Jesus through John: The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it is dissolving
26.01.2018 18:04 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday January 25th
All across Planet Earth the energy fields of humans are moving toward each other, and melding, blending, and integrating, in evermore harmonious cooperation as the Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and intensify. Yes, there are still conflicts arising, suffering is still being inflicted on the weak, as your various news agencies keep on reporting, but while this is occurring a massive release of old buried hatreds and resentments worldwide is taking place. The intensity of the loving attitudes and behaviors arising everywhere is leading to the disclosure of much shameful conduct that has been ongoing, but hidden, for eons. It is no longer possible to hide behaviors that prey on the weak and the innocent, they are being disclosed and brought to a close as the perpetrators are brought to justice.
Love is the infinite field of divine Power in which all that exists is held in eternal joy. As I have said before, anything that is not in perfect and complete alignment with Love is unreal, ephemeral, and it just fades away into nothingness in Love’s Presence. That is what is happening now on Earth. And that is reason to C E L E B R A T E ! The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it is dissolving, its time is past, all that you are seeing and hearing is but its final and raucous disintegration.
As the unreal, the illusion, disintegrates all around you, you will notice many amazing changes in your earthly existence, from your human forms to the physical environment in which you appear to be firmly ensconced. You have the power to change your perceptions and beliefs, and to open yourselves to a far wider range of possibilities and opportunities while you continue to maintain your human forms. There is no intent to move you out of your bodies, which can serve you well indefinitely. By allowing the fullness of Love to flow into and through your hearts, healing on every level will occur, revitalizing every aspect of your human nature – your loving nature that is divine and eternal.
As you well know, you are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary experience as humans in form. Until now it has seemed that you had no control over your human forms, because they appeared to age and decay with time regardless of how well you tried to take care of them. Now you have collectively made the decision to allow yourselves to choose how much time you wish to spend as a human before returning to your Real Home in the spiritual realms.
Life is a non-returnable gift from God, it has no “best by” or “sell by” date because it is eternal, everlasting, immortal. God does not play games with you, He does not judge you, and He does not punish you. His Will for you is eternal joy, and His Will is always achieved. You, however, have the freedom with which He invested you to be creative and inventive in myriad ways. The unreal material environment was brought into being by your collective choice, and, over the eons, much has changed within it. Now you are returning to a state of fully conscious awareness that will allow you to initiate changes lovingly within it for the benefit and the good of all sentient life forms.
This is an enormous responsibility. It is also an enormous opportunity for you to demonstrate Love in action in every moment, and delight in the results that that demonstration produces. Previously you have been actors in a drama where it appeared that you had no input, and where the directors and producers were unknown and hidden from your conscious awareness. Now, however, that is no longer the case. Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to consciously play their part in the unfolding drama that is life as a human on Planet Earth. You are awakening to your responsibilities as stewards of your environment, where you are, in rapidly increasing numbers, choosing to be in service instead of seeking to be served.
To serve and to seek to serve is divine, whereas seeking to be served is egoic and divisive. Of course, by serving you are served, because service, by its very nature, is open-ended, giving and receiving, sharing and extending; it is Love in action. Humanity is returning from its sense of separateness, confusion, and abandonment, to its natural state which is full awareness of its unchangeable divine nature.
You, every human without exception, are all divine beings because God created all of you, and what He creates He creates like unto Himself. Remember, there are no exceptions! God is infinite perfection and so is what He creates. The chaos, conflict, confusion, and competition in which you seem to be embroiled, while many attempt to ensure their survival by self-deception and misrepresentation, is coming to an end. It serves no beneficial service of any kind. The only service is Love, and Love serves and embraces all.
Go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary – you can always find the time – and allow your true nature, Love, which resides there, to flow into your hearts, revitalizing, inspiring, and uplifting you so that you can maintain and demonstrate your constant intent to be loving whatever arises. Then the Love continues to flow through you and out from you to mingle and meld with the energy fields of everyone with whom you interact throughout your day, raising their spirits and empowering them to do likewise.
You truly have no idea what powerful beings you are, or how effective your presence is when you engage willingly and lovingly with others. However, when you do, you feel good within yourselves, and that is the feedback and confirmation you need to continue doing what you do best – loving and accepting all, without judgment or fear.
Truly, as divine beings, you are invulnerable. Know that, be aware of that, and allow your day to unfold as it will, because you will then deal with every issue that arises in the most appropriate manner possible, as your self-doubts dissolve in the face of the positive results that you experience. Even when what you expect does not occur, you will know that what does occur was what was divinely intended. You are all instruments in the divine plan, and, as such, you are fully supported in every moment, thus ensuring that it always unfolds as divinely intended. For this you are mightily honored.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | January 25, 2018 at 8:38 pm | URL: