Jesus through John: You are loved, guided, and supported by those in the spiritual realms in every moment of your human life time
03.09.2017 21:30 Sananda - Jesus | John Smallman

by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday September 3rd
Humanity’s awakening process is opening out, coming into bloom, and therefore extending to all, as always divinely planned and intended. It may seem to you that chaos and confusion are increasing worldwide, but in fact an enormous amount of releasing is occurring. It is a release of all of the denials, of shame, bitterness, judgment, guilt, worthlessness, and self-disparagement that have plagued you since the moment that separation was imagined and the illusion was constructed. And self-disparagement is a big one, frequently leading to grandiosity and arrogance on the part of the one experiencing it, as he desperately attempts to hide and deny his terrifying sense of worthlessness and unlovableness.
To have those very negative feelings ingrained within causes great fear that either leads to emotional collapse and severe depression, or to intense anger and projection onto others. Have compassion for those with whom you interact who are so infected, and there are many of them – even yourselves! – and intend to send them love, unconditional love, because that is the most effective form of healing that you can offer to others, and it is one of your main reasons for being incarnate in this age of change on Planet Earth. And of course, when you offer love to others, even silently and completely unobtrusively, you are also offering it to yourselves, so do make a point of accepting it.
You volunteered to incarnate and help those in pain and suffering by sharing and extending LOVE to all of humanity. That idea resonates with you, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, most of you had completely forgotten your life purpose on Earth – the distractions with which it presents you are enormous – and now need this reminder to help you get back on course. However appalling the behavior of another or others may be, remember, violent attacks – physical, psychic, or emotional – are but very desperate cries for LOVE, and you have that in abundance.
The fact that you are reading or listening to this channeled material, and to other material with similar messages, should indicate to you very clearly indeed that you chose to be here to assist in humanity’s awakening. And I want to remind you that you have limitless support from those in the spiritual realms who are cheering you on, encouraging you with uplifting and inspiring messages, and constantly reminding you of how loved and honored you are.
Open yourselves to receive the abundance of Love that is offered to you in every moment, and intend to feel Its soothing caress!
When you do, you will feel loved and supported, as indeed you are, and your competence and ability to deal with the unexpected human upsets and disappointments that you experience – interpersonal and material issues and problems – will amaze you. You are loved, guided, and supported by those in the spiritual realms in every moment of your human life time, just as agreed and promised when you set up your life plan before you incarnated. We have not forgotten our agreements with you and we will continue to honor them fully throughout your human lives.
Go within, to that place of divine peace and love, your holy inner sanctuary, and relax into the energy field that supports you, and all of God’s divine creation, in every moment of your existence, then absorb that pure divine energy, allowing it to empower and motivate you. When you do, without questioning it or attempting to understand it – distraction! – your own human energy field expands enormously boosting and uplifting all with whom you interact. And that is why you incarnated, to “jump-start” the energy fields of all with whom you interact in any way at all, and at any time all, from infancy to old age, to assist them to awaken, just as you are doing. Yes, truly, you are awakening.
Everyone’s energy field is pure Love because Love is your nature, but the distractions and fear that life as a human offers you constantly led many of you from a very early age to feel increasingly unworthy of Love, and so you chose to block your access to It, your awareness of It. The awakening process is the releasing and discarding of that blockage as you come to remember that you are a perfect and beloved child of God, and realization dawns on you that your sense of worthlessness is utterly invalid! For how could a perfect child of God be worthless or unlovable? The idea is insane. God is LOVE, and therefore everything that He creates exists eternally, and without interruption, in that absolutely impregnable state. Nothing can harm you, let alone destroy you, because you are eternally One with your divine Source, the Mother/Father/God, ALL that is. There is nothing beyond or outside this state because there is no beyond or outside.
Of course, as humans, asleep and dreaming of pain, suffering, separation, abandonment and worthlessness, that truth is very difficult to accept. The dream, or more often the nightmare, seems totally real because you feel the pain and the suffering. But you have all, as humans, also had painful and terrifying nightmares from which you have awoken – perhaps in terror and shock – to immediately realize that what you dreamt and believed in the moment was real was in fact completely unreal, even though as you went through it that most definitely did not appear to be the case. What a relief to wake up and let the memory dissolve and dissipate!
So, when you awaken into Reality, as you inevitably will, all memory of pain, suffering, worthlessness, unlovableness, bitterness, and fear will dissolve to be replaced by infinite peace and joy. Your Father’s Will for you, and your own, because it is identical to His, is eternal peace and joy. That is the state into which you were created, and which you have never left. Dreams and nightmares end. Reality is eternal, timeless, a state of utter and endless bliss into which you will awaken.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
John Smallman | September 3, 2017 at 2:11 pm | URL: