What is Planetary Ascension? The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
04.05.2019 16:47 Suzanne Lie | Ascension

We, the Arcturians, would like to pass on a message to the ones who are still wearing a human disguise. We remind you to remember that you are higher dimensional beings who have volunteered to take a third-dimensional earth vessel so that you can better assist Gaia as She moves into, and through, Her process of “Planetary Ascension.”
We are aware that within your NOW few humans are aware that they are, indeed, a Galactic Being who volunteered to take a third-dimensional earth vessel to better assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. “What is Planetary Ascension?” you may ask.
Planetary ascension is much like a human ascension, it is on a much larger scale. A planetary ascension can only “begin to occur” when over 51% of the humans begin their “return to SELF.
We Arcturians wish to ask a few questions that we often receive from our “earth ones.” These questions are:
Question #1: What is “Planetary Ascension?”
Questions #2: What is “Personal Ascension?”
Question #3: How can one experience “Ascension?”
We will begin by answering question #1
Answer to Question #1 What is Planetary Ascension?
Planetary Ascension is much like human ascension, but it is on a much larger scale. A Planetary Ascension can only begin to occur when over 51% of the humans begin their personal ascension of return to their fifth-dimensional SELF.
Answer to Question #2 Why does 51% of the humans “begin their personal ascension?”
The answer to this question is that the humans are primarily the beings they create the fear, anger, selfishness, and destruction of Gaia’s body, which makes it increasingly difficult to Gaia to even begin her ascension, much less, move through her process of ascension.
There are many, many humans who love Gaia, care for Gaia, and are excellent keepers of their planet Earth. However, there are not, yet, 51 percent of the humans who are excellent keepers. Also, 49% of humans who do NOT assist Gaia are creating GREAT damage to Gaia’s planetary self.
We hear you saying, “Oh that cannot be true. We know many people who love Gaia and care for Her all the time.” We totally agree with that statement. However, the dark ones who not only do NOT care for Gaia and in fact cause Her great damage on a daily basis, but are also unknown and do their harm in secret.
We will speak now more about Ascension. Ascension is the process in which a person, place, situation and/or planet takes a Cosmic Leap into the Operating System of the fifth dimension.
Please remember that between the third dimensional Earth and the fifth dimensional Earth (are those wearing a third-dimensional vessel can only “remember from their Galactic memories of before they took a third-dimensional vessel,” or often from their deepest meditation or nightly “dreams” of being fifth dimensional.”
Human does have Multidimensional Consciousness in which they could remember their higher dimensional realities on other planets and/or Starships, as well as fifth dimensional Gaia, but it is often put into the category of “just your imagination!”
Therefore, we will insert here that your “imagination” is that which connects you with your higher dimensional thinking, feeling, and memories. These memories of your life on your fifth-dimensional Homeworld or your fifth dimensional Star Ship are of too high of a frequency for you to maintain in your consciousness awareness for more than a few short moments.
However, if you “use your imagination” to “pretend” that you remember your fifth-dimensional SELF, and can allow yourself to believe that what you are pretending is actually real, you will be able to allow these “dreams and imaginations” to expand into your physical reality.
However, you can only “imagine” that which your brain can maintain long enough for you to remember that what YOU are imagining is actually that which you are REMEMBERING!
But the next issue is, who could you share this information with? Of course, most people would think you are crazy! However, most “most of the human who was able to perceive the higher frequencies learned quickly to “not tell anyone” because it was unsafe!
Gratefully, humans are no longer “burned at the stake” for remembering the truth. However, those that can remember the truth of the higher worlds can also remember the truth of their past lives when they were burned at the stake, tortured to death, and/or had to run for their lives and hide out in places far away from those who feared the truth so much that they would kill to stop it from being known.
Unfortunately, there are still humans, that are dark ones wearing a human body, that still wish to have power OVER others. The reason for this need for power over others is because they have not yet discovered the power WITHIN themselves.
Why have they not discovered that? Because another, or several other humans have used their “power over others” against them so much that they “broke that person’s spirit.”
