Messages from Ann & the Angels - 02/09/2019 • What's it like to be God?
09.02.2019 17:47 Ann Albers

With a single act of will, you can dream up entire worlds in your imagination. You can imagine your perfect home, your perfect partner, your ideal life. You can be and do anything you like in these realms inside of you. You can fly, swim, play music, paint, write poetry, do great feats of strength, help thousands... for within the realms of your imagination, anything is possible. In your inner world you have no limits.
You can create a perfect and beautiful version of yourself as you know yourself now. You can create another version of yourself, living an entirely different, but also amazing life. You can get so happy with this exercise that you create numerous perfect versions of yourself, all doing different things, living in different ways, behaving differently. You love each and every one of these. You do not love one more than the other, for all are beautiful and perfect and living their own version of a perfect life.
Suppose one of you (still in your imagination) is a world traveler. Another lives in communion with nature in a beautiful cabin in the woods. Still another is a strong and kind Olympic athlete. Yet one more is a poet. You have created them in your imagination... and now you give them free will. You wonder what they will become, what they will do with their gift of freedom. You can't wait to see what each one will create! You sit back, observe, and simply love and support each and every one of them. They exist within you, and you exist within them.
Some of your characters use their free will in amazing ways you never dreamed or imagined. The Olympic athlete breaks new records and goes on to teach others about the power of the mind. The version of yourself living in a cabin in the woods invents new and wonderful ways to live in cooperation with the land. The poet sees love and life in ways so exquisite you can hardly believe that this character is you as well.
Sometimes, however, even in your inner paradise, these characters forget your original vision for them. The athlete starts to believe in limits and gets injured. You gently whisper... "Use your will to surrender to me for a moment and I will see you whole and healed." As they release their grip on thinking in terms of limitation and injury, you are allowed to assert your loving will and see them heal.
The person in the cabin becomes lonely and you gently whisper, "Stop focusing on being lonely. Get out and take the long walks in nature that you crave. Share openly with others all you have learned and you will find the most perfect and beautiful partner. I will imagine this for you." While you could easily imagine a partner simply appearing out of mid-air in their reality, this wouldn't fit with the tangible reality they have accepted. So you must guide them, whisper to them, help them overcome their resistance and then they will have the partner of their dreams.
The poet starts to wonder if anyone can see the world as beautifully as they and becomes despondent. You whisper... "The world needs your vision. You don't have a clue whose lives you have affected. Now that I know you want acknowledgment stop insisting you are lonely and misunderstood and then I can guide you towards those who will sing your praises. I am you. I want this for you because I created you and I love you."
Suppose one of these characters awakens, and hears your whispers. He or she says, "My goodness, I just heard guidance! I just felt an exquisite love! I am part of something so much larger. I wonder who I really am?" They go into a silent, deep space within themselves, and only through feeling, know the magnitude of your love for them." They hear your guidance. They feel your love. And you feel their love for you... the creations of your own mind have become their own persons and they love you. There is no feeling quite so exquisite as knowing your creation loves you in return!
In this fashion dear ones, you expand your understanding of who you are and all you can be. You love. You feel loved. You want harmony and the best life for each character you have created within you, for these are all versions of yourself. You know yourself to be far more than you ever dreamed you could be.
Now, dear ones, you understand God, for you are God's inner characters. You are God's dreams of one of countless perfect versions of itself, given free will, loved beyond reason, and always guided. Sit in silence at times and feel the magnitude of the love that you live within. You can never be without it.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels