Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/14/2019 • Soul-satisfying Synchronicities
14.09.2019 22:25 Ann Albers

Imagine your life as a Divine dance of synchronistic events that seem to fall magically in place. Imagine that you live in a flow of grace and guidance that allows you to enjoy the journey of life even as you create more. Imagine enjoying seeming "coincidences" that surprise and delight you at every turn.
This type of life is not only possible but will, by the very nature of the universe and its design, come about as you learn to listen to your hearts and embrace the love and joy you can find in any given moment. These synchronicities are a sign that you are living in the flow of grace, in a high vibrational reality of love, where all beings are guided in harmony and love.
You will have a thought and later that day see something that validates your inspiration. You will feel like being in a certain place at a certain time, only to discover you meet someone with answers or some sort of blessing for you. You will have an urge to say something to someone, only to discover an answer or a connection.
The creator orchestrates this universe in a loving, inspiring, and harmonious way. When you trust your heart, the still small voice within, and your natural urges, you will find yourself tuning into this orchestration. When you fight against your natural urges you may miss your guidance and struggle trying to get life on track without the ease and grace that could naturally be yours.
There are two ways to live your life – the human way, and the heavenly way. The human way relies on you figuring out solutions to your own problems, making them happen, and hoping they work. The heavenly way relies on you aligning your energy with Love in any way you can, being clear in your intent, an acting only when joyfully guided. Both work. The first requires more work in your external world. The second requires more work between the ears!
Your synchronicities are a clear sign that you are creating the heavenly way. Enjoy them. Delight in them. Ask the universe for more of them. They are clear and beautiful indicators that you are living your life the heavenly way!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels