Ascension report: 8:8 lions gate royal marriage codes & feline DNA activation

Dearest brothers and sisters.
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time, to share with you some essential and sacred information regarding the upcoming 8:8 lions gate portal. Many of you are experiencing the intense energetic waves that are bombarding Earth's atmosphere currently, and which are truly unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before.
These photonic light particles are being dispensed from our central sun alcyone and they are coming through the star system of sirius and picking up galactic DNA upgrade codes from the Sirius star system. These are laser beams of light particles / Gamma rays which are currently bombarding the earthly plane at a truly unprecedented level. For many of you this Intense influx of light particles is manifesting in your vessels as somewhat unusual and challenging physical symptoms.
The reason for this is that all of the places in your physical, emotional, and energetic systems where you have held onto beliefs of lack or indeed any of the 3D programming, must be identified, addressed and ultimately eradicated, as none of these limited beliefs can be bought with you into Fifth Dimensional consciousness It is important that you stay on top of your hydration beloveds, coconut water and electrolytes are probably the most powerful antidote for Ascension symptoms as the gamma-ray photonic light particles are heating up our DNA spirals much like how a microwave heats up corn kernels to make them pop.
This is causing an extreme experience of dehydration for many, and so we cannot emphasize enough how important it is for you to stay on top of your hydration levels. This number one tip will enable you to move skillfully and masterfully through this 8:8 Lions Gate upgrade.
The Energies are Proving to be very challenging for Many at the moment as we are witnessing the last act of the Deep state vs god (GOD WINS) As we have stated over and over in these written transmissions the light has already won and what we are witnessing is the catch up if you will of the lower dimensional Realms.
In fifth dimensional consciousness the light has already won and earth has already ascended, and the timeline whereby we will collectively experience this is dependent on the amount of humanities children who awaken out of the false third dimensional Matrix. So much of what you are witnessing being played out in the collective is a whitehat controlled operation to expose the evil plans of the deep state... for many of humanities children this can appear to be somewhat destabilizing when it is viewed from a lower dimensional perspective, this is why we actively encourage you to perceive the current situation from your heart - your heart knows that God wins, your heart knows that these are the end times, your heart knows that we are galloping rapidly towards the Golden Age, your heart knows the light has won, your heart knows Darkness is merely the absence of light and in and of itself does not exist and is unmeasurable……….
In this Gateway, there are huge activations taking place with the 144000 twin Souls starseeds with regards to the coming online of all dormant feline DNA. This feline DNA extends back to the time of The big bang - the time when the 144000 twin Souls starseeds split forth as one monadic soul group.
At the very beginning of creation, as God - beings our souls evolved to an extremely high level and we took our place as part of the founder race of lyra which are also referred to as the Guardians of this particular galactic system. As Lyran beings we spent eons of time in these feline forms serving many fledgeling planets, and assisting in unfathomable ways with maintaining profound levels of harmony and creation within the Galaxy.
After eons of time an experiment was allowed to take place on the earthly realm which allowed mother earth to drop from being in a very high density into third density also known as the 3rd dimension. When this occurred this activated a veil of forgetfulness on a personal and collective level for all incarnating souls into the earthly realm.
This experiment which was allowed to take place from the highest levels of spiritual authority created a scenario whereby the vast majority of humanities higher DNA strands were manipulated into a dormant state awaiting the time of the great shift from Kali yuga to the Golden Age.
Dearest Brothers and Sisters please know that these are the times that we have all been waiting for. The time is now for en masse galactivation of our feline DNA, and this is being reactivated by our galactic elder brothers and sisters who are intricately a part of our higher self and hold aspects of our higher self that are also incarnated simultaneously and concurrently on parallel timelines and in higher dimensional Realms of consciousness within this eternal moment of now.
Suffice to say there is absolutely zero separation between you and your lyran feline galactic self and higher self. You have full access to all of their spiritual powers and codes, and please know that this 8.8 lionsgate is truly and profoundly activating this promise.
The energies are now rapidly building towards the 8.8 lionsgate and our beloved channel jenji Is being guided by us in the higher Realms to facilitate a powerful transmission on that date working specifically with the lyran feline higher aspects Of the soul. We are being called to come together on this Potent portal date to work with OUR Lyran higher self aspects to activate a profound healing ceremony for ALL. We are also being guided to clear all lower timelines to make way for the royal marriage of the Lion and Lioness within you and without and on a vast collective level. This is a huge galactic ceremony that we are being asked to facilitate as our galactic soul families ground crew.
Please know that this is a marriage ceremony of the highest universal order which is set to entirely eradicate many false karmic contracts that have truly run their course. It is so important now that all of the 144000 starseeds release all toxic relationships and relationships that are operating from the vibration of lack and control in order to create a divine sacred Space for partnerships to manifest that are in vibrational alignment with your highest spiritual destiny.
Please see details below on how to book onto this 8:8 royal wedding Lions Gate transmission Please know brothers and sisters that everybody is doing so well and we in the higher realms are actually in awe of humanity's rapid progress spiritually. Please know that we absolutely adore you and that we are eternally here for you cheering you ever homeward - back to the present moment of NOW the zero point field were all timelines meet and converge.
in love and eternal light jenji and the white wolf tribe
8:8 Lions Gate transmission
The 8.8 lions Gate transmission will take place on the 8th of August 2020 at 8:20 p.m. UK time. In this transmission, we are being called to come together to fully and completely activate our galactic Lyran feline DNA. Our feline DNA reaches back to the beginning of our soul's creation and thus incorporates many of our spiritual gifts and powers that are our birthright and were sent for us by our mother Father God. We are being called to come together on this Potent portal date to work with our Lyran higher self aspects to activate a profound healing ceremony for the Divine masculine and divine feminine counterparts.
We are also being guided to clear all lower timelines to make way for the royal marriage of the Lion and Lioness within you and on a collective level... This is a huge galactic ceremony that we are being asked to facilitate as our galactic soul families ground crew.
This transmission will take place in a group on Facebook, and it is very important that all of you who sign up for the transmission read the PDF clearly which gives you full instructions to join the brand new group please know that this sacred and Powerful work is offered on an energetic exchange basis. here is the link to book if you are reading this on a mobile device