Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Doing what you don't love?
20.01.2018 23:29 Ann Albers

For example, you might want a great relationship but you don't want to do the inner work to manifest a good one.
You might want to own your own business but you don't feel like doing the marketing and accounting.
You might love your children but you don't enjoy running around taking them places.
So what do you do in these situations where your heart wants something but then you don't really enjoy the steps along the way?
Our answer is not "one size fits all."
Sometimes you must simply ask yourself, "Am I so strongly opposed to doing the work I need to do to satisfy my heart's desire that that I'm going to give up?" This will most likely put everything in perspective and you can see that the "smaller tasks" are actually labors of love as you work towards something you deeply desire. Driving your kids to school suddenly becomes a labor of love. You can choose to love what you do.
Perhaps you'll choose to manifest your desire spiritually by visualizing and feeling the desired outcome, without any doubt, until it comes about in a miraculous way. Perhaps you'll get creative and find a way to love doing what you need to do. You can choose a more loving way to do what you do.
Perhaps you'll re-evaluate your larger desire and see that you didn't really want all that comes with it after all. For example if you won millions in the lottery you'd have to do a lot of accounting, hire people you can trust, and deal with everyone wanting something from you. Some of you would want that. Others of you would not. You can always choose a more loving choice.
Perhaps you'll see that you don't mind doing the smaller tasks in general, but you just don't feel like doing them right now. Honor your heart's timing. Ultimately that is God's timing. You can choose more loving timing.
In honoring your heart in the present, you will learn what you need to learn to get where you want to go.
You'll learn whether you really want to do what you say you do. You'll learn to get creative and add love to what you do. You'll learn to make more loving choices. You'll learn everything you need to learn to get what you ultimately, deeply want.
For example, say you want to find someone that loves you more than you love you. By all means try to do that. Maybe you will find this person. Perhaps they'll help you learn to love yourself. Perhaps you'll feel unworthy, push them away, and learn to love yourself more the next time. The heart will guide you.
Say you want to start a business but don't want to put in the effort. You may choose to keep working for others until something arises that you feel so passionate about doing that the mundane work seems worthwhile.
Say you don't want to get up in the morning and drive your kids to school, but you realize that you love them and don't get to spend much time with them and you can make the drive a loving time to deeply connect.
Do what you love, do what you do with love, or don't do it. That is our advice for a happy and fulfilled journey upon your earth!