that the biggest banks in the world appear to be in competition with each other, when in fact they are only akin to branch offices within a single mega-corporation.
Imagine that this corporation has centralized wealth to such a degree that it covertly bought up controlling shares of all the things we need to preserve our basic life:
- Energy
- Food
- Transportation
- Communications
- Medicine
- Internet
- Media
- Government
- Education
- Science
- Military
- Finance
Imagine that this consolidation of control was not only done to make money, but to serve a greater agenda that the group agrees upon.
Let’s also postulate that the main agenda of this group is a spiritual one: namely that they have fiercely-held religious beliefs.
Imagine that this corporation is actually a mystery-school cult, with very powerful and unbroken roots dating back to the Roman Empire.
Imagine that this corporation believes Lucifer was thrown out of “heaven” because he was actually the good guy.
Rome then took over Christianity in order to maintain control, and introduced elements to further maintain their power.
Imagine that they genuinely believe Lucifer conveys wisdom, knowledge and freedom, and isn’t in the least bit negative or evil.
Imagine that they believe the conventional God is actually an evil “egregore” or “demiurge” that created karma and reincarnation as traps.
Imagine that these moral codes are seen as restricting us from exercising our free will — such as in having whatever sex we want, with whomever we want, at any age.
People who are not Illuminated become non-persons, and a Luciferian can kill them with no repercussions, as they will just return and get another chance to awaken.
Imagine that practicing any and all acts of free will, including the most depraved, is associated with becoming enlightened or “Illuminated.”
Imagine that people are born into this group and are trained from birth to be fiercely loyal, and absolutely secretive.
Imagine that these people are routinely tortured and forced to do utterly horrific things — and are therefore very unhappy.
Imagine that this corporation has three main city-states for its administration, with major obelisks erected in each one:
- Vatican City as the spiritual center
- City of London as the financial center, and
- Washington, DC as the military center
Imagine that the members of this group have been horribly tortured for many generations, and are incredibly fearful of death if they ever say a word about it to the public.
Imagine that at least the senior members of this cult believe they are “God’s Chosen,” and want everyone to either think like they do or simply disappear.
Imagine this group hates anyone who believes in a traditional, monotheistic God, and therefore will ruthlessly persecute and kill Jews, Christians and Muslims.
Imagine a group that despises everyone else as if they were sub-humans, and believes we are “bad for the environment” and must be eradicated.
Imagine that the idea of mass genocide is reframed as a loving embrace of the earth, hoping to cure it from an “infection” — namely us.
[This is exactly how Agent Smith spoke about us in the first Matrix film, as one of many examples.]
Imagine that this group has systematically deployed “weapons systems” into the various businesses it controls.
Imagine that the purpose of the weapons system is to quietly, silently try to “get the numbers down” of population on earth.
Imagine that these weapons systems include the following — even though mainstream science will fiercely debate most of these as “conspiracy theories”:
- Fluoride in water and conventional toothpaste, which clogs the pineal gland and lowers IQ and spirituality
- Power lines and cell towers that create cancer if you live nearby them
- Mobile / cordless phones and headsets that bring dangerous electromagnetic fields close to the brain
- Gasoline-powered vehicles creating carbon monoxide and other toxic atmospheric emissions
- Aerosols sprayed by certain aircraft that add to overall pollution and toxicity
- Pesticides like Roundup in conventional produce that attack and weaken the body
- Aluminum in conventional underarm deodorant that causes breast cancer
- Mercury in dental fillings that creates systemic toxicity and heavy metal poisoning
- Chemical cocktails in cigarettes to keep workers alive until retirement age, then requiring prolonged medical care
- Plug-in air fresheners that release toxic chemicals and trick you into ignoring mold and other household toxins
- Growth hormone and antibiotics in the conventional dairy and meat supply
- Genetically-modified organisms in grain, particularly corn, soy and wheat
- Monosodium glutamate hiding as ‘Natural Flavor,’ ‘Spices,’ ‘Hydrolyzed Extract,’ ‘Autolyzed Yeast,’ ‘Whey Protein,’ etc.
- Preservatives such as citric acid [Pete Peterson said this is one of the most dangerous, generally unacknowledged examples]
- Artificial proteins in wheat called “gliadin” that attack the thyroid gland, ruining energy and adding weight
- Additives in vaccines that elevate aluminum and heavy metals to toxic levels, creating autism in children (see “Vaxxed” movie)
- Refined sugars in conventional foods that cause excessive cravings, weight gain and diabetes (see “Fed Up” movie)
- Fried foods, where overheated oils turn rancid and sugar and spices are used to mask the corresponding bad taste
- Weaponized chemical cocktails in fast foods that lead to addiction, weight gain, lethargy and death
- Alcohol as the intoxicant of choice, which attacks every cell in the body in order to produce a buzz
- Pharmaceutical drugs such as painkillers that are actually more toxic and addictive than heroin
[This is why I am on a paleo diet, avoid all processed foods and dairy, and only eat ethical meats such as bison, which is forbidden from additives and tampering by law.
I was vegan for seven years and became severely anemic, despite trying all the best nutritional advice — so paleo is the compromise.
Vegans get very, very angry about this. Nonetheless, many of them discover that they get a huge energy boost by adding certain foods back in, such as eggs.
Everything on the above list came from Deep State insiders who were directly aware of the design and deployment of these strategies.
Most of the weapons systems can be avoided by simply practicing a healthy diet.]
Imagine that this group also creates massive wars to achieve their goals and consolidate power — secretly controlling both sides for a central purpose.
Imagine that all the major wars of the 20th century were secretly financed, armed and controlled by the same group on both sides to meet this sinister agenda.
Imagine that the German Nazis, and other Fascist countries such as Mussolini’s Italy, were some of the most visible examples of how this group really thinks and feels.
Imagine that this group used World Wars I and II as a cover to systematically confiscate all major gold holdings in the world, so nothing could compete with their ‘fiat’ currency backed by nothing.
Imagine that the development of ‘fiat’ currency means this group can literally print money out of thin air, to whatever degree it wants.
Imagine that this group had extensive contact with extraterrestrial civilizations — starting with the worst ones reaching out to the Nazis, as Tompkins and others revealed. (See Part One.)
Imagine that this group has developed incredibly advanced technology, through various means, and has kept it strictly classified.
Imagine that this group holds us in such low esteem that they never want us to have any of this technology, as they don’t think we deserve it.
Imagine that this group fears the release of this technology would increase population and destroy the money supply, which allows wealth and power to be concentrated.
Imagine that this group already has interstellar spacecraft and countless manned bases in our solar system and beyond.
Imagine that this group has direct, ongoing trade and diplomatic relationships with hundreds of different extraterrestrial civilizations.
Imagine that this group considers themselves “Gods,” because they control all access to space and high technology, and have successfully hidden all of it from us.
By this point we’ve lost almost everybody. Oh well. This is now way, way “out of the box” thinking…. to say the least.
Nonetheless, it is only if we can accept the previous postulates as a fundamental basis for discussion that we can really talk about what is going on.
Let’s therefore refer to the full set of postulates above as The Fundamental. We will start with that and work off of it for our discussion.
Imagine that The Fundamental is all true. Even though it is highly classified and compartmentalized, many within it are aware of what is going on.
If you meet real insiders, you will always hear various aspects of The Fundamental coming up in your conversation.
The vast majority of insiders involved with The Fundamental on earth are still unaware of the technology and space components, however.
Those types are much, much harder to find. I feel very fortunate to have located so many of them, as we described in Part One.
Many insiders don’t know about the space components, and the rest of The Fundamental is extremely, extremely awful stuff.
The Pizzagate revolution caused many people to awaken to the truth, starting with the ugliest possible aspects first.
I wrote a very elaborate summary of that information in ENDGAME, on December 6th, 2016. A majority of the data from all the original YouTube videos is there, plus more.
Many people have the stomach to accept some or most of The Fundamental, but then believe every member of this group was “in on it.”
This, to me, has been the most disappointing aspect of traditional conspiracy analysis online.
If The Fundamental is true, it is absolutely inevitable that multiple, strong alliances would form on the inside to try to bring it down.
The real question is whether or not any of these alliances would ever be sufficient enough to actually defeat the Deep State.
On the simplest level, what has happened is that the military has completely turned on the Deep State — or at least a significant percentage of it.
Thanks to insider info I have gotten through various sources, I am well aware that this is an extremely deadly battle that is still raging.
The Alliance has made incredible strides forward toward reaching their goals. Much of this work has remained absolutely secret.
The entire operation was so classified that hardly anyone even knew about it online. I was either brave or foolish enough to be one of the first to talk about it.
If all of this is new to you, it is not possible or advisable for me to re-do all the work I have already done.
Almost every article I have written on DivineCosmos.com since mid-2009 has covered this battle in great detail.
You can visit David’s Blog on my site to get an overview of the various headlines that have covered this story in different ways.
Now the Alliance has found a means to communicate with the public through the Q Anon briefings on 4Chan, and that makes me very happy.
With that being said, I also don’t want to get too complacent and just “let nature take its course,” as there is still much that is not understood.
Certain elements of the Alliance have been quite upset with me for the distractions and down-time I have had this year.
I do apologize for that. I understand how serious this is and I want to continue to do my part, and do it better than before.
If what we are hearing is true, things are about to get really intense. It may not seem that way, but we are very, very close.
Part of why I want to get this article done now is that there will soon be a lot more that we need to talk about.
The Alliance still isn’t sure how this will go down. No plan survives the battlefield. There are always unexpected twists.
For this same reason, each of us has a role in helping others decipher what is going on in real time as this all plays out.
This statement from Q Anon on November 21st, 2017 clearly seems to be written by someone who at least believes at least a majority of The Fundamental to be true:
All that you know to be right is wrong. The ‘cult’ runs the world. Fantasy land. The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).
20% public. 80% private. The world would otherwise collapse….
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
MSM role? Push conspiracy theory. Social media role? Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban. Censorship.
Q is clearly saying that 80 percent of the war that is now being fought must be done in private, clandestinely.
Otherwise, the Alliance believes the shock and trauma would be so great that the world would indeed collapse.
The “conspiracy theory” that is being pushed by mainstream media (MSM) and social media is the idea that there is no Deep State.
We are definitely seeing more and more examples of aggressive censorship taking place.
The day my wedding announcement to Elizabeth went up, March 4th, was also the very last day we spent at our former residence in Los Angeles before we hit the road.
By this point, the Alliance briefings through sources affiliated with Corey Goode and others had greatly diminished.
We were told that this was because the Alliance campaign against the Deep State had moved from a “planning” phase to an “operational” phase.
In the public, worldly sense, there did not appear to be very many events that had the gravitas of a major intel data dump, or the stunning takedown of key Deep State figures.
We did hear that a major Dark Alliance operation was waged against Emery Smith to try to discredit him, and illegally publish whatever documents were found online.
This smear campaign did not discover any actionable data against Emery. He has been honest about his prior experiences.
The death of Emery’s dog Beowulf and bizarre car crashes we discussed in Part One seemed to be the response to this failed smear campaign.
I also was forced to deal with the unfortunate disappearance of “Mega Anon,” a source we had covered extensively in previous articles from the end of last year.
Let’s not forget that Mega Anon appeared on 4Chan in May 2017, saying many provocative things that mirrored our intel very nicely.
She was openly prognosticating an epic takedown of the Deep State, complete with mass arrests and public disclosures of information.
I was the only person she ever reached out to for verbal conversation. It only lasted about a month and a half. My wife spoke to her as well.
Mega had called me at the LAX airport before I boarded my flight to Colorado in early January, saying there was “very exciting news.”
It sounded as if her Alliance contacts wanted to reach out in some greater depth, possibly in person. I never heard from her again.
The stunning death of Emery’s dog occurred only days after this phone call I had with Mega Anon.
In that same call she also said that behind the scenes, the battle was furious, and the Deep State was losing fast.
However, just like the wounded lion, this also meant they were more dangerous than ever before.
The Q Anon material began appearing on 4Chan at the end of October 2017, just two weeks after we threw Mega Anon into the limelight.
We have now had multiple briefings indicating that the QAnon posts are authentic releases of intel from what we are calling the Alliance.
The Alliance is an international group of different factions who all agree that the Deep State / Cabal / New World Order / Illuminati must be stopped.
The Alliance includes what now appears to be a majority of the military and intelligence agencies within the US, as well as many other countries.
They are far more aware of what is going on in the Secret Space Program than we may realize.
The shocking, blatant attacks against Emery, Pete, Tompkins, Goode and others suggests there is true desperation within the Deep State.
It may well be that the Alliance plans on revealing epic secrets, including a guided tour of underground facilities, fairly soon after the arrests occur.
Bizarre and upsetting conflicts are still occurring in the world, such as the recent airstrikes in Syria — a joint operation between the US, UK and France.
The administrations in the UK and particularly France definitely still appear to be under the control of the Deep State.
Compelling proof has already surfaced in which the initial attack in Syria was not caused by chemical weapons, but was rather fabricated.
People who had survived a normal fire were traumatized when individuals burst into the room, said it was a chemical attack, and water was poured on them.
This was what produced the footage that everyone then saw.
It does appear that this was another Deep State attempt to force the Trump administration into creating the World War III they are so desperately hoping for.
There could well be multiple methods the Deep State used to force the US administration to participate in these strikes, or suffer serious consequences.
This appears to be why Trump brushed a bit of dandruff off of French president Macron’s jacket in their first meeting after the strike.
I get that some people can see nothing but total evil and negativity in the current US administration.
You may be firing up your fingers for a massive keyboard volley of hate as we speak.
A close friend witnessed someone go into a violent meltdown when the Syria airstrikes were brought up.
It is very easy to hate the current administration. The establishment media is constantly feeding you reason after reason to be angry.
I have always tried to look behind the headlines and see the actions of the Deep State that may not be as obvious to everyone.
The truth is rarely ever as simple as whatever storyline we are being fed by the media. This may seem offensive, particularly to older generations, but is nonetheless true.
You don’t have to like the current administration to understand that a very serious war is taking place between them and whoever controls the mainstream media.
We have now reached the point where the FBI invaded the offices of the president’s attorney and seized confidential documents, just days before the airstrikes.
The female judge who ordered the raid also happened to have been Clinton’s pick for Attorney General, and the minister at George Soros’ wedding.
Very interestingly, on the night the airstrikes took place, the top US military officials posed for a picture with the president.
In this picture, if you exclude the two men wearing civilian ties on either side of the president, you have nine military officials on the left and eleven on the right.

This may have been intentionally staged to let us know that they are aware of what really happened on 9/11, and are pursuing justice.
You may be laughing out loud right now, and that’s fine. If various insiders are correct, we will find out the truth soon enough.
Thankfully, nothing has escalated into further conflict despite all the media fear porn that was prognosticating imminent doom.
For what it’s worth, Benjamin Fulford’s intel was that a secret agreement was made with Syria and Russia to bomb three sites that were decommissioned.
No one died from these bombings, and only three injuries occurred. Here is what former Forbes journalist Benjamin Fulford had to say:
The U.S. military nonetheless went ahead with the April 13th attack on Syria because of a deal reached with the Russian military and the Syrian government, the [Pentagon] sources explain.
In this deal, the U.S. military was given three authorized targets inside Syria—a derelict building scheduled for demolition, and two empty airbases—in order to deprive the Zionists of an excuse to expose Trump’s dirty laundry, while at the same time avoiding a world war.
In addition, the “Syrian missile strikes pave the way for U.S. troop withdrawal, and Trump tweeting ‘mission accomplished’ was aimed at George Bush Jr. and the perps behind 9/11,” say the Pentagon sources.
Given how intense and publicly obvious this war between the current administration and the media has been, I would not be surprised if the strikes were somehow forced.
Some horrible “offer you can’t refuse” could have easily happened — thus leading to the bizarre “9/11” military photo we saw above.
The Deep State is incredibly clever at creating such setups, in which no other choice seems possible.
An event like this also serves to only further alienate the people who are already very opposed to whatever is going on.
I am very grateful that this did not escalate into any wider international conflict in these troubled times.
Either way, it is important not to get thrown off by this one event and to keep the “big picture” of the intel we have in mind.
One of the most stunning and provocative pieces of physical evidence will be discussed in the very next section below.
My life is only just starting to calm down enough after the move that I can do research again. The Q stuff is often very cryptic, but there is a quite a bit in there.
I am very pleased that the Alliance has found a secure means of informing the public about what they are working on.
Since the Alliance is comprised of multiple factions, there may never be an “officially sanctioned” release of intel, but this is about as close as we can get.
Everyone who follows this story has undoubtedly wished for stunning, public, visible results faster than what we are seeing so far.
Two key data points should be kept in mind in any discussion of this fascinating subject.
First off, the number of sealed indictments now on the books as of March 31st, 2018 is at a staggering 24,544:

This process began in late October of last year, and has been continually increasing.
This was already a very exciting story that we covered on Christmas Day 2017, at which time the number was “only” 4,289.
Here is an excerpt from that same article we wrote that explains why this is so significant:
A sealed indictment may be filed in a case where an organized crime syndicate is under active investigation.
This allows the authorities to nab certain individuals in the cartel, without making a public statement of who is being targeted.
It is now a provable fact that the number of sealed indictments on the current Federal record is vastly higher than usual, by orders of magnitude.
A 2009 report from the US Federal Judicial Center indicated that there were only 1,077 sealed criminal cases in 2006, or only 1.6 percent:
[p.21] We found 1,077 sealed criminal cases among 66,458 criminal cases filed in 2006 (1.6%).

Here is the Twitter post from @damartin32 that released the most recent numbers:

The indictments are a very interesting and provable fact. Some folks have tried to debate this online, but their arguments are easily debunked.
We are told these indictments are a Who’s Who list of top Deep State operatives. Their response has been total, dictatorial censorship.
This is a last-ditch move that reveals the true game and only further hastens their inevitable defeat.
In about the third week of February, many dozens if not hundreds of conspiracy analysis channels were deleted off of YouTube.
A friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous had created his own channel with some provocative videos on it.
He was subscribed to 100 different conspiracy analysis channels that were all doing great work.
In the Great Purge, he lost his own channel, and 80 out of the 100 channels he was subscribed to were all deleted as well.
One of many who got deleted, at least at first, in the Great Purge was Jerome Corsi:
3/1: YouTube Terminates Account of Infowars Bureau Chief Jerome Corsi
David Seaman was a classic Pizzagate researcher who also got beheaded in the Great Purge, but has since come back with very interesting new intel.
David Seaman is an accredited, formerly mainstream journalist who was a favored, prolific and popular author for Huffington Post.
In fact, his biographical page still exists on their website at the time of this writing. All but two of his many articles are still clickable at this link:

David’s “last words” in his Huffington Post bio now seem oddly prophetic, in a mirror-inverted sense:
“Getting the truth to the masses has always been fun, but now it’s so easy, too!”
David wrote these words before the first of a series of potentially career-killing strikes were conducted against him.
There is nothing easy about getting the truth out to the masses if the Deep State simultaneously deletes your YouTube, Gmail, Twitter and Vid.me accounts.
These are supposedly separate companies. Never before have we seen such a sudden, massive, combined attack against a former media darling turned whistleblower.
Prior to the first attack in August 2016, David Seaman had written hundreds of highly successful articles for Huffington Post, as ZeroHedge and others reported.
David may have believed in American myths like “freedom of the press” and “freedom of speech” when he questioned Hillary’s health on Huffington Post.
On August 29th, 2016, in the feverish battle for the US Presidential election, David was stripped of all publishing rights for the Huffington Post, and two of his articles were deleted — with no recourse or appeal.
David had linked to an Alex Jones / Infowars video showing Hillary having obvious seizures on multiple occasions. The video already had 3.5 million views.
It was certainly legitimate to question whether such a serious, spontaneous and uncontrollable health issue would be appropriate for a President of the United States.
There could be any number of situations where the health and security of the nation could be greatly affected by such a devastating weakness.
As an example, since flashing lights are known to trigger seizures, an enemy could hit the president with a strobe light and debilitate her at a critical moment.
This could occur from ground-based agents at public events, or with covertly mounted lights at any location she might have ended up visiting.
David Seaman gained huge credibility and publicity in the alternative community after this shocking betrayal from mainstream media.
Several key articles emerged right as it happened, on August 29th and 30th, 2016, including the following:
8/29/16: HuffPo Author Fired for Publishing Article Questioning Hillary’s Health
“I’ve filed hundreds of stories over the years as a journalist and I’ve never had anything like this happen….I’ve never experienced this,” remarked Seaman.
“This is spooky, to me this is extremely spooky – I don’t like it,” he added.
8/30/16: HuffPo “Revoked Publishing Access” of Journalist After ‘Hillary Health’ Story: “It’s Orwellian… I’m Scared”
Fortunately, we’ve discovered a cached version of one of the articles published by Seaman (which can be read here).
In it, Seaman questions whether his readers truly believe Hillary to be healthy, noting that he can’t express an opinion because he “needs to keep [his] job and platform.”…
“I realize some readers might be wondering after watching Paul Watson’s video… how is she strong, or healthy, after seeing all that?
Look guys, I need to keep my job and platform. A lot of people read the Huffington Post and AOL properties.
We all know what happens when you speak a little too much truth about the Establishment-beloved Clintons.”
8/29/16: HuffPost Fires Contributor, Deletes Articles Questioning Hillary’s Health (VIDEO)
“It’s chilling,” Seaman noted. “I still haven’t really absorbed it.”
Seaman’s articles — “Hillary Clinton’s Health Is Super (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)” and “Donald Trump Challenges Hillary Clinton To Health Records Duel” — “were pulled without notice… just completely deleted from the Internet.”…
“I’ve honestly never seen anything like this, and this is happening in the United States in 2016,” he continued. “It’s frankly chilling. I’m a little scared.”
I’m doing this video right now to say I’m not suicidal, I’m not a clumsy person. I don’t own a car at the moment, I uber everywhere,” Seaman told the audience.
“So if I am to slip in the shower over the next couple of days or something like that, we have to employ probability and statistics here, because I am not a clumsy person and I am not a depressed person.”
Here is a surviving screen capture of the critical article in which David Seaman questioned Hillary’s health and immediately got fired for it:

Here is a more detailed view of the introduction of the article, so it is a bit easier to read, along with a now-active link to the video in question:

Only five weeks after this stunning takedown of a mainstream media journalist who “dared to question,” Wikileaks began releasing the Podesta emails.
The date was October 7th, 2016 — and the world was forever changed by the information that began appearing that very day.
This was one of many actions taken, not by Russia, but by a US Military-led group of positive factions we have been calling the Alliance.
The Podesta emails were only the latest in an enormous body of evidence suggesting that very dark practices are ongoing in the world’s most elite circles.
David Seaman had just done a video about this very subject right before having his identity stripped from YouTube and elsewhere:
BitChute is an alternative site that helps us fight against what has obviously become a totalitarian crackdown on social media, Facebook, Twitter and GooTube.
I highly recommend watching the above video, which unfortunately cannot be embedded directly into a page like this. You have to click on the link.
This video is very likely what led to this unprecedented, multi-platform takedown of David Seaman. As of now it still only has a little over 10,000 views on BitChute.
David disappeared for a while after his Deep State “identity theft,” but then came back with a vengeance.
He has now moved to Washington DC and created the Fulcrum News Service.
He also posted a very interesting video on April 5th, where he was popping champagne and saying that it was all over… the Deep State was finished.
In this video he reveals that he was working with Alliance members, who told him the things he was reporting on were true and asked him to continue.
Someone apparently showed him some of the sealed indictments, meaning that they were at least unsealed on the inside.
He has been given a view into what was going on.
Here is an embedded link to the video if you want to watch the whole thing:
In this video, among other things, David reveals that the NXIVM cult was involved with the Deep State, using B-list actresses to recruit children and young women as sex slaves.
He was also told that the MS-13 gang was being used by Democrats for targeted assassinations.
At 45:09, he said MSM people will be dropping like flies and disappearing. The reality will be that they have been indicted.
Once the indictments are unsealed, the next step is an arrest.
He also indicated, quite controversially, that the Alliance has now been able to stop most, if not all of the alleged chemtrail activity in our skies.
This apparently accounts for why the weather has been crazy, with more precipitation and storm activity than usual.
At 52:30, he reveals that he has seen some of the indictments, including the people who were named, and is very satisfied.
He did say that many people with well-known public names will be arrested, more than you can imagine within the 20,000 plus indictments.
This includes a variety of prominent celebrities who have not yet been ensnared in the #MeToo movement.
He also indicated a very rapid timetable of expectations: “within two weeks”, he was told we would see major things happening.
That time window has come and gone, and plans like this invariably take longer than they were originally expected to.
In a newer video from April 24th, David reveals that two of the unsealed indictments are already public now.
This specifically is USA vs. Keith Raniere, the head of the NXIVM cult, and USA vs. Allison Mack, the Smallville actress.
You can see that the Raniere indictment was filed on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2018, but was only unsealed on 4/20.

Notice where it says “To Be Filed Under Seal” above, and the February 14th date in red.
Allison has been sentenced to cyber monitoring and house arrest. David says that if she can be one of these people, then anyone can.
It is important to remember that all women in this cult had to have sex with Raniere, even if they were under-age.
This therefore is Pizzagate. Child sex trafficking. And it ran right through Hollywood.
Here is a link to a very sad video of Allison Mack talking about JNess, a division of the NXIVM cult, in glowing terms.
According to David’s intel, NXIVM is only one small part of a much larger conspiracy involving the Deep State and Hollywood.
The next very exciting, independent sign that “Something Big” is coming from the Alliance is in a recent speech Jerome Corsi gave in DC.
This took place at an event Alex Jones had commissioned there:
4/11: Bombshell Speech by Jerome Corsi
It was, of course, deleted, as I just discovered while trying to embed it here:

[I looked again the next morning and found a few surviving copies. You may want to download this, as it will just keep getting taken down.]
Beginning at 6:23, Corsi said that three years ago, he had spoken to three top generals in the US military who were ready to remove Obama from office with military force.
This would obviously have created overwhelming trouble internationally, even if they produced proof of severe wrongdoing. It would amount to a military coup in America.
A few weeks later, Corsi got another call and the generals said they were reconsidering.
Get this: they told him they had spoken to Donald Trump, and after an in-depth discussion, he agreed that he would run for President.
They agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d’etat as a legitimate process. This pact between military and Trump has held, he said.
This immediately caught my attention, as it mirrored intel I had heard on my own, and was indirectly referred to in the early Q Anon material.
What I heard was that these generals sat Trump down for a two-week-long briefing, in which he was shown at least a good part of what we are calling The Fundamental.
This included some of the most disturbing Pizzagate-type material, complete with sickening video proof no one would ever want to see.
Trump was very, very reticent to be involved in this. The generals essentially had to beg him to run for office.
Even though many people absolutely despise Trump, the generals had studied him and knew he was not a Deep State / Cabal member.
His public recognition would help him “go the distance” once he finally came out and started exposing the Deep State as a candidate, unlike anyone before.
Furthermore, Trump could self-finance his own campaign without needing to take money from Deep State entities — and there was no one else in this position.
Corsi goes on to say that Q Anon is a product of military intelligence, and is close to Trump.
At 9:35 in the video, he said that we can expect military tribunals and treason charges for Hillary and Obama.
At 12:20, he said he has been in contact with an anonymous silicon valley insider, and they have exchanged extensive emails.
This insider told him that every single major tech giant — FB, Google, Twitter, YouTube – is a CIA creation. They were funded by the CIA.
They are all considered dispensable. Mark Zuckerberg is in the ejection seat, as we are seeing with his recent Congressional hearings.
He also said the real power is found with companies like Oracle, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems – who make the bridges and the infrastructure.
The real control is from the Larry Ellisons. They are not the front-men. Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Google…. all of them are considered dispensable.
He said the internet was funded by the US military industrial complex and Lockheed Martin. They wanted new electronic hardware for the military.
Early along, they realized they could create something with social media where we would give them all of our information freely.
The second-to-last piece of interesting scuttlebutt I want to focus on here is an Alex Jones video from April 22nd.
In this video, Alex interviews an insider who has worked for Lockheed Martin Skunk Works named Zach.
Here is a transcript from the end of the video, where things get quite exciting.
More than I have ever seen before, Alex Jones is addressing the space program aspects of The Fundamental we have been discussing.
20:32: Zach: It’s so unprecedented, the changes in history that will be… You just cannot tiptoe around this. It’s either all or nothing.
AJ: And that’s why the Democrats are so desperate. They have committed such galactic crimes that they’ve just… they’re cornered.
Zach: You just hit it right on the head. This is a galactic gold mine, and that is it.
Everything that is occurring is stopping us, like you spoke about at the front, some of the stuff I’m involved with in think-tank engineering….
They [the Deep State] have to do everything they can to stop us from going multi-planetary.
Once we go multi-planetary, there is a real issue in the cultural narrative, a real issue in what we look to as the cultural references.
[There are] real issues in the economy when it comes to mining certain precious metals and minerals. Everything changes.
AJ: And big disclosures are about to come out, and they want to be in charge when the disclosures happen.
Zach: One hundred percent. They are pulling out… they played the Jack of Spades.
AJ: That’s what I’ve been told since I was a kid, and we are here right now. [Ends show]
The Alliance insiders speaking through Corey Goode have indicated that Zach is the real deal, and it sounds like it to me.
Everything Goode’s sources are saying is lining up with what we heard from David Seaman, Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones and the insider Zach.
I was very strongly encouraged to get back in the game, as it is “Now or Never.”
Lastly, the latest Q Anon briefings are also predicting that we are about to see the Mother of All Bombs dropped on the Deep State.
This is indicated with the use of the acronym MOAB.
Here is what Q Anon posted less than a week ago now on Saturday, April 21st, over the course of 34 minutes:
Apr 21 2018 15:10:43 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1133332
What will next week hold? MOAB. Q
Apr 21 2018 15:15:51 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1133464
Fire up those Memes! Please stand by. On the clock. Ready to play? MOAB incoming. Q
Apr 21 2018 15:40:05 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1133862
They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed. Lost now (awakening). They keep them enslaved.
Apr 21 2018 15:44:08 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1133942
At this point it is anyone’s guess why November 11th, 2018 is being flagged. Perhaps we will have seen far more progress by then.
Either way, the post from last Saturday seemed to hint that at least the first part of this “Mother of All Bombs” would hit this week.
There is still one more day left at the time we are posting this. And again, things might take a little longer than they had planned.
I am very profoundly unhappy with social media as it now stands. I know I “should” use it but I just can’t stand it.
I have had routine, aggressive censorship of my thoughts, ideas and communications on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Gmail and so forth.
Therefore, I am very happy to announce that a genuine, high-quality alternative to Facebook has just launched as of Wednesday in its “alpha” phase.
The site is called OnStellar and it is a far more than adequate substitution for Facebook — with NO censorship or BS whatsoever.
I have already been working hard to approve every friend request that comes in.
This will very likely be the only social media platform where I will do more than just announce articles now.
You will notice that there is already starting to be a Who’s Who list of participants in my field.
This is what you see when you hit my page. I still have to add a placeholder graphic at the top:

Click on http://onstellar.com/cosmic to get started. Use that link, send me a friend request and we are good!
I am very glad that things have finally slowed down enough that I can get back into the flow of covering this amazing, unfolding story.
I will definitely be busy this weekend with the big conference, but with all these sources chattering so loudly, I expect quite the adventure ahead.
Thank you for your continuing support and encouragement of this work.
We always have about two to five percent of the audience appear to be violent detractors, but remember that many of these people are “paid bloggers”.
They are working for the Deep State and have no idea who they are really supporting. I therefore encourage you to respectfully ignore them.
There is no need for violence of any kind. I consider the YouTube shooting to have been a tremendous disgrace.
Our role in this Alliance struggle is simply to observe, draw conclusions and help spread the word. Thank you for helping us out!