Message from the Angels through Ann Albers: Not in control
16.09.2017 20:17 Ann Albers

Being human can be a very difficult experience when you feel disconnected from the Divine, and seek to control your outer world. In this scenario, happiness is a temporary experience, dependent upon the cooperation of more than seven billion other souls with whom you share your current reality, and the natural forces as well.
In fact, stress is a by-product of the illusion that you can control your outer world in order to "find" happiness, peace, joy, love, security, abundance, etc.
You have very limited and short-lasting influence when you strive to control your outer world. However, as you begin to focus on controlling your inner world, then your peace, joy, abundance, and security will be long lasting. Your outer world will begin to conform to your inner.
In each moment, you are "tuning your inner radio" via thoughts and feelings to an experience that will come your way. In each moment, your belief in a loving outcome allows us to guide you towards one. In each moment, your belief in a fearful outcome blocks the grace and guidance as we attempt to assist you.
To alleviate stress, tell yourself:
- I am not in control of the entire world.
- I am not in control of anyone else.
- I can only control my own thoughts and feelings.
- When I do, my outer world will shift.
In fact your old programs may even cause you to throw tantrums as they sense they are being replaced! "I don't want to change my mind. This is the right way to be! I want the world to change. I want this job to work. I want this person to love me. I want that one to go away. I won't be happy until someone realizes how much they've hurt me. I refuse my own joy, my own abundance, my own peace... until life looks as I wish!"
As you can see, there is futility in insisting that the outer world change before you can feel the way you want inside.
Your influence in life is far greater if you master your own mind than if you seek to dominate, manipulate or control anyone or anything else – even your own heart!
For it is in mastering your own minds, that you "tune in" to a heavenly reality in which you will magnetize that which you seek and be gracefully, lovingly guided to your dreams.