Question #3: How can one experience “Ascension?”
Ascension is the process in which a person, place, situation, and/or planet takes a “Cosmic Leap” into the Operating System of the next frequency of reality. Initially, the group of persons, places, animals, water, earth, air, fire, decide that they are ready to transmute into the next frequency of reality.
But can one tell what the next frequency is, and how to take that cosmic leap?
And/or, how can one tell that they are in the next frequency of reality?
The answer is that you first FEEL the shift in your heart and mind. You will also be able to tell by the animals, plants, fish, insect, etc. that all have what we would perceive as a “heart filled with love” and a mind which is a higher dimensional operating system.
All beings, even the smallest life forms have some form of connection to the ONE of the WHOLE, which is Gaia’s “Planetary Operating System.” This operating system influences every person, place, situation and/or thing.
The Planetary Operating System is designed to keep the elements and Elementals in alignment with the Divine Plan for Earth. However, a human can, and have, ignored and/or worked against that Operating System. However, humans are the only beings on Earth that have done so.
Only the humans have separated themselves so far from their planet that they do not realize, or care, that the damage that is done to the planet is done to ALL the beings on the planet.
The Planetary Operating System resonates to the higher dimensions of Earth, much like an “overseer” or “guardian.” Only humans can operate outside of that that Planetary Operating System—and they HAVE done so more time than one could count.
The Planetary Operating System is designed to keep the Gaia in alignment with each being “reason for embodiment.” This Operating System is what allows all life on Earth to grow, expand, and eventually, transmute into the higher frequencies of reality.
This Operating System is designed to keep the beings of each planet, in this case, the planet Earth, to align with the same “reason for embodiment.” This reason for embodiment is what allows and activates all lives on Gaia, and including Gaia, to feel the “urge” to grow, expand, and even transmute into a higher expression of being.
In this manner, that which has been born, or taken an earthly form can align itself, whether that self is a small bird or a huge eagle, with the “sense of unity” that Gaia has been sharing with all Her Beings.
In this manner, bees, birds, ants, fish, clouds, mountains, forests and all the life forms on Earth have their personal brand of “Unity Consciousness.” The only beings that do NOT have that Unity Consciousness are some of the humans.
Many humans are able to participate in the wonder and joy of Gaia’s Unity Consciousness. However, the humans who do have that sense of Unity Consciousness are often those that may have less ambition to own that which is around them and those that follow the ancient ways of tribal unity and deep caring for Gaia’s Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, including the Fire Spirit deep in the Core of Earth.
Interestingly, those who appear to have the most stuff often have the least awakened consciousness. This is because one’s consciousness does not arise from what one has, but from what one had given to others and to Gaia.
Love is the key to higher consciousness because love is about sharing, listening, as well and speaking from the heart. In fact, love is much like a marriage in that love takes the vow of “I will always love you?” Of course, many humans cannot keep that vow, but the mountains always the sky and the rivers love the rain. In other words, Love, True Love, only know the trust.
But, “What is love?” the humans ask. But they do not have that answer until their love can “sway” like a tree in the wind, “expand like a lake as it absorbs the falling rain and stays together like the birds in a flock”. The animal kingdom loves Gaia exactly as She IS.
They do not need the water to create a fake waterfall, or the pool to have chemicals, or people to wear fence clothes, or drive fast, fancy cars to show off that they have money. Most of all, animals do not have to need to own change or improve parts of Gaia better.
Gaia does not think in terms of better or worse. Gaia IS and she allows all life to be what it IS! And, that is not just what it IS now or what it WAS in the past. In fact, Nature does not know the terms past or future before or later Gaia know NOW
Have you ever asked yourself:
Who am I now?
What am I doing now?
Where am I gong now?
When will get there?
Our Galactic and planetary answer is that you have always been someone, some time, some place, and somewhere some how. In fact, within the ONE of the time, the place, the when, and the how. You will begin to merge into the now of all the other times and places that embrace the NOW, When ever you need it.
It is in this manner that you can BE HERE IN THE NOW OF THE ONE!