Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Be Gentle with Yourself
04.11.2017 15:55 Ann Albers

Gently strive to stop putting yourselves down, criticizing yourselves, or being harsh in speaking about yourself. Take time to check in during the day and ask yourself if you are meeting your own needs. Give yourself the acknowledgment, love, and adoration that you seek from others. Become your own greatest lover, for in that space you will attract love in every area of your life.
So many of you learned to be harsh with yourselves. It is not natural. Innocent children speak their minds and feel their feelings without any shame whatsoever. They share their strengths with joy, and happily admit their weak points, knowing that they are perfect exactly as they are. In fact, very young children don’t strive to be perfect. They don’t strive to be anything other than who and what they are in each moment.
Can you imagine saying, "I’m good at reading but not very good at math" – making a simple accurate statement, while knowing that neither of these change your intrinsic value and worth? Nothing, in fact, ever changes your intrinsic value and worth. Hold your head high and know that nothing less than the love that creates universes lives and abides in you and through you.
We know you’ve been hurt by others, but as you read our words, no one is hurting you in this moment. We know you’ve been treated less than lovingly by many throughout the course of your life, but that is no excuse to treat yourself with less than love. We know you’ve learned self-criticism, but you can break any habit if you remain dedicated to doing so.
Dear ones, in our eyes you are perfect light and love, simply having an experience upon your earth. You could never ever become anything less. Be kind to yourselves, for in so doing, you are honoring the Love that lives within.