Discussion of David’s Critical New Disclosure Film — #1 Documentary!
02.11.2018 20:58 David Wilcock | Disclosure

Today, October 30th, 2018, “Above Majestic” enjoys its worldwide debut.
The Secret Space Program, Q Anon, elongated skulls, ETs, the Cabal and so much more have all been rolled into one film for the very first time.
David Wilcock has top billing and extended screen time in the movie, making it a “must-see” for all fans of this website and our overall body of work.
Not surprisingly, Fakebook has declared our movie to be “Fake News,” and has already created an absolute ban on any and all advertising or discussion of it.
That’s how you know we are doing something right. This makes it all the more imperative that we speak up and support the cause.
Amazingly, despite this obvious shakedown from the Powers that Were, the film is #1 in the Itunes Documentary category!
[UPDATE: We are now up to #1 on Amazon as well, and in the top 20 of ALL films on Itunes, actually beating the new Star Wars. Scroll to the end for the latest updates.]
As a gift to our audience on the day of this new career “first,” we have written up an extensive and interesting discussion of topics related to this film. Enjoy!
Read the whole article on divine cosmos.com