Dearest Ones we come together to help you navigate this wonderful time of Christmas tide. Sadly Christmas on 3rd Dimensional Earth has somehow become a stressful time for so many, especially in the last few years. We are here to remind you all, how wonderful this time can be. Jeshua came to Earth over 2000 year ago to bring in the Christ Consciousness and now he comes again to help bring in the 5th Dimension of Peace, Love and Harmony.
Dearest Ones we know how hard life has become for many of you, especially those of you who know the Truth behind all of the darkness that has been surrounding your home planet for millennia. Now is the time to come out of this darkness and move more into the Light and we are here to give you the protection tools to help you do this. There is much fear and anger abounding on Earth at this time and these powerful tools will help you avoid this negativity and help you on your way into the 5th Dimension.
Archangel Michael: I bring you my Sword of Light and my Blue Cloak of protection to use when you go out into the 3rd dimensional world. Imagine the Sword of Light coming down from the heavens to the Stellar Gateway chakra above your head going down through all of your chakras to the Root chakra, connecting and grounding you to the Earth chakra below your feet. Surround yourself with my Blue Cloak of protection keeping the Light of Love inside of you and protecting you from all forms of evil and darkness without.
Archangel Metatron: I bring you my Magenta Flame of Truth to burn away any negativity coming from both within and without. Imagine this Flame coming from the centre of Gaia's Earth coming up through the Earth chakra below your feet to the Root Chakra and moving up through your spine to the Crown chakra and up to the Stellar Gateway Chakra above your head to connect with the Central Sun. This flame will burn away any negativity that has attached to you from both this and past lives. Imagine the flame surrounding your body and send it out into your aura as far as you can see.
Use these tools whenever you go out amongst the 3D world and they will help you to overcome any negativity that you may attract. They will help you to navigate the 3rd Dimensional World of fear and negativity, for you to Ascend into the 5th Dimension of Love, Peace and Harmony.
Whenever you are feeling down and unable to cope at this time, sit or lie down in the silence, connect with us and we will clear away any lower frequencies that may have been attracted to you. Call on us to protect you and keep you safe.
As part of the Angelic Realm we thank you all for coming to Earth to help Gaia and all living beings to Ascend at this momentous time. We applaud all that you are doing to help her and we send you all much Love, Light and many Blessings to help you on your way.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron.
Channelled by Thea Grace Sirius on 14.12 2021
Dearest Ones we know how hard life has become for many of you, especially those of you who know the Truth behind all of the darkness that has been surrounding your home planet for millennia. Now is the time to come out of this darkness and move more into the Light and we are here to give you the protection tools to help you do this. There is much fear and anger abounding on Earth at this time and these powerful tools will help you avoid this negativity and help you on your way into the 5th Dimension.

Use these tools whenever you go out amongst the 3D world and they will help you to overcome any negativity that you may attract. They will help you to navigate the 3rd Dimensional World of fear and negativity, for you to Ascend into the 5th Dimension of Love, Peace and Harmony.
Whenever you are feeling down and unable to cope at this time, sit or lie down in the silence, connect with us and we will clear away any lower frequencies that may have been attracted to you. Call on us to protect you and keep you safe.
As part of the Angelic Realm we thank you all for coming to Earth to help Gaia and all living beings to Ascend at this momentous time. We applaud all that you are doing to help her and we send you all much Love, Light and many Blessings to help you on your way.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron.
Channelled by Thea Grace Sirius on 14.12 2021