Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/15/2018 • Happy Holiday Thoughts
15.12.2018 17:18 Ann Albers

It is a human tendency to be nostalgic during your holiday season – to reminisce, and dream of times gone by. Remembering times with loved ones, simpler times, times with joyful memories is a wonderful pastime... if it makes you happy in the here and now.
If recalling the past makes you upset or dissatisfied with the present moment, it is far better to ask, "How can I make this day more special? How can I immerse myself in the here and now with my Presence and my Love? How can I bring the best of me into my present?"
Imagine you were going on a trip. Before you leave, you walk into a room with photos of your past. You can pick up any you choose to bring with you on your journey. The only catch is that the photos of the unpleasant times are much heavier than the photos of the good times.
Some of you would feel obliged to carry even the heavy photos. You would say, "These made me who I am! I have to remember. I don't want to make my mistakes again." Your suitcases would be very heavy indeed. Some of you would pick up only the light happy memories. You would say, "I want to take only the best of my life with me." Your suitcases would be light and comfortable.
Some of you would say, "Bless my past but I don't want to carry any of it with me! I am who I am now. Who cares how I got here! Let's enjoy new adventures!" There is no right, no wrong, just a choice to be made about how much and what you wish to carry with you.
Likewise, in life, you can carry the heavy burdensome memories of the past, you can carry only the light and beautiful memories, or you can bless the past and look at life as an adventure as it unfolds.
Our recommendation is simple. Choose thoughts that make you happy now. Whether these are joyful memories, thoughts of appreciation about the present, or thoughts anticipating wonderful things to come, any thought that makes you happy puts you in touch with the love that is ever-present in the moment.
If your traditions and memories inspire a sense of happiness within you now, enjoy them!
If however, traditions or memories no longer give you joy, or don't resonate with you now, choose to focus on something different, new, or better.
Your holidays are a celebration of light birthed in darkness. By choosing the thoughts that make you happy now, you birth the light into your life... one day, one thought at at ime.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels