Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/17/2018 • The Gratitude of the Infinite
18.11.2018 21:01 Ann Albers

I love you with a love beyond measure. I am grateful for your willingness to go beyond the dreams I once dreamt for you when you were originally created. I appreciate your creativity, your tenacity, you love, and your kindness to one another. I appreciate even your sadness, for it shows you care. I appreciate even your anger because it shows you are seeking deeper love. I appreciate every breath you take for you are giving me an experience of life in your human forms, as clearly as the cells in your own body give you the experience of life.
You, in your human form, have created celebrations of the love that we are. You have created reasons to gather and to be grateful. You have found ways to share with those in need. You have found countless ways to express my love within you for one another, and yet so seldom do you sit silently and allow yourselves to feel the love and appreciation I have for you.
Sit quietly now and ask to feel my love. Breathe deeply and open to feel the streams of our collective being flowing through you. Open your heart, simply through your intent and feel my love rising up within you. Allow yourself to feel my appreciation for you.
Ask to see yourself as I see you and you will look through the eyes of a vast and immeasurable love and see yourself as never before.
Dear embodiments of my love, as you appreciate yourselves, you are acknowledging my love within you. As you appreciate one another, you are witnessing my love in them. As you look at life and everything and everyone in it with a sense of appreciation you realize that you are cells in a body of love in which every single of one of you plays an integral part.
My appreciation for your willingness to enter the earth plane, and to explore our collective being in so many forms, knows no bounds. I treasure the celebrations you have created, because I long to allow my love to be felt and expressed through each and every one of you.
I love you. I am you. You are within me. I give thanks for the experience of our collective being.