Jesus through John: Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be
22.03.2019 21:37 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Monday March 18th.
As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed. Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time.
This is a time of great changes, changes that must be put into effect swiftly and competently, so that the billions living in extreme poverty may be provided with the means to rise out of this intolerable state and live in peace, comfort, and harmony as is the right of every human being without exception. The means are available, they have just been withheld by those who believe it is their right to control and direct the lives of others in order to maintain living standards of unconscionable luxury for themselves. This insane, self-centered, and egotistical set of behaviors and attitudes, embraced by a tiny minority, is changing and needs to change. People are no longer willing to submit to the indignity, disrespect, and abject poverty imposed upon them by an elite that is supported by regulatory systems and enforcement agencies that have been created solely for this purpose.
Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be. For this to be so people must come to understand that everyone is connected to everyone else, that there is no separation, and that what anyone does affects everyone else. Every thought, word, and action has an effect beyond the person who has it, it is felt throughout the whole universe. Nothing is ineffectual, even though the individual effect may not be readily apparent – an ocean is made of many, many inestimable trillions of drops of water all interacting with each other at all times to create the ocean. Nothing is lost, ever. No, not even thoughts, words, or actions that you might wish you had never conceived of or delivered. That is why it is so important to live in awareness, that way you can intend that every one of your thoughts, words, or actions has only a loving intent, the intent to be for the highest good of all. And when that is your intent it is extremely powerful and effective, so keep on resetting it.
As you have been told so often, so often that it may even be quite irritating to hear it yet again, you are divine beings, and, therefore, you are centers of enormous power. However, most of you have been enculturated to give that power away, and have grown up believing yourselves to be not good enough and not deserving of it. You give it away to those you admire or fear – everyone does this to a greater or lesser extent, because everyone knows people who they admire or fear. Your awakening process is a process of reclaiming your power, of honoring yourselves as the divine beings that you are, and once more trusting yourselves as the beings of honesty and integrity that you truly are. To believe that you are less than this is to believe something that is blatantly untrue, and that could never be true.
However, your egos are constantly trying to persuade you of your unworthiness, and they are continuously drawing to your attention the errors and mistakes that, as a limited human, you have most definitely made. Errors and mistakes are learning experiences to show you that you need to do something differently, they are not meant to be used as opportunities to judge, blame, and shame you. When they are used that way, and, as you have all experienced, that occurs very frequently in human societies, they reduce your sense of self, your sense of self-worth, the value of your sense of identity and of your right to exist. Right now, as part of your awakening process, all these myriad forms in which feelings of inadequacy can occur are arising in the awareness of all of humanity to be acknowledged, recognized as utterly invalid, and then released. Initially this awareness can be quite overwhelming because, although everyone has these feelings, they have for the most part denied or ignored them as they are too painful to deal with, and can mightily distract people from attending to the daily chores that life as a human entails.
So, if you are experiencing these unwelcome feelings and sensations, and very few of you are not, allow them into your awareness, thank them for their service to you, and then release them completely because now they no longer serve you. You know this is true, because in your awakening process you are also realizing that as divine beings, as children of God, that they are completely invalid. Everyone presently incarnate as a human is absolutely doing their best to evolve spiritually and cease being driven by their fear-driven egos.
Oftentimes this does not appear to be the case, but refrain from judging any others negatively, because there is no way that you can possibly know why they are as they are. And everyone of whom you are in any way aware is, therefore, presenting you with lessons that you have chosen to learn. You do know that operating from fear, as directed by your egos, always leads to conflict, pain, and suffering, because this is one of the great awakening realizations that has occurred to humanity over the last five or six decades. Consequently a powerful and collective intent has been set to avoid making the kind of knee-jerk reactions that your egos so often demand of you, and which so often cause pain to yourselves or to others.
Now the collective has made the decision to resolve all the issues and problems that arise, and which appear to separate you into opposing camps, by engaging in inspiring and provocative discussions. Discussions during which all participants are heard, and where all truly understand that solutions can and will be arrived at that work for everyone, if that is their intent, and I assure you that it is. This is an enormous step forward for mankind. Nevertheless, as you attend to the mainstream news reports, it can easily seem that things are worsening everywhere. What is actually happening is that “stuff” is arising in many places and in many areas of human endeavor, all at the same time, so that it may be released, and initially this may well appear to be unresolvable. It is presently causing much fear and confusion – which is also part of humanity’s “stuff” – as those involved learn on the job how to deal with it satisfactorily.
You can all enormously help this process along by setting the intent, at least once each day, to be personally loving in every thought, word, and action in which you engage, knowing, as you really do, that this is why you are incarnate at this moment in whatever place you happen to be. In case you have any doubts about your abilities to do this, I would remind you that indeed you are incarnate right now to assist mightily in humanity’s massive awakening process, by availing of the enormous power within you to extend Love to everyone without judgment or exception. Do make sure to go within, to your holy inner altar where Love resides at all times, to refresh and renew yourselves frequently for brief periods throughout the day, because the energies being released everywhere can easily exhaust you temporarily. When you go within, intending to be renewed and refreshed, that is what occurs, and as a result you become increasingly effective as you continue to assist most powerfully in the awakening process.
Know that you are all highly honored for undertaking the task of assisting in this process. You knew you were fully capable of carrying it to fruition when you made the choice to incarnate at this point in human history, but it is frequently very difficult for you to access this knowing. That is why it is absolutely essential that you go within daily to receive spiritual fortification and loving encouragement which you can feel flowing into and through you. Congratulations on your wondrous and most effective efforts, you are achieving what you set out to do, so all honor to you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | March 18, 2019 at 7:34 pm | URL: