Messages from Ann & the Angels - 01/26/2019 • The Eclipse and You
28.01.2019 19:24 Ann Albers

Be gentle with yourselves this week. The energy of last weekend's eclipse has caused each and every one of you to dive deep and examine your "shadows" as surely as earth witnessed her own reflected upon the moon.
This is why you may have had sudden intense fears, upsets or issues you thought you were done with coming up for examination. In the end, this is a gift, for the things that hold you back in life are rarely the things you are aware of inside of you, but far more often the subtle fears, stuffed upsets, and bottled up emotions that you have forgotten all about. These energies live deep inside of you waiting to be released. They often show up at times when the global energy catalyzes movement. They show up in life circumstances that match their unpleasant vibration. They even show up, at times, in illness.
So when you find one of these "old friends" rather than being upset with yourself or the outside world, celebrate. What has been revealed, can be healed.
Instead of falling into blaming yourself, blaming life circumstances, blaming the creator, etc., stop and breathe. Welcome this old feeling into your heart and ask it, "Fear/Anger/Upset/Sadness/etc. What are trying to teach me that I have ignored?" Then listen.
Wait for a phrase, a knowing, a feeling of the answer. Bless your fear/anger/upset/sadness. Thank it for the message. Then ask it if it is willing to leave. Promise it you will honor its message. Breathe deeply and ask us – your angels for help in dissipating the energy. If you have to, imagine handing us a ball of staticy, dark energy and seeing us lifting it into the light to be transformed. Watch your life change as a result of this release.
You are brave souls for being on your earth in such exciting times! This great movement of energy can be frightening or, like a big wave to an avid surfer, it can be exhilarating. The denser energies that have held you back for lifetimes are being washed up for release so you can create space for the glorious light of the Divine to flow through you unblocked and unbounded.
Just like the eclipse, as you witness your shadow, you can then allow it to move on, in order to give way to greater light!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels