Jesus through John: Deep within you is the knowledge that you are Love, that you are complete
23.11.2018 20:24 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday November 21st
Many are finding themselves experiencing inner turmoil at present, as the awakening process intensifies, and more “stuff” arises into people’s conscious awareness for acknowledgment and release. It has to be released so that Love may be personally known and experienced, and as the moment for the grand awakening is approaching very rapidly, the intensity with which it is arising has intensified enormously. For many, who are already under a considerable amount of stress, this increasing intensity is extremely unsettling. Just remind yourselves that what is occurring is most definitely part of the awakening process, and that you all chose to be incarnate at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution so that you could assist by being bright lights of Love shining brilliantly into even the darkest corners of pain and suffering.
You are all doing enormously important work twenty four seven, even if you are not aware of this. Believe me, what you are doing and achieving could not be done by anyone else, and you knew this before you made the courageous decision to be incarnate and shine your light brightly so that all who interacted with you would feel the loving energy that you hold and extend unconditionally. Yes, of course some of you are going through your own “stuff,” everyone on Earth has “stuff’ that needs releasing, whether for yourselves, or because you chose to undergo and release the “stuff” that others found themselves unable to release alone. These ones are not necessarily people you are conscious of assisting, people you know in human form, but, nevertheless, you are doing great work in assisting them even though you are not consciously aware of them. Doing this discretely and without fanfare, as you are doing, is amazingly effective.
This is the season of Thanksgiving in the United States of America, and the thanks that are being offered by so many in North America – Canada too – during this most wonderful holiday season are just what is called for at this important juncture, this most critical point in your awakening process. The holiday season kicks off with Thanksgiving, and then progresses through my birthday – smile! – and on into the New Year. The New Year is always a time of enormous hope, and 2019 will deliver in spades! But have patience, because it will not all happen instantly on New Year’s Day, it will be spread throughout the year as numerous magnificent opportunities for changes of an amazing and essential nature occur and are availed of.
Humanity’s spiritual awakening, that has been ongoing for over one hundred and fifty years, is truly bearing fruit and magnificent blossoms now, and will continue to do so. All that you need to do is to continue to trust in the divine plan, just as you have been doing, in spite of the mainstream media’s focus on drama of the most negative sort, fear, and alarm. Yes, there is much wrong that needs righting, and the awakening process is all about that. You incarnated to bring in the essential changes for the awakening, and basically those changes are to hold the intent and then practice being loving whatever arises. And for many of you this can be very difficult because your egos are fearful, extremely fearful, and have an intense to need to judge others wrong – as individuals, within business organizations and political parties, within dogmatic religious institutions with judgmental belief systems, and within humanity at large there is egoic distrust of those who are different from themselves – in order to confirm for themselves their righteousness.
The need to be right is caused by a deep fear that a person has that they are unworthy, not good enough, and that they will therefore be harshly judged. But every single sentient being is a divine creation who will never be judged and found wanting, because Source, Mother/Father/God, LOVE is unconditionally accepting of all without exception. However, because so many allow themselves to be ruled and directed by their egos – that small and confused part of their minds that lives in fear – they are mostly unable to accept themselves unless they have achieved worldly success and have the material accoutrements that are judged necessary by the society or culture of which they are members.
Certain rules are necessary for a society or culture to operate. But, although societies and cultures are supposed to operate for the benefit of all their members, they mostly do not, because the egos of nearly all involved have this burning, fear-driven need to be right. One of the ongoing evolutionary aspects of your awakening process is the growing awareness that beliefs of every kind need to be questioned, examined in detail, and then modified or discarded if found, as most will be, to be far less than adequate for the purpose that they are supposed to serve.
Dogmatic belief systems have been part of every human culture and creed for eons. Often they were initially established in response to the wisdom that some enlightened one has shared with friends and followers – not often family! – which is then put into words that immediately limit that shared wisdom most severely. Later, others use those words, suitably interpreted, to establish rules and regulations to enable them to control societies by means of judgment and punishment.
When people live as and from their true nature, lovingly whatever arises, conflict is impossible. You were created as One with Source, and as that you live in divine and harmonious cooperation, encouraging one another to develop and expand your creative abilities and talents, and as a result all flourish. Your collective choice eons ago to experience separation was to prove that you could do this alone. But to be alone, to be separate from Source and one another, is to be separated from Love, the life force, the power of the One, which is infinite. This leaves you feeling small, insignificant, ineffectual, useless, a waste of space without purpose of any kind. And the pain of that sense of smallness and insignificance is intense and terrifying. As a result, ever since then, you have been struggling to find the true meaning and purpose in your lives.
Because separation is unreal, a dream in which your Oneness is hidden from you, deep within you is the knowledge that you are Love, that you are complete, and the searching and seeking that you all engage in is an effortful and unnecessary attempt to regain what has never been lost. However, the ego always looks outside itself for acceptance, appreciation, and fulfillment, and therefore never finds it. There is no outside! There is only the One that is You. All, as you have been told so often, are One in and with Source, without any possibility of separation, and in that state of Oneness all that your hearts could ever desire is within you awaiting your engagement with it.
Over the eons a few have uncovered or rediscovered this divine truth, and they have tried to share their knowledge, but mostly people refused to listen because they were to caught up in the egoic need to protect and defend themselves from others – which is of course the One – who seem to be separate from them, and who often appear to be very threatening.
Finally, in the last few decades, awareness has started to dawn on many that separation is indeed unreal. But for most it is only an intellectual awareness, and not a heartfelt awareness. But that was the start of the awakening process, and as a result people started to search within themselves – meditating, contemplating, inquiring, wondering – and many have discovered that all that is necessary is for them to surrender. To surrender is to stop searching and just allow what has always been there – Love – to embrace them and awaken them from their dreams and fantasies of separation, abandonment, and solitariness.
You are never alone. To be alone is impossible, and the awakening process that you are all undergoing so magnificently is the coming to full awareness of this divine and eternal Truth. So go within whenever you have a moment – you only need a moment – and you all have numerous moments every single day in which you can do this. And in that moment intend to open your hearts to the Love residing permanently within you. It is the Source, Your Source with which You are eternally One, always present within you, and wanting only for you to live in utter and complete Joy! Go within and allow your Source, your divine Oneness, to make Itself known to you and show you the Glory that is You!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | November 21, 2018 at 1:20 pm | URL: