Jesus through John: Be the Love that you truly are!
13.06.2018 18:09 John Smallman | Sananda - Jesus

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday June 10th
All are One! This is not a new thought, this is a divine Truth that is forever unchanging, but, as humans living the illusion, you have hidden this knowing from yourselves to make the sensation of separation as real as possible. Now it is time to acknowledge this Truth, open yourselves to know it, and then allow it to guide you in every moment. There is no possibility of separation from God, from Source, because That is All That Is, and all consciousness, awareness, sentience, arises here. When you don’t sense It, feel It, know It, then you are choosing to be unaware.
It is time now to become aware, to become fully aware of your divine nature as One with Source. This is not an egoic feeling of pride, of importance in being what you are, it is a full knowing and awareness of your true nature in which any need to compete with or impress others with whom you interact has totally dissolved, because all fear has gone, and because there is only the permanent Presence of Love, which is unconditionally accepting of Itself and of all Others in that Oneness that is Source.
When conscious awareness of this Truth arises within you it is immediately apparent that it has always been there, and this realization is generally quite mind-blowing when it is first experienced while occupying a human form. It cannot ever be meaningfully described for you, it can only be experienced. When it is, you know that you are Home, that you are where you have always been, eternally present in the Presence of the One from Whom all of creation flows outwards in an ever-expanding and limitless field of Love that is All, and that contains All within It.
Life, consciousness, awareness – Love – is eternal. It cannot age, decay, die, or be destroyed, and nor can you because you are One with It. Your destiny, your divine destiny, is to be in joy in every moment of your eternal existence, and so you are. Anything that is not of Love, is illusory, unreal, and cannot last, and when it is gone only Love, and the joy that it demonstrates constantly, remain.
Your body is but a temporary home for your spirit as it chooses to experience lack, limitation, separation, aloneness, and learn the lessons it chose to encounter while incarnate as a human. Also, those presently on Earth are also incarnate in order to take part in humanity’s awakening process by assisting each other to become consciously aware of their eternal spiritual nature and learn that Love is the only Reality. Only through Love can you evolve spiritually, and your human form has also evolved and continues to evolve because it is spirit’s intent to raise it way above the basic needs of survival so that it too may experience the joy that is Love.
Many are now growing into a realization of this and are consequently changing their attitudes and behaviors to align with this Truth, and in so doing are finding themselves in a state of peace and happiness way beyond anything they had ever imagined was possible. You are Love, but living estranged from It, as you have been doing for eons, led you to believe that It was an unreal state that could be experienced only briefly and weakly when it was offered to you by another – your parents, family, or partners – and then dissolved leaving you back in the “normal” state of uncertainty and fear that arose because of your constant and ongoing survival needs.
Love, when you open to It, demonstrates quite clearly that survival is not an issue. It fills your heart with the certainty, with the knowing, that you are unconditionally accepted and infinitely loved in every moment of your eternal existence, and that absolutely nothing can alter or change that Truth. You are closer to God, to Source, to Love than you are to your own body. When you meditate you can reach a very clear understanding that your body is something you have, it is not what you are. It is a learning device that enables you to live physically in the world and play the game of separation until you decide you want to return to Reality, to Source, to Love. But, having apparently played the game of separation for eons, it does take time to adjust your perspective and identify the path that will lead you out of the game, the path that will unfailingly lead you Home.
Home is where you are going, and It lies within you! You can never not be there. It is the Life, the Consciousness, the Awareness of being alive with which every sentient being is endowed. It is the energy that empowers and motivates you in every moment. Within the illusory world of form it seems to most people that life is a biological energy that has been established and is maintained by food and water within the body until it dies, either from an accident, from illness, or from old age. And, of course the body does die, because it is but a temporary form that an entity occupies in order to take part in the game. The game continues as long as there are willing players, but enthusiasm for the game is waning, because it too is approaching the moment of completion.
Playing the game has enabled you to present yourselves with many meaningful and valuable lessons in ways that required you to engage with them fully and attentively in order to attain the maximum benefit from them. The major lessons have now been learned and the information gleaned from them has mostly been assimilated. Now you are putting all that you learned into practice as you work your way through your own personal awakening processes.
Those in the spiritual realms – your guides, saints, angels, and passed loved ones – are always on hand to assist you when you call on them. Go within daily at least once, to your own holy inner sanctuaries, and open your hearts to the Love residing there awaiting your invitation for It to embrace you. And during the day, when you have a moment – waiting for the traffic lights to change, waiting for your bus or train or plane, or waiting for a friend, loved one, or business associate to arrive – just go within briefly and renew your intent to be loving in every moment whatever arises. That intent, repeated throughout the day, is extremely powerful and supportive, and responds instantly, giving you an enormous energy boost when you ask for it.
You are always fully supported, so do not attempt to do anything entirely on your own. Call on your support team; they are waiting for your call. Attempting to do things alone is an egoic pride issue that does not serve you, its only purpose is to convince you that you are alone when this, of course, is never the case. Whatever the issue you are dealing with, call your support team for assistance because it honors them, and then they can honor you by responding, filling you with a sense of peace as you feel their Love embracing you. Oneness means just that, and to shut out your awareness of it hides from you the guidance and knowing available to you as you follow your earthly path toward Home. So, remind yourselves frequently that you are One with Source and with all of Creation, and that therefore you lack nothing and need not seek the path Home outside yourselves, it is within you and demonstrates its presence there by the events and issues arising in your lives.
Nothing that occurs during your lives is accidental, everything that arises has a purpose for you! How you deal with it or respond to it is as a result of your free will, but your egos nearly always rush in instantly with a suggested reaction, so make a point of hanging back for a moment to allow your higher Self or intuitive spiritual guidance to offer you the most appropriate response to make. It may be an action, it may be inaction, but it will always be a totally loving response. However, your egos hate that and try to get you to override your innate wisdom and engage in the excitement of a quick, smart, clever, or attacking reaction. You know from experience that that almost always causes pain and suffering, so now, in this moment, is the moment to cease allowing your egos to run – that is control – and oftentimes ruin your experiences.
You are Love! Be That, and drop the seemingly protective masks that you are accustomed to presenting to the world, they do not serve your best interests, and they do not serve you. When you truly allow yourselves to be your divinely created Selves, life flows far more smoothly for you, and you cope far more easily with the problems and issues that arise, and any pain or suffering that may arise will be far less overwhelming.
Again, Be the Love that you truly are! That is one of the main lessons presented to you as a human, and you have unlimited assistance from those in the spiritual realms to learn from it and move forward. God wills that you awaken, all of creation wills your awakening, You will your awakening, so be who you truly are, and move powerfully toward that inevitable moment.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | June 10, 2018 at 8:09 pm | URL: