Jesus through John: Remember your are LOVE!
22.12.2018 20:04 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Friday December 21st
Christmas day, my birthday, is approaching rapidly, so
Enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as the moment of your awakening approaches. And that is reason for celebration. Yes, there are many who are in pain, and many who are suffering, and a very effective way to assist and support them is to set the intention to send them love and healing. For many of you that is the most effective thing you can do because you are not physically in their presence. If you are in a position where you can be physically present for someone who is in pain and is suffering, and your intuitive guidance is to attend to them, then do so, even if you fear doing this. Fear is of the ego, so tell it that you understand its concern and that you know that this is what you need and intend to do, and the fear will greatly decrease in intensity, or fall away altogether.
This is the season of giving, and while many of you will obviously engage in material gift-giving – and that is good – to give of yourselves, your presence, by communing with friends, family, and loved ones is the most important and perfect gift that you can possibly offer to anyone. And, because intimate family relationships can be very stressful, set the intent very firmly to engage only lovingly, along with the intent to acknowledge any anger that arises without projecting it outwards. If anger arises in the presence of others, then discretely, and as soon as possible, remove yourself to the bathroom or other suitable place where you can be alone for a few minutes to take a “time-out.”
There is no one who has not reacted angrily when their buttons were pushed, and who has not later had plenty of time to suffer the intense pain of enormous regret. So, before visiting with people who you love and who can cause you stress or anger, take at least ten minutes in quiet meditation with the intent to be only loving whatever arises. You will find this is an enormously effective way to ensure that when you arrive at their home, or greet them when they arrive at yours, that your warm greetings are then completely heartfelt, and because they will feel the peace of your welcoming presence it will dissolve any stress or anxiety that they may be feeling.
If someone “misbehaves” over the holidays, cut them some slack, because it is at times like this that most people’s insecurities or lack of self-worth arise most powerfully and are likely to drive them, from shame or fear, into saying or doing something offensive. Remember you are LOVE! And Love accepts without judgment, offering comfort, compassion, and heartfelt support. If you have had experiences of very painful get togethers and are concerned that one of your get togethers this Christmas season could deteriorate into a painful blame game, then it is absolutely essential that you prepare yourselves in advance by taking that ten minute “time-out.” You will find it very helpful, and it will bring some, possibly unexpected, peace and joy to meetings to which you were not completely looking forward.
This time of the year is a time for celebration, and most of you go to great efforts to make it so for your children or grandchildren, while clinging to grudges that you hold against various adults with whom you interact – spouses, parents, siblings, bosses, associates, etc. So, this Christmas season, as you move rapidly towards awakening, be conscious of grudges and resentments to which have become attached or even addicted, and set the intent, as firmly and powerfully as you can, to forgive everyone you see as an enemy or as an untrustworthy friend or relative. As Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
You have very frequently been reminded that you can only change yourselves, and this is absolutely true, but as you do so others will also change. That is your mission on Earth at this time. You chose to incarnate to assist in humanity’s great awakening, and when you made that choice you were fully aware that you had human lessons to learn, namely, to forgive unconditionally all who hurt or offended you and to offer them unconditional love. That is what our heavenly Father does, always has done, and always will do.
AND, as you all well know because you have been told so often, and because deep within yourselves this divine truth is eternally present, you know that God created you like unto Himself. There is no other way that He could create you. This does not mean similar to himself.
You and God are One, and therefore you and every other sentient being are One. There is only One. Therefore to judge, blame, condemn, or shame another is in fact to do that to yourselves.
To awaken is to consciously know that you are Love, One with Source, and to live that divine truth joyfully in every moment regardless of what may arise. The answer to every issue or problem, as you are always being reminded, is always LOVE!
And where can you find Love? Nowhere but within your beautiful selves. We are not talking here about beauty in form, but about beauty in the One, and that is, without exception, everyone of you. Wherever you see or experience ugliness – in nature, in other humans, in behaviors, attitudes, thoughts, words, or actions – you are but seeing images of yourselves. Unreal images that you constructed within the game that is the illusion, and with which you engage whenever you find yourselves in any kind of conflict. All conflict is with yourself, because there is no one else!
So, this Christmas season, remember that. Remember that you are One, and that you are the one or the many with whom you are in conflict, or with whom you are in love. It is always your choice – conflict or Love. And you know, consciously, that the only way forward is through Love. The trouble is that you have been waiting for others to demonstrate this. You did not want to be the first because you feared you would be making yourselves vulnerable, which you see as an invitation to pain and suffering, as others would choose to take advantage of you.
Well, some, a few, will take advantage of you. However, the vast majority will be uplifted and inspired when they experience you as totally vulnerable and loving, and they will respond in like manner. And you will discover that to be vulnerable is completely safe because in that state you will find that you have nothing that you are ashamed of, that you feel a need to hide. You will find yourselves feeling freer than you have ever felt.
Love is free, and in Its vulnerability It is utterly invulnerable. And that is who and what you are, always have been, and forever will be!
Wishing you a most glorious Christmas, your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | December 21, 2018 at 8:29 pm | URL: