SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin: "Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!"

Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. 

We see you suffering and would love to step in and help but we do need to be asked. That goes for me, all Ascended Masters and Mother & Father's Angels. ASK US for help! We LOVE to help!! 

This One has started doing that again and she can feel our presence as her days become even a tad more joyful where before they were tiresome. By connecting with us and asking for our assistance, we can indeed pave the way for your lives to be filled with ease. You may or may not feel our presence, but that doesn't matter. For we are always with you regardless.

For example, it need not be an emergency before you ask for help. If you need assistance handling a difficult situation, to have the strength and courage to get through your day, or when you wake up exhausted after a night of dreamtime work; call on us!!

Alpha and Omega be! This is my humorous way to remind you that "the end is near!" But fear not, your “new beginning" will follow! The end of the old 3D way of life and your new 5D lives and New Earth (or Nova Gaia) are waiting in the wings and ready to jump out on stage. The stage of your new lives!

Hang in there a bit longer, call on us for help and imagine your bright future with all of us in the new 5D, New Earth! That's my message for today. I am your Sananda and I send my love on bright moonbeams to all Lightworkers! 
