Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Earth is growing, you too
15.10.2017 17:33 Ann Albers

Nonetheless, she is subject to the collective consciousness. You, the human race are cells on the body of this earth. Your energy is within hers and her energy is within you. When the collective consciousness has harbored pent up energy for too long, she must release it for you. When she is about to erupt, you may feel as if you are as well, if you have not already risen into a more natural and easy flow of energy and emotion within your own hearts.
This is not Armageddon. This is a time of incredible and rapid growth upon your earth. The emotional energies of human kind have been repressed, pent-up, and held within for far too long. The tears have not been cried. The hearts have not been shared. The fires of passionate self-expression have not been allowed to burn. Mother earth is doing it for you. Thankfully this is not true for all of you.
We know so many on this list have been working diligently to feel your feelings, open your hearts, and bring your beautiful sensitivity to the surface. Your mother earth thanks you. You are among the minority and yet you are powerful healing balm. Like arteries that remain unclogged, you allow her love to flow. You allow God's love to flow through her, through you, and into the human race. You are the ones willing to surrender to something more.
This is why now, more than ever, it is crucial to understand that the Source, the Divine, God, whatever you choose to call the Creative Intelligence in the universe loves you beyond anything you might every put into words. You are not solely responsible for making your lives work. Whether you fear for your safety or don't know how to pay a bill, the Creator is aware of your every breath, because this Source breathes in you and through you.
The Creator is expressed in physical form through you, dear ones.Breathe now. You are allowing God to breathe in human form. In very much the same way your fingers surrender to your will in order to hold another hand, you can surrender to the love of God that wishes to move you in harmony with all creation. You can surrender to your own hearts, for it is therein that you will feel the Creator's love pulsing through you into creation, and from creation into you.
If you have a bill to pay but feel the desire for a cup of coffee, get your coffee, and perhaps you will meet someone with wonderful new ideas. If you want a relationship but have a desire to take off and go somewhere alone, do so, even if it makes no sense, for it is in the journey that you might find yourself, or even find another. Trust yourselves. Trust your hearts. Trust the dance of life and the Love that guides you.
This is not the end of the world, but rather a grand and glorious time of awakening. Like many births, there are expansions of love and contractions of fear. You may feel these and so many other sensations. Don't fall into fear dear ones... Ride the waves of your own feelings, and trust in the guidance within.