Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Not the end
09.09.2017 21:21 Ann Albers

Your disasters are simply earth's way of releasing excess energies that have built up over time – either naturally or unnaturally. When humanity does not allow its own emotional energies to flow, eventually the earth must do it for you. You are cells in an ecosystem that is far more connected than the artificial boundaries established by neighbors and nations would allow you to believe.
Your sun is an embodiment of Divine light, as you are. It sends this light to the earth in physical form in cycles that ebb and flow like the tides. When earth is in special need of love it occasionally sends additional bursts of energy. You are living in one such time. The threats of war and chaos on your planet have been cries for love. Your sun has obliged, sending a huge influx of light that is creating incredible movement. Your earth has obliged by releasing massive amounts of excess charge through her natural disasters.
The disasters that you witness, as we speak, are not punishment but rather a recalibration towards greater love – a call to awaken. Suddenly, war is not such a concern when your fellow human beings are in need of food and shelter. Suddenly, instead of focusing on fears you are focused on solutions. Instead of focusing on differences, you are focused on the common bonds you share as human beings.
Dear ones, you are never alone. We are with you in the calm and the storm, at birth and at death, in the most joyful and in the most fearful or tearful moments of your life.
Gently, lovingly, tenderly we remind you of a truth so basic, that it is easy to forget. You are all one. You are all loved. You are all family. Care for one another. Pray for yourselves and each other. Celebrate the successes of one another and lend a hand when life knocks one of you down.
Earth is not coming to an end. Earth is just releasing pressure, and as she does so, reminding you of the most loving priorities of your heart and soul.