Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/22/2018 • A Love Beyond Limits
22.12.2018 20:18 Ann Albers | Prime Creator

I feel within me the warmth of your celebrations. I feel within me also those of you who feel sad and alone. I embrace and love each and every one of you equally for within me you are all one. Where ever one is willing, there I can be felt within. Whenever two or more are gathered, you can witness me in the eyes of another.
In your celebrations of love, you feel my presence as a blanket of warmth and peace surrounding and abiding within you... and if you do not celebrate, you can sit quietly, open to receive, and feel me there as well. My love is waiting for you in every moment. My peace surrounds you, waiting for you to breathe deeply and feel it arising within.
I have no judgments for I can be found within all perspectives. I have no religion and yet I am in all religions. I have no boundaries, and yet I take form in so many ways. I am present in your Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, solstice celebrations, in every emanation of love, and in every tear that falls from your eyes.
I did not come into the world, in only one soul, centuries ago. I incarnate into this world with every birth, in every new born child. I did not have only one son but I am within every son, every daughter, every mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin, pet, sunset, sunrise, the earth, the moon, the stars, the sky, and the grass beneath your feet.
My love lives and abides within everything manifest in all creation and in all that has yet to become.
Each one of you celebrating the miracle of light arising in a darkened world is celebrating the light that wants to be birthed in every aspect of your life. My light wants to rise up from within you and heal all your ills. I want to dissolve all your pains. I want to comfort your sadness, soothe your upset, and fill you with the bliss of knowing you are not and cannot ever be separate from a love that is so profound that it requires universes to be expressed and still knows no bounds. My love for you has no conditions and no limits.
The light you celebrate lives within you and has lived within all creation from the beginning of time.
Within you lies the babe in the manger. Allow it to arise. As you focus on love in any form, you feel my love birthed within you, time and again. Within you the lamp burns brightly reminding you that nothing external is required for love to arise from within. You are the Christmas star. Be a shining light that by its very nature guides others to discover this love within themselves. The victory over darkness is already yours for darkness is only an illusion – a shadow created by the mind that masks the truth of the light within.
In your holiday celebrations you will find me as the warmth in your hearts, the food upon your tables, the lights in your decorations and candles, and the blessings you bestow upon and receive from one another. My love emanates from the songs you sing and the prayers you pray. My love waits patiently, ready to be expressed in every way you will allow me to express it... both to you and through you.
Just as you watch the children unwrapping their presents, I watch each and every one of you, taking great delight in those moments when you allow me to awaken, experience, and share my love from within.
My wish is that you feel my love, my peace, and the light that you celebrate this time of year, each and every day of your lives.
I love you. I am you. You are within me. We are One.