Judas Iscariot via Ann Dahlberg, January 8th, 2018
10.01.2018 20:35 Ann Dahlberg

I am Judas Iscariot and I have come today to tell you that much has happened when it comes to putting the right people in the right places. Some people have had to change places in the power hierarchy. Some people whom you know have had to resign, others less well known have taken their place. It is all the way it should be dear folks on Earth. Changes on Earth are progressing at the pace that is permissible. One thing cannot happen before the next.
The sun and the light shine on you dear Earthlings and its brilliance is getting stronger for each day that passes. Has it not thawed your hearts, or? Have you not met more friends that look forward to the new times and which has given your every day life a bit more hope? – A hope for humanity and hope for Earth. Has this hope now not morphed into knowingness? – The Knowingness that a new world is on its way to open up in your hearts and on your Earth. It is the beauty inside of you that reflects the beauty on the outside. Take care of your inner world now dear Earthlings as it is reflected in your outer world. You see what you want to see. If you want to see beautiful flowers that blossom you will see this. If you want to see flowers that fight their way forward in darkness and cold you will see this. The trust and love preserve the picture in your heart that tells you how large your trust and love you have in yourself and thus in your fellow man.
It is in your human collective that you form the new world that slowly is being built up today. There are more hearts that have let their flowers blossom and light up the world today than there has been for thousands of years. You have your Father/Mother God with you dear children on Earth. Your Father/Mother holds his/her hand over you and your Earth today. It is time to wake up and commence your journey home – Home to the near and dear ones that are waiting for you and who are doing all they can so that you may remember who you are. You already have one foot in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is time to get your humanity there too. Everything is here now. Everything is inside of you to discover and rejoice in. You have all the opportunities to find your true self so that you in trust and love can explore your inner world, which in turn will impact your outer world. This is important dear Earthlings, this is important. Without your inner guidance it can be hard to navigate in your outer world today. It is full of contradictions as the old is falling apart and the new is being built up. The old way of thinking does not work any longer and you feel then as if you are loosing your footing. You inner guidance can provide you with the strength that you need today to move forward. Sometimes an observation of what is happening benefit you the most until you receive the guidance that says it is time to act.
Everything has its time, the body has its time, the heart has its time, the world has its time and last but not the least Earth has its time. In the heart you have the knowingness and you know when everything has fallen in place. You have your big trust and love there.
God bless you and be with you dear Earthlings!
I love you so much,