Those of you that have awakened! Master Saint Germain through James McConnell
28.10.2022 20:07 James McConnell | St. Germain

What was once years ago when you would have thought of these things happening at this time, you never would have thought it was possible. That’s you! Those of you that have awakened! Think about how it is for those that are still yet sleep! And all they want to do is live their lives, go through their daily life, not having a care in the world if they can get through it like that. Completely oblivious to the reality of the truth. The truth of who they are, what they are here for. All of these things that you are already aware of, that you have already awakened to.
But I must tell you that the light is coming in more and more now. And as the light comes in, as the truth moves in, the darkness must fade away. But before it fades away, it comes out crawling and screaming, and it wants to hold on. And those that are within those dark forces want to hold on. They are doing everything they can to resist the light. To resist the truth being told. This is why there are many lies and disinformation, misinformation everywhere.
And for those of you that know the truth, you know it because it is deep within you to know it. It is within your DNA process to know it, because of who you know that you are now.
But those of the dark forces are and will continue to fight. And in so doing, they are bringing themselves down everywhere. So you have been told many times to view this as a show or a movie that you are both participating in as the actors, the directors, the producers, all of this, and also as the audience watching. You are doing both here.
It is up to you, each and every one of you, to keep moving forward, not let yourself fall back into feeling that you want to stay within the status quo. You are awakened. And awakened you shall stay, because it is your destiny. It is what you came here to do, first to awaken yourselves, and then to start to awaken the collective consciousness of man.
Even though you feel at times that you can do nothing, and are doing nothing, you are always doing something. You are always moving the Light forward just by being who you are. Being the Light of Truth that you are. Everywhere that you go, your light spreads with you, even without you knowing it consciously working with it. It is happening regardless.
And whenever any one of you steps out and begins to share the truth with another that is in that awakening process, not only are you helping awaken that one person, but that one person now that is becoming awakened will now move forward and help another to awaken as well to strobe the Light of Truth everywhere.
There are more than you can know at this time that have awakened, or are in that awakening process at this very moment. So the plan to awaken the population of this planet is working. It is truly in process, and it cannot be stopped. The momentum is so strong at this point that it is indeed bringing down the house of cards of the forces of darkness.
Even though you may not see it all the time, even though you may feel drawn back at times to feeling like everything is falling apart in your life, it is not. It is exactly the opposite. Your lives are coming together now, not falling apart.
So continue to trust. Trust in all that you have been hearing and reading, because you know the truth. Again, deep within you you know what is misinformation and disinformation. And you know how to separate that from the truth.
And if you don’t know at any given time, just simply ask. Ask your Higher God-Self: “Is this the truth?” and the truth will then come to you in a resonance. You will feel it within you. And again, a knowing will come over you.
I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now at this time to continue to ask you all to continue to move forward. Don’t step back. Move forward, step, after step, after step.
Because as you are all doing that now, and the changes are growing more and more, there is going to come a time, I cannot, of course, say when, but a time, an event if you will, maybe not The Great Event, but events that are coming forward now that will change everything across the entire planet. It is coming. It is close. Just be ready. Be prepared.
And continue to spread the light everywhere, anywhere, any time that you are feeling encouraged to do so.
Peace and love be with all of you.