Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Give thanks for the future
18.11.2017 15:50 Ann Albers

Dear ones, we are ever grateful for each and every one of you because we know, here in the heavens, that we are all connected and sourced from One love. In our deepest essence, you and we are One. The love you feel, we feel as well.
We give thanks not only for the good that is happening in your lives now but also for the good you intend to have in your future. We give thanks for your perfect health, whether you are experiencing it or not. We give thanks for your abundance whether or not you are currently feeling lack. We give thanks for your loving, harmonious relationships whether they have arrived in your current reality or not.
As we focus with gratitude upon that which you desire, we support it coming into being. As you focus with gratitude on that which you desire, you too support it coming into your future. So give thanks for that which you have not yet received because it exists right here and now in potential. Why not turn your focus upon it with love.
"Dear Divine Source, thank you so much for my abundant loving life. I know I am experiencing loneliness and lack right now but I know you have so much more in store for me! "
"Dear Divine Source, thank you for my dream home! I know I live in a very small place right now but all things are possible with you and I eagerly await the unfolding and miracles."
"Dear Divine Source, thank you for my perfect health and well-being which I know is emerging even now beneath the illusions of illness."
"Dear Divine Source, thank you for my glorious life for I know as I focus upon it, it shall come into being."
There is nothing more powerfully creative than focusing with love and gratitude on that which you desire, giving thanks, knowing it is on the way.
Dear ones we give thanks for you, and for the perfectly beautiful lives that each and everyone of your souls is dreaming for you in the depths of your heart.