Messages from Ann & the Angels - 06/29/2016 • Forgiving Yourself....
05.07.2019 21:49 Ann Albers

This week we journey deeper into our discussion of forgiveness, so you can free yourselves from the pains of the past and reclaim your birthright of Divine Joy!
If you embrace this discussion beloved souls, then reclaiming your Divine joy will be so much simpler, for beneath every single upset, every single frustration, every feeling of anger towards an insensitive, abusive, or unconscious soul there is only one feeling, one thought, that binds you to pain. There is only one illusion beneath all upsets that keeps you prisoner to the past, and this is the belief that someone or something else "caused you" to forget the love that you are. You are always lovable. You always want to be loving. The hurtful behaviors of others expose the areas in which you don't love yourself, or you find it difficult to be loving.
You may object and say, "Angels! You don't understand! I was raped! I was beaten! I was abandoned! I was lied to, betrayed, belittled... I have a right to be upset at the other person!" We would reply, "Yes you do." There is absolutely such a thing as righteous anger. The soul knows it deserves to be treated with love.
However, with all the love in our hearts we would say that after the initial outrage passes and when the anger remains, there is a deeper upset within. You are – deep in your spirit – upset that negative and painful behaviors have triggered you to forget how loved and loving you truly are.
If you could feel the love of God for you, and the true nature of your loving soul, then in an instant the pain of your past would burn away as if a match was touched to a piece of tissue. The light within you is that powerful. When you can't feel your connection to it, you hurt, you blame, and you obsess over the past. It is very human. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Hurtful actions are not and never will be "OK." However if you can embrace this concept: that your deepest desire is experience yourself as loving and lovable – eternally connected to the Source – then you can free yourself and release yourself unto the joy that is yours!
Say to yourself, "I am upset at the pain in my past, but even more so, I am upset that it triggered me to forget my connection to the Love that lives within me. I cannot change the past. I cannot change those who hurt me. I can however, choose now to focus on reconnecting to the Presence of Love within. This is what I want more than anything." It is dear ones. It is the One Love that your spirit craves beneath all desires.
The people that hurt you are your catalysts or your supporting actors in a drama where you wish to become the hero, the Christ, the light and love of your own life. You wish to remember your power, your light, your love, and your grace. The painful ones have exposed areas in which you forget.
Now that you know this you can say (in your mind) to those in your past:
"I see my light clearly now! You showed me where I felt impure, and yet now I know my innocence remains untainted! You showed me where I felt unworthy but now I see the lie in this belief! I deserve love! You showed me where I felt unlovable, abandoned, betrayed, and yet now I know I AM always loves me, never abandons me, and will not betray me. I will choose to focus on the ONE love that can never leave me – the love of the Divine."
Breathe deeply, and then declare as we assist you:
"With the sheer power of my intention and will, I now command the light of the Divine to Rise Up within me and erase the illusions that I could ever be unlovable, tainted, unworthy, abandoned, imperfect, or betrayed! God I wish to feel your love for me now! Angels I wish to feel your love for me now! Right now I will to feel my worthiness, my innocence, my perfect, and my light!"
Breathe and expect to feel this love, until you do.
When your will to feel the love within you becomes strong enough, and when you are ready to breathe and allow for this, your past will be burnt away in the light of a greater truth... You ARE loved. You ARE worthy. You ARE innocent, untainted, pure. You cannot be betrayed by the Divine. You cannot be abandoned by the Divine any more than a wave can be abandoned by the ocean. You ARE precious, loved, assisted, guided, and now that you know your light once again protected by the very vibration of Divinity within you.
Sit with God every day, even for just a few minutes. Demand to feel the Presence within you, with willpower and conviction. Breathe. Expect to feel loved. Focus on any feeling of love great or small and breathe as it amplified.
Dear ones, all you truly want is to feel loved and to feel loving. When others make this difficult, return to the Source of all love. Plug yourselves back into the experience of the One who will never leave you, always loves you, and will fill you with a love that is beyond human. In that space, forgiveness is no longer even an issue. You are free.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels