Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: You choose the course
21.10.2017 16:00 Ann Albers

To the degree you accept your feelings and desires, you move in the direction of having them. To the degree you resist your own feelings, there is pain, anger, upset, sadness and depression.
If you say you want something in your life but then proceed to doubt, or avoid doing what you feel inspired and guided to do, then you are resisting the flow of life – a flow that you, yourself set in motion.
Consider this metaphor. Imagine that there are an infinite number of rivers. Each one will carry you to a different future. You decide which future you want. You are so excited! You get a sturdy raft. You set it in your river of choice and you hop in. For awhile you let go of control. All you have to do is listen to your guidance. When the river reaches a calm spot, you will be guided to either paddle or relax. When there is a fork in the river you will intuitively know which branch is the kinder one to pick.
If you decide to focus on a different future, you’ll branch off into a different river. If you relax and enjoy the journey you will be carried along the easiest, most beautiful route to your destination.
However, suppose you jump on that raft and start to doubt. “Wait a minute! How do I know this will carry me to my dreams? I’m not in control! I better get out! What am I to do? You furiously start to paddle upstream. You try to cling to the shrubs along the edges of the river. Your worry prevents you from hearing your guidance, and you choose the more challenging forks in the river. If you stay in this river, you will still reach your goal, however the journey will be much more challenging.
You do not have to beg God for help dear ones. God already wants to help you. You need not supplicate like a child asking a parent for favors. Instead pray in your power as a creator made in the image and likeness of God – not in body, but in your capacity to love and to create.
Instead of praying, “God please bring me love. Please fill my bank account,” pray powerfully - “Dear God, I am creating an incredibly loving, and abundant experience of life. Guide me. Help maintain my energy in a state consistent with my desires.”
This is a powerful prayer. When your thoughts, feelings, and energy are consistent with your desires, then your life will be a joyful journey enroute to your dreams.