Saul through John: To awaken is to let go of fear
25.08.2018 17:49 Saul | John Smallman

by John Smallman
We, all of the divine creation, are on a path of spiritual evolution that is eternally ongoing.
You may ask “Why? Are we not all already perfect divine creations?” And, yes, of course we are, but, being creative beings, there is always more to create, infinitely more, and that is one of the joys of being One with Source, there is always the joy of discovering more to create. Quite a paradox!
Thus joy never ceases, it just expands and intensifies. However, words – verbal or written language as used by beings in form – are a totally inadequate means of communing. All are in divine relationship, and relationship is a state of communing. Humans, as social beings, understand this very well, although, of course, there are times when you wish to rest from relationship, to have quiet time within, at your holy inner sanctuary. However, when you awaken and find yourselves fully aware that you are One, in every moment, then relationship is constant but unintrusive, a peaceful state which is always present if you choose to engage, offering Love and making no demands. A state that is difficult for most of you to imagine because you have all experienced many demanding relationships.
As humans, your relationships are most often founded on need, and are not free from commitments of one kind or another, although of course love of others is very frequently part of them. However, Love, capital ‘L,’ is neither a commitment nor a demand, It just is, always present, always available, ubiquitous, and, when you open to It, It embraces you immediately in total acceptance and without conditions of any kind.
It is your nature, so unless you block It out or refuse to accept or acknowledge It, It is everything you are. The only reason that you do not feel It, or that you remain unaware of It is because of choices you make, and one of the major ones is the choice to believe yourselves unworthy of God’s Love for you. God never judges you, all negative self-judgment and self-blame that you experience is ego-driven. Egos are fear-driven, believing that they need to protect you at all times from the constant, and sometimes seeming all-consuming threats of the environment that you inhabit as humans.
To awaken is to let go of fear because you become fully aware that there is nothing to fear. You are divine and eternal beings created from and existing in an eternal state of Love. BUT, you chose to experience life in form as a human, and your human bodies are subject to fear, suffering, and pain. Then again, the events and relationships you experience or encounter as humans are part of the life paths you planned for yourselves before you incarnated for the lessons that you wished to learn. There are no accidents or coincidences – at a higher level you chose them – they are all opportunities for you to learn, and the lesson is always that there is only Love.
The more you can hold and manifest the intent to be only loving, regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourselves, the less you will suffer. Yes, you may, and most likely will, experience illness and damage to your human form as you are nudged to pay attention to the lessons being presented to you. But you cannot understand the lessons through intellectual reasoning and analysis, you have to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary, and rest there quietly with your mind/brain as still as you can manage, so that then you can become aware of your intuition, your guidance which will lead you through whatever experience you are undergoing until you get that ‘Aha’ moment, and the lesson presented will become will become clear and meaningful to you.
And the lessons with which you are being presented are not for you alone. As you live through them, those with whom you associate in any way will find lessons there for themselves. Remember, you chose to incarnate at this pivotal moment as humanity blossoms spiritually, because you were keen and willing to assist in the process. It is an enormous challenge for all involved, very demanding of your patience and acceptance as you deal with all that arises for you. And you all, without exception, have what you need to succeed in this magnificent venture – constant and limitless support from those in the spiritual realms, which, of course, include your own higher or spiritual selves.
What you incarnated to do, and are doing, is absolutely essential, and cannot be done by anyone else, you each have your own individual parts to play, and you will each achieve what you incarnated to accomplish.
But, of course, as humans your awareness of the unfolding of this divine plan is severely limited, so that it often seems that you are struggling in the dark without even a small flashlight to light your way. Therefore, go within at least once daily, and preferably more frequently – waiting in traffic, waiting in line, waiting for someone to arrive. A moment here and a moment there adds very powerfully to your ongoing intent to be loving whatever arises, even though you may get no sense of it. Just renew your intent, in the moment, and then continue with whatever you were doing, knowing that you are making an enormous difference.
You are all dearly loved and highly honored as you follow your seemingly individual paths toward awakening. Your awakening is divinely assured, and when it occurs you will awake into amazing joy. Truly the brilliance of God’s divine plan for His creation is utterly beyond meaningful description, it can only be experienced, and you will all experience it because it was designed with you in mind, in God’s Mind, where you all have your eternal existence.
With so very much love, Saul.
John Smallman | 08/24/2018 at 5:44 pm | URL: