Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/21/2018 • Reclaiming Your Natural State... and a hike in heaven!
26.07.2018 20:06 Ann Albers

You've heard it so many times, "Be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven." Children, before they learn otherwise, trust themselves. They speak their mind innocently. They move towards what feels good and move away from what does not. They love to share their gifts with others, and yet they honor themselves. In a natural state of being, you would too. Many of you, however, have been trained out of your natural state of being. You were taught to be wary of life or to be too trusting, rather than trusting your own feelings and instincts. You were taught to censor what you say and over analyze what you think. You learned to interpret people's words rather than intuitively feel their truth or falsehood. Many of you have been talked out of pursuing your passions and talked into being "responsible," instead of responding to self.
Delightfully, many of you are striving to return to your natural state of being! You are striving to live, speak, and act more authentically. You are reconnecting with your passions and preferences, worrying less about reacting to the world and more about responding to the subtle urgings of your own hearts. We are excited for you. You are freeing yourself from the world's conditioning and enjoying the joy that comes from listening to your own spirit.
Each one of you has an internal guidance system, that if allowed to function naturally, will guide you into a joyful, abundant, and loving existence. You need only to do what comes naturally.
At first, you may not even know what feels natural because you have been rewarded for doing what others want and 'punished' when you don't. It may take time to reconnect with your own heart.
Take a moment now. Put your hand on your heart. Breathe deeply. Ask yourself, "Heart what do you want in this moment?" Trust the first thought, feeling, impression, or words that you get. Listen to that. It is the still small, voice of God rising up from within you!
In time, you will learn to "be as little children," doing what feels natural at any given moment, speaking without censorship and with kind innocence, and trusting life's journey. In time you will learn to listen to the Divine as it arises within you, to move with the movements of your hearts, and to place more value on your joy now, rather than sacrificing it for perceived joy later.
You are all innocent dear ones. The urgings in your heart, be they for a new career or a cup of coffee at this moment are there for a reason. The desire to talk to a stranger is there for a reason. Your longings and your upsets are there for a reason. Pay attention to them. What feels joyful now is joyful now. What does not feel good now, is not good now.
As you learn to pay attention to and trust your instincts you will learn that the Divine has been whispering within you all along, "I love you. I am here for you. I am you."
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels