Sananda via Ann Dahlberg, September 28th, 2017
28.09.2017 22:27 Ann Dahlberg | Sananda - Jesus

I am Sananda and I walk together with you. It is a day for the wake-up song that sounds all over Earth today. There are many souls that are waking up now and they see the sun rising over the horizon. Their eyes have become clearer and they can see a clearer light. The hope has returned to many a heart and they start to change their lives at the same pace as they become aware. It can be small changes, habits that are traded in for more healthy habits. It can be large changes as one is breaking away from something and starts something new, weather it is family or location.
Yes, you live in a time of change dear children and tomorrow will not look like yesterday. The winds of change have never blown this hard on Earth before. It can be hard to hold on to your hat when the wind is this strong. You have to hold on to it firmly. It is important to stand steady on the ground and to be anchored in one’s heart otherwise it is easy to fall into delusion. There are many who pull you now and many who want to give you good advice. Please listen but do not make any decisions until you have double checked with your heart. If you stand steady on the ground and have a good connection with your heart you know what is true and which path to follow. Should you follow the path that your heart and your guides lead you down or should you follow the path that somebody else thinks you should follow? Yes, the choice is yours, but I recommend you to follow your heart and your guides. It might not look so good, but in the end it will give the best results. The most important work is to be in your heart and to find one’s light and one’s path there. The heart and your guides help you to take the steps you need in order to go further now. You do not need to follow anything outside of you. It is your inner journey that is important and it always has been the best path during all the life times that you have lived on Earth. It is now easier to find one’s heart and path since the light now now shines so strongly on Earth. This is why I guide you dear children to look inside first before you look outside. The outside world changes according to your inner world and not the other way around. Do you want to live your life or somebody else’s? You came here for a reason, dear children. You came here with your own contract to fulfill. All others have their own contracts to complete. I urge you to follow your own and your outer change will become that which is most true for you. In order to reach the goals of your dreams you must follow your inner clock and the wise guidance that you can find at the inner most part of your heart. Please meditate and feel which dreams that it is that you carry. Then try to take a step in that direction. It is with your own intention to follow the path of your life that you receive great help on the way from your soul and your guides. This is important, dear children. This is important for your own development so trust yourself and your inner guidance. You can do this only if you stand steady on the ground and is true to yourself. Understand that you are your own master on the turf you stand on.
I, and all your guides, stand ready to help you find your heart so that you can hear the answers. Your souls long to come home so they communicate lively with you now. All that is needed is that you still yourself and listen to what they have to tell you. Your bright future already exists within you so bring it within you dear children. We are here with you in your heart och we will help you so gladly on your path. A meeting between our worlds is what we now look forward to and this is why you get these messages. A grand change is on the way and to be in one’s own heart eases this change which is happening at all levels on Earth today.
With this I leave you with much love in my heart.