Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/09/2019 • Finding Clarity in Confusion...
15.11.2019 20:43 Ann Albers

Most of you, at some time or another have experienced absolutely clarity in your lives. Your head and heart aligned. You knew what you wanted. You didn't have any reservations about voicing your dream, envisioning it, and moving towards the goal. The desire for something arose organically. It was easy for you to focus on it. You moved towards your goal with decisiveness, guidance, and flow.
More often however, there is confusion in the human mind, because each one of you has a collection of voices in your head, heart, body, and mind that are often at odds with one another.
You want a relationship and yet you want to run the minute someone pays attention. You want to receive more, and yet you can't accept a gift or a compliment. You want to lose weight, and yet you don't want to exercise. You want to make more money yet you focus on all you lack. You want to declutter your house and yet you keep bringing more things home. You want to be more loving but find yourself becoming angry...
Most of you have, at times, felt a little crazy.
We guarantee nearly every human being on the planet has experienced these conflicts. In truth, a majority of souls feel them on a regular basis.
You DO have a collection of voices in your head. They are the voices of your past selves. They are the voices of your ancestors' beliefs. They are the voices of your culture, your teachers, your rules, and... ultimately your true self as well. They are the voices of your hopes and the voices of your fears.
So how do you find clarity when you have a busy inner committee with each voice vying for attention?
When these conflicting voices start to cause confusion, Stop. Breathe. Become deeply present, simply by noticing everything around you. Observe your thoughts. Breathe again. Silence the mind to the best of your ability. Ask your body, "Body, what do you need?" Now drop into your heart. "Heart, what do you want?"
Your body has an intelligence. It knows what it needs to be healthy. Your heart has an intelligence too. It is your "hot line to the Divine." All the other voices – the voices of fear, the voices of reason, the voices of wishful thinking, the voices of mistrust or pain – each of these comes from a part inside of you that needs love and wants attention. With love and respect either ask the other voices to leave, or negotiate with them. Be kind to yourself, or shall we say, your "selves," because these other voices are all parts of you.
Dear ones your heart truly does know what is required to help you towards your dreams. The heart will never steer you wrong in the present moment. Your body truly does know what it needs to be happy and healthy.
Try it now. Ask your body, "Body what do you need?" "Heart what is our next step?" Then, love yourself enough to listen for you are worthy of your own love, attention, and focus. The more you practice this the more easily you will find peace and clarity in your lives.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels