Humanity is Free - Official Decree from St. Germain - December 24, 2017
24.12.2017 14:49 St. Germain | Financial System

I have known for a long time that we are creators and that the greatest source of possibility and miracles was alive right in me. It's alive in me to this day. It's alive in you too.
For me to know who I am is of no value to you. Unless you know who, you are, you will never be free. When I said, "Humanity is free" it never occurred to me that you wouldn't just fly away like birds from a cage, but you had been there for so long that you'd forgotten what it meant to be free. And that pause was just long enough for your oppressor to herd you back into a group where they could control and monitor your behavior while keeping you enslaved in your own doubts, fears and insecurities.
I didn't do enough to prepare you to want freedom, or to know you were enslaved. Until now, humanity has not experienced life as free men and women I still feel the grief and sorrow of that failure.
I have longed for this day when I could finally state with conviction and honesty that Humanity is free, again! Your freedom today starts right now, and it cannot be taken from you by any force, anywhere. Your shackles have been destroyed and your power renewed.
This is my official decree as the one chosen to speak with the authority as an Ambassador, of the Sovereign living beings of the planet Earth, from hence forth Humanity is free. This marks the full release and restoration of the true asset backed value of the monetary system on the planet Earth.
The notifications and invitations to the chosen leaders of the transition is to be delivered immediately without further delay, enabling them to conduct their exchanges and begin the healing process for the entire planet.
My word on this matter is the absolute authority and there is none higher that can overrule my decision. On December 24, 2017 at 12:58 AM,
Sincerely yours,
Saint Germain