Message from Ann & the Angels – 06/01/2019 • Moving Beyond Judgment...
01.06.2019 15:19 Ann Albers

When you look at your world dear ones, what do you see? Do you see the magnificence, glory, and wonder of creation, or do you see the pain and problems? Do you see an evolving consciousness present in all things or a disparate group of beings all trying to survive? Do you see hope, or do you see despair?
Now look within yourself. Do you more easily focus upon the magnificence, glory, and wonder of you, or do you dwell upon pain and problems? Do you see an evolving consciousness in all your thoughts and feelings or do you accept only some while criticizing or condemning other thoughts and feelings. Do you feel hopeful and happy about your life, or are you in despair?
We suggest this simple exercise because whatever it is you see and feel within yourself is what you will see in your outer world. If you love and accept yourself, you’ll love and accept the evolving consciousness in your outer world. If you allow all thoughts and feelings within yourself to be, then you’ll allow others the same, and simply move away from what does not resonate. If you judge some aspects of yourself worthy of love and others not, then you will find yourself judging the very same in others.
When you find yourself criticizing someone or something in the outer world, try another simple exercise.
- First state your complaint with the other: "I can't stand it when they ..."
- Next say to yourself "If I am ...(the same complaint) I am not worthy of love." For this is indeed what you are telling yourself
For example, "I can't stand it when that person is so hateful!" translates into "If I am hateful I am not worthy of love." "I can't stand people who lie" is another way of saying, "If I lie I am not worthy of love."
In truth, dear ones, you are all, always and forever, worthy of love. What you disdain in another is what you would deem unlovable in yourself. This is not a reproach from the heavens, but rather an instruction. Your upsets with others help you to discover your illusions of separation, for indeed you are all One, living, abiding, and created in every breath within One Love.
You are not only worthy of love. You are love.
It is your journey to seek out that, which separates you from the experience of love. Those who upset you simply show you the areas in which you would judge yourself.
Next time someone upsets you try shifting the paradigm from judgment to truth... "They are hateful. They are disconnected from the experience of love. When I am hateful, I am disconnected from the experience of love." "They lie. They are disconnected from the experience of love and truth. When I lie, (even to myself) I am disconnected from the experience of love and truth."
And so you see, dear ones, the way that you look at the world is really helping you to see the way that you look at yourself.
All beings are an expression of Divine love. They remember, or not. You remember, or not. In a single moment of self-acceptance and self-compassion you remember love. In a single moment of discernment vs. judgment regarding another you remember love. In any movement to love self or another you reconnect with the deepest, essential truth of your being.
The world is in a very divisive state right now and yet we are heartened because we see so many of you moving towards greater love, tolerance, peace, and kindness. Be that light, first for yourselves dear ones. Accept yourselves. Love yourselves. Especially when you do not feel worthy of love, love yourselves more, and then, only then, can you honestly do the same for others.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels