Parenting an Indigo Child from an Indigo's Point of View
19.01.2018 20:05 Star Children

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT A 15 YEAR-OLD INDIGO would be writing an article on parenting? Well, not me, that’s for sure!
If you think about it though, it makes a lot of sense.
Before we came here, we chose you as parents for a reason. Perhaps we thought you could help us learn the best, or maybe even we could help you.
The only thing we didn’t anticipate was the fact that you weren’t particularly ready for our arrival. In many cases Indigo children chose Indigo parents or grandparents because it would allow them to develop in specific ways.
But some of us saw the potential light in the hearts of others and decided to enter Earth’s reality with the help of those people.
These adults were often unprepared for the differences that their children represented. Parenting an Indigo is often quite unlike parenting a child with a different vibration.
We depend on you to help us get through life up until the point that we begin our work toward our ultimate purpose. It’s a big job, but remember, we chose you because we knew you could help us.
But sometimes you do need a little help. Indigos can be extremely stubborn, and often it seems we have no reason to be!
To get the best out of us, there are a few things you have to do as parents (or teachers and grandparents of course!):
1. Be ready to listen to us
We came here to teach, ultimately. One of the things we truly dislike is when someone believes that age determines whether one has anything to say. It’s actually one of the things we’re here to get rid of.
Just because we’re young doesn’t mean we can’t teach you things. The opposite is true; we can teach you so much! The hidden mysteries of the world are so easily found, but you may need out help to see them. Because we remember how to look, we can show you.
2. Explain things to us: what we must do and why
One of the things we find hard to do is accept authority without any explanation or choice. We are known as the great rebels for this reason! We will not do something if it doesn’t seem to have a purpose.
If you explain to us why something must be done, or give us a choice on how or when we do it, we will likely listen to the logic. If the logic is flawed, however, we will not hesitate to say so.
3. Tell the truth
This is a big issue. We are pretty good at telling a lie from a truth, so don’t think you can fool us. We find it hard to respect people who lie openly to us, or anyone else.
4. Respect any psychic gifts that may emerge
As Indigos, we are often psychic. It’s crucial to our development that we nurture these abilities as they’ll help us in our future purposes. Although it may seem scary or strange, we know what we are doing.
If you ask, we’ll tell you what we’re doing and maybe even teach you if you like. This also goes for Indigos who do not show signs of psychic gifts. They’re not ‘rejects’ of any kind and they’re certainly not any less important than those who do! That stands for all children, Indigo or not.
5. Be patient
We are newcomers to this world. It is often strange and hard to comprehend. Where once we were fluid beings without physical limitations, we are now connected powerfully with a specific body.
Because we remember a time before arms and legs and eyes, it is sometimes hard to adapt. Please, be our guides, and understand that we may not talk for a while longer than most children, or we may not walk until after the others. We just need time to consider the reason for doing these things, really.
Why talk when mind-to-mind contact is so easy? Why walk when levitation is a simple task? We will eventually see the significance of doing these things, especially with your encouragement.
6. Be fair
To me, fairness is very important. If things aren’t fair or someone isn’t being treated fairly, we’ll let you know. As Indigos, we know that certain things in life must be present, such as fairness, truth, love and peace.
7. Love us unconditionally
And, of course, love is the most important thing. Love is an amazing energy that works on all levels of consciousness. It encompasses everything and everyone. All people need love to exist and survive in this reality. We will love you as we always have.
Those are our needs, and the needs of all children on earth! Provide these things and we will do what we can to better help you and this world. We thank you for loving us so much and for allowing us to experience this reality and it’s wonders!
By Patricia Smith,