Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Make love not war
24.09.2017 16:05 Ann Albers

You are drawn to what you love, and to a weaker extent, towards that which you fear.
You are drawn to what you desire, and energetically chained to what you hate.
You are drawn to that which have come to expect, and bound to that which you believe.
While so many of you worry about the state of the world, we see magnificent vibrations of love! Billions of people quietly help and assist others, embrace loved ones, rescue animals, and take care of the elderly. Love is found in the laughter of the children, the quietude of those who silently give thanks for life, in the appreciation of nature, and in silent meditations.
There is love in the hearts of those who patiently listen to others, or patiently wait in line. There is love in those expressing art, and in those creating technologies to help and assist the human race. Love, dear friends, is everywhere, and our news is that it is expanding!
Look for it everywhere. Seek and ye shall find.
There is love attempting to emerge beneath your anger, your sadness, and your pain. When you are in these spaces, you are most in need of your own tenderness, love, and compassion.
There is love even in the most bigoted, prejudiced, and hateful souls. In fact, those who perpetuate the most unloving acts upon your planet earth are in deep pain. They need your prayers.
They need you to whisper quietly in the privacy of your own mind and heart and tell their souls, “You are loved. You just forgot. You want to love. You just forgot. You are love..." This is what we whisper.
What will you focus upon dear friends? For it is with your focus that you can change the world. Will you focus on the love in the world, and the love buried deep within the wounded? Will you focus on celebrating those who practice love and praying for those who don’t? Or will you fall into hatred, fear, and despair?
You can choose, as an old slogan upon your earth says, in every breath, to “make love, not war,” and with your collective choice, the world will respond.