Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/02/2019 • Love and the flu
02.02.2019 20:55 Ann Albers

The universe loves you dear ones. The Divine loves you in so many diverse forms. You are loved when the sun shines upon you. You are loved by the grass beneath your feet. You are loved by the sound of the birds singing their prayers morning and evening, and you are loved by the food on your table. You are loved without condition, without measure. Can you fathom this?
In this, the month that so many of you celebrate love, try to go about your days, thinking to yourself with great satisfaction. "The creator of universes adores me! I am loved in so many forms! The greatest love of my life can never leave me because this love lives in all things in all beings. In every moment of every day, I am loved!"
If a wave dissolves into the ocean, you do not feel as if the ocean has disappeared. You simply see it rising again in a different form. So too with Divine love.
Begin to acknowledge this love as often as you can. Taste your food and see if you can perceive its flavor as love. Feel the warmth of the sun upon your skin and see if you can perceive its life giving energy as love. Look around the home that protects you from the elements and imagine you can feel its love. Feel the love in the water in your morning showers. Imagine it in the plants and essences that scent your lotions. Acknowledge it the workings of your car, for it loves you too, when you sit upon the seat and start its motor each morning.
See this love in the people that are wonderful to you, and even beneath those who are not, for in truth they just push you away from themselves and closer to you.
Can you imagine? The entire universe is a living, breathing consciousness, animated by love itself! All that you see around you has a form of life and energy and light within it. If you seek to acknowledge that love you will feel it far more often. The greatest romance upon your earth is available at all times, for you are both the lover and the beloved. You are Divine Love in human form trying to love yourself in all forms.
We live in love dear ones. We see the light that gives us life in all things and all beings. We see your perfection even when you see your perceived flaws. We see your wholeness even when you feel broken. We see your vitality hiding behind the illusions of ill health.
When you begin to look for and acknowledge the love in all things, you too will notice the underlying perfection and love in all of life. This is your reason for being on earth – to remember and experience the Divine in all its glorious forms and... to look in the mirror to and see nothing less in your own.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels