Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/23/2019 • Appreciate your Self in All Creation
25.11.2019 19:29 Ann Albers

Can you imagine, dear ones, that the creator of universes imagined you? The Source of all being wondered what it would be like to be the unique soul that you are, and in that one moment of dreaming, your soul was born.
You, and we, exist within the Divine mind. We are thoughts molded into form. We are the vehicles through which the Creator experiences itself and all that it can become. You and we are as fingers on a hand, waves upon an ocean, and colors within a spectrum of light.
You were gifted with free will. Imagine a hand allows the fingers to move independently, or an ocean that allows the waves to move as they please and you will understand the very great love that is present for you at all times. As a mother or father loves their children and shares both their joy and pain, so too the Source lives in you and loves you, feels your joy and your pain.
Take a moment and ponder the fact that you are Divine Love in form. As such, you have free will and the chance, in this body, to experience your true Self in the diversity of all creation. You are given the ability to love, to touch, to taste, to smell in ways that feel far more tangible and real than the virtual reality you experience in the heavens. You can see your light in the setting sun. You can experience your vastness in the expanse of the sky. You can know your turmoil in the storms, and your peace in the stillness of dawn.
Dear ones, being human is a gift. Touch your own hands with love and appreciate the sensations that you feel. Taste your food today and marvel at the explosion of pleasure in knowing your Self this way. Look in the eyes of a beloved and realize that God is looking at itself in both of you. "Mind blowing," you might say. "Heart opening," we reply.
Drop into your heart and feel the appreciation of the Divine for the experience it is being given, through the way you choose to live your life, and through what you choose to create.
Many of you celebrate Thanksgiving during this season. Many of you give thanks for family, food, and friends. The beauty of your light and gratitude tipples into the cosmos and into the heavens. We feel it. We appreciate you.
Perhaps this year you can also take time to drop into your heart and feel the appreciation the Divine has for the experience of living as you.
Perhaps you can take time to be very present, to taste, to touch, to smell, to see, to feel the amazing diversity that you are all around you.
Look into the eyes of another and witness the Divine. Look into the beauty around you and know Divine love. Look into your own eyes in the mirror and witness the Source itself looking back... for each one of you is that and only that.
It is there upon your earth that you can both experience the great diversity of the true Self, and as well, experience yourself as an individual embodiment of Divine love. You can interact with others as unique souls, and yet you can also dive deep within – through love, through appreciation, and through Presence – to know yourselves as One.
Give thanks for this gift of life. Whether easy or challenging, energizing or exhausting, loving or not, you are always, as is all of creation, the One in the many.
We, the angels, love and appreciate you and your work to find unity in the diversity, far more than you can possibly imagine. As the healthy cells nourish the body, so too, your joy, your love, your kindness nourishes the entire "Body of the Divine." We love you. We feel you. We appreciate and give thanks for each and every one of you.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels