Messages from Ann & the Angels - 09/21/2019 • Banish unworthiness....
21.09.2019 22:21 Ann Albers

Each cell in the human body, dear ones, has meaning, purpose, and value. Without it, you would not be who you are. You cannot discount a cell simply because it is so tiny in comparison to the body, and the Divine cannot discount you because you feel so small by "comparison" to the vast reaches of the cosmos.
Just as each cell matters, each soul matters. Just as each cell is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the body, each soul is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the One.
You all serve a purpose. You are all adding to the awareness of what Love can collectively become. Just by being your unique, precious self, you matter. How could you ever imagine yourself inadequate or unworthy of love?
We know the answer, of course. You've been programmed to think you must be something, do something, or serve some external purpose to be worthy of love. Nothing could be farther from truth. You are loved, beloved, treasured, and cherished. You are loved unconditionally. You are love.
Inadequacy and unworthiness only exists as concepts in fearful and lower vibrations. They exist in the vibrations of those who were afraid and who taught you to be afraid.They exist in the vibrations of those who didn't know God loved them unconditionally and were afraid that you wouldn't be loved if you didn't live up to the "rules" and "conditions" that were placed upon them, and therefore upon you.
Unworthiness is a lie.
Inadequacy is a lie.
You are all worthy of love. Is a wave "worthy" of the ocean? The question does not even make sense when the waves knows that it is the ocean. Can the wave "fail" the ocean? That too doesn't make sense when the wave knows it IS one with the ocean.
So too, the notion of you being "unworthy" or "inadequate" makes no sense at all when you realize you are ONE with the love that gives rise to universes. You are Love.
Dear Divine Source, help me feel your love rising up within me. Help me know myself as a precious, perfect, and unique embodiment of the only LOVE there is. Help me see your love in my eyes, feel your love in my heart, and most of all, help me know Your Love as the essence of my very being.
Then, when you catch yourself thinking or saying, "I am not enough. I made a mistake. I failed. I am unworthy. I am inadequate," talk back to those voices:
Be Gone! You are lies! I am ONE with the POWER that creates Universes! I am ONE with the LOVE that sustains LIFE. I am ONE with all and I am simply growing into a greater awareness of truth! Be gone unworthiness! Be gone inadequacy. You have no permission to be in my mind, heart, body, and soul. I AM ONE WITH THE LOVE THAT LIVES IN ALL THINGS.
Make up your own version of this affirmation. Put it where you can see it. Repeat it often. See if you can feel it.
Dear ones, there is no such thing as unworthiness, inadequacy, failure in the eyes of God or your angels. These are seen for what they are – illusions of separation – in the higher levels of awareness.
Unworthiness and inadequacy are like the "monsters under the bed" that haunted you in kindergarten, but are no longer scary now that you see them for the illusions that they really are.
Just as you give up certain kindergarten notions as you evolve into higher levels of education, you will eventually realize that feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy have no more place in your heart, your mind, or your lives. And then dear ones, you will allow the love of the Divine to flow freely and unobstructed into your lives.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels