Messages from Ann & the Angels - 10/12/2019 • Choices, choices...
12.10.2019 19:19 Ann Albers

Paths appear and disappear in your lives. Doors open and close. Opportunities come and go, and yet, never can you ever “miss the boat!” It is not possible to bypass your growth, for it shows up always in one form or another. It is not possible to bypass the essence of your desires, for if you miss one opportunity another will simply arise. You cannot lose!
How would you live if you knew you couldn’t lose? How would you live if you knew you couldn’t “miss the boat?” How would you live if you knew a “wrong choice” for the future was really a “right choice for the present” that would ultimately lead you to an even better future?
We know you would live with less fear. When faced with a decision you would ask yourself only, “What feels right, right now?” You’d trust that. You’d live in the moment. You’d stop strategizing, manipulating your own hearts, and trying to convince others that your way is correct. You’d relax, knowing that, in your human words, you cannot truly mess up your own life.
You are here to learn. You can learn quickly or slowly. You are here to grow. You can expand into greater love gradually or instantly. You are here to create. You can manifest your dreams with a single combination of pure thought and pure surrender to love, or you can manifest more slowly by trying to remain in control of how they have to look and when they have to occur.
Dear ones, there is no race in life. There is no finish line in eternity! There is only a gradual, beautiful unfolding of your awareness into love. Even in the heavens when you choose to graduate from your earthly incarnations you will find new opportunities to expand, grow, and learn.
So, relax. You can’t truly make a “bad choice” – you can only make choices, learn, grow, expand, and then make better choices.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels