Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Focus, Feeling, & FUN!
27.01.2018 22:40 Ann Albers

You are always creating! The reality you experience today was one you created yesterday, perhaps even yesteryear or in lives past. The reality you experience tomorrow, or even an hour from now is one you are creating in this very breath.
Are you creating what you want?
Take a breath. Focus on one challenge or problem in your life for just a few seconds. As you do so, know that you are re-creating that challenge or problem for yourself in that very moment. You are inviting it to stay with you by your charged focus upon it.
Now, let’s change this. Focus instead on what it would feel like to experience a better reality. Ask yourself, “What would it feel like to have a better reality right here, right now?” Really allow yourself to imagine it. Even more importantly, allow yourself to feel it.
What would it feel like to have all the money you ever needed, right here, right now? Don’t just answer frivolously. Feel that reality. Imagine it. Immerse your mind and emotions in that reality until you feel the relaxation flood your body.
What would it feel like to be surrounded by loving relationships in all areas of your life and to lovingly, powerfully walk away from those who are not? Imagine it. Feel it. Feel the love of your life with you right now even if you have no clue if one exists. Do this until you feel it in your body. Breathe deeply while you are doing this.
Your imagination is a radio tuner that selects the frequencies and therefore the realties you call into being.
Your breath is the carrier or spiritual energy. As you breathe and feel, you are attuning yourself to the life you wish to live. When you think of something upsetting with great emotional charge, you are tuning into that experience. When you think of something you passionately want with great love an excitement, you are dialing into that experience.
Where the process gets tricky for most of you is that you dial into something you want to experience with great fear that it will not come about, and in so doing, you are dialing into “not having it” it more strongly than “having it.”
Dear ones we love you! We want you to embrace the fact that you are powerful creators! With each breath you inhale spirit. With each focused feeling you tune into the reality you wish to experience next. Use these powers more consciously every day for these are superpowers that each one of you is blessed with by your very nature!
The saying that you must “become as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven,” is true, for children focus on their dreams and desires with great love. In so doing, they experience a joy that is long forgotten by most adults – who have learned to allow yesterday’s creations – what you are experiencing today – to dictate what you think possibly tomorrow!
Breathe. Dream. Feel… and then your tomorrows will unfold with miracles and grace.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels