A Message to Lightworkers – September 22, 2017
23.09.2017 14:30 Caroline Oceana Ryan
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, Makers of the New Earth!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
We are seeing profound change occurring now, in these post-eclipse, post-Lion’s Gate, autumn (or spring) equinox days.
You may be feeling a strange assortment of energies flowing through and around you now.
We are aware that many are feeling a “disturbance in the Force” in their mental/emotional/physical journey.
It is actually not a matter of the infinite flow of Source Energy itself being disturbed, but of particular inner paradigms and energy patterns—thoughts, feelings, symbols, and energy imprints—that you have carried for years, in this life or a number of lives.
The disturbance is the feeling of shock as a whole new vibration enters their world, and your overall world.
This can manifest in numerous ways.

You may feel the need to release objects you have owned for a while, or find that you are looking at them as things you barely recognize as your own.
You may feel the need to dramatically shift your daily living patterns, where you live, or the form of work you do.
Or to change or release a relationship you have been in for a while.
You may desire more or less food, or suddenly tangibly feel the dense energy and unhealthful heaviness of animal products.
Or you may begin to see animals differently, realizing that you are able to speak with them telepathically, and see their personhood.
You may be seeing objects such as rocks and trees, and even blades of grass or weeds by the side of the road, as living, breathing beings who have a story to tell, a journey to take.
All of these are indications of the unprecedented higher vibrations traveling through all of your energy systems now.
Some vibrations you will recalibrate to and flow with easily and joyfully, without feeling their effects as being jarring or new.
Some part of your consciousness will respond happily, as you open to these Light forms, almost asking, “Where have you been?”
Other vibrations will cause quite a disturbance in the Source Energy that is you; you may suddenly, in the middle of your day, experience anger, intolerance for certain ideas or situations, grief, or a feeling that you must seek renewal on a very deep level.
Your body may require far less rest, or far more.
You may feel tired but find sleep difficult. Or your dreams may seem as if they have come to you from someone else’s consciousness.
None of this is unusual for a person or a race of beings experiencing the integration of those higher frequencies that you came to experience while in physical form, yet have limited memory of.

We would say, that when the anger, the grief, the impatience, or intolerance arise, be kind to yourself.
Your “spiritually trained” mental processes may chide you for judging another, for viewing a family problem as a crime or misdemeanor, or for becoming impatient, or losing your temper with someone.
Apologize where needed, but do not be shocked or displaced by these moments.
Allow them to flow, without judgment.
They may often include anger or grief arising—or oddly, a compassion that was never there before—regarding some relationship or experience you had years ago, the energies of which have never quite been resolved.
Understand that when you are encountering those feelings, you are encountering much of the old density that you came here to finally realize, feel, and resolve.
None of this is accidental, and none of it is wrong.
Move away from the polarity of thinking that “this is lovely and spiritual, but that is just bad—it’s very dense in vibration, so I shouldn’t be feeling that.”
Those dense emotions, thoughts, and realizations are coming to the surface because they are crying out to be heard!
Crying out to be healed, to be loved—not judged.
And so now your job switches quite dramatically, dear ones, from that of what you have been taught over the centuries.

There is no room now for the strictures and encumbrances of organized religion, which stand like a guardian over each of its followers, reminding each of what they have done, thought, or felt that is Wrong, and how this proves their unworthiness.
This is one of the great fissures, one of the great gaps in human consciousness, that must now be felt, realized, and healed.
There is no place now on the Earth for that narrowness or denial of the need for healing and self-Love by any body of thought or social order that makes its living by telling others that they are intrinsically “bad.”
That they have failed themselves and God, and that they were born into the very state they are criticized for.
Those teachings entirely deny your god/goddess essence, your co-Creative power, your soul’s incalculable ability to constantly learn, progress forward, and Know on a level that mere words and ideas can never grasp.
We see so many millions around the world working to pull their lives together after a tumult of storms, floods, fires, earthquakes, or other disasters, including armed conflict.
And we ask that for their sake, you release the need to judge the tumult that has occurred in your own Earth lives.
We ask that you release the need to judge how you handled those situations, spoke to those people (or did not), and felt about those experiences, both then and now.
In this time when millions are demanding the human rights of each person, whatever their beliefs, ethnicity, background, medical needs, or income level, you must see the parallels occurring in your own life.
This great wave of human emotion, spurring on compassion and self-knowing to unforeseen levels, all the more greatly empowers you to admit that you are also someone worth fighting for.
You are, as the child who was abused, the teen who was never listened to, the woman or man who was cheated, abused, discriminated against—you are all here for the sacred and glorious reason of blessing that very density you came to experience, and allowing to Be.
Allowing it in all its darker shades and rough or knife-sharp textures, without trying to change what happened in your imagination or memory.
Without blaming yourself, or the one who was the aggressor, or the passive bystander.

Do what you can now to allow all to Be, while rising above the judgment, and the need to despise that painful shadow aspect of Earth life that is fading now—from outer circumstance, and from your consciousness.
In time you will remember it as one remembers a pencil on the counter—an object that has no emotional resonance for you, yet has been a helpful tool for learning.
This is Who you are, dear ones!
Those who would subjugate you to foolish regulations, needless financial burdens, and unnecessary overconsumption of goods and bad food, have no idea yet Who they are dealing with.
Yet you do know.
You know your power, and through the miracle of self-Love and acceptance of all you have seen, felt, done, and heard, you are diving head-first into that depth that reminds you of all you have Created.
And so we stand by you, as always, not to be the ones to empower, but merely to be the ones who witness your increasing self-empowerment.
And that springs as ever from your own high Spirits, your own souls, your Universe.
Namaste, co-Creators!
You are more powerful than you yet know!
And we are with you, always.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
Greetings, Makers of the New Earth!
We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.
We are seeing profound change occurring now, in these post-eclipse, post-Lion’s Gate, autumn (or spring) equinox days.
You may be feeling a strange assortment of energies flowing through and around you now.
We are aware that many are feeling a “disturbance in the Force” in their mental/emotional/physical journey.
It is actually not a matter of the infinite flow of Source Energy itself being disturbed, but of particular inner paradigms and energy patterns—thoughts, feelings, symbols, and energy imprints—that you have carried for years, in this life or a number of lives.
The disturbance is the feeling of shock as a whole new vibration enters their world, and your overall world.
This can manifest in numerous ways.

You may feel the need to release objects you have owned for a while, or find that you are looking at them as things you barely recognize as your own.
You may feel the need to dramatically shift your daily living patterns, where you live, or the form of work you do.
Or to change or release a relationship you have been in for a while.
You may desire more or less food, or suddenly tangibly feel the dense energy and unhealthful heaviness of animal products.
Or you may begin to see animals differently, realizing that you are able to speak with them telepathically, and see their personhood.
You may be seeing objects such as rocks and trees, and even blades of grass or weeds by the side of the road, as living, breathing beings who have a story to tell, a journey to take.
All of these are indications of the unprecedented higher vibrations traveling through all of your energy systems now.
Some vibrations you will recalibrate to and flow with easily and joyfully, without feeling their effects as being jarring or new.
Some part of your consciousness will respond happily, as you open to these Light forms, almost asking, “Where have you been?”
Other vibrations will cause quite a disturbance in the Source Energy that is you; you may suddenly, in the middle of your day, experience anger, intolerance for certain ideas or situations, grief, or a feeling that you must seek renewal on a very deep level.
Your body may require far less rest, or far more.
You may feel tired but find sleep difficult. Or your dreams may seem as if they have come to you from someone else’s consciousness.
None of this is unusual for a person or a race of beings experiencing the integration of those higher frequencies that you came to experience while in physical form, yet have limited memory of.

We would say, that when the anger, the grief, the impatience, or intolerance arise, be kind to yourself.
Your “spiritually trained” mental processes may chide you for judging another, for viewing a family problem as a crime or misdemeanor, or for becoming impatient, or losing your temper with someone.
Apologize where needed, but do not be shocked or displaced by these moments.
Allow them to flow, without judgment.
They may often include anger or grief arising—or oddly, a compassion that was never there before—regarding some relationship or experience you had years ago, the energies of which have never quite been resolved.
Understand that when you are encountering those feelings, you are encountering much of the old density that you came here to finally realize, feel, and resolve.
None of this is accidental, and none of it is wrong.
Move away from the polarity of thinking that “this is lovely and spiritual, but that is just bad—it’s very dense in vibration, so I shouldn’t be feeling that.”
Those dense emotions, thoughts, and realizations are coming to the surface because they are crying out to be heard!
Crying out to be healed, to be loved—not judged.
And so now your job switches quite dramatically, dear ones, from that of what you have been taught over the centuries.

There is no room now for the strictures and encumbrances of organized religion, which stand like a guardian over each of its followers, reminding each of what they have done, thought, or felt that is Wrong, and how this proves their unworthiness.
This is one of the great fissures, one of the great gaps in human consciousness, that must now be felt, realized, and healed.
There is no place now on the Earth for that narrowness or denial of the need for healing and self-Love by any body of thought or social order that makes its living by telling others that they are intrinsically “bad.”
That they have failed themselves and God, and that they were born into the very state they are criticized for.
Those teachings entirely deny your god/goddess essence, your co-Creative power, your soul’s incalculable ability to constantly learn, progress forward, and Know on a level that mere words and ideas can never grasp.
We see so many millions around the world working to pull their lives together after a tumult of storms, floods, fires, earthquakes, or other disasters, including armed conflict.
And we ask that for their sake, you release the need to judge the tumult that has occurred in your own Earth lives.
We ask that you release the need to judge how you handled those situations, spoke to those people (or did not), and felt about those experiences, both then and now.
In this time when millions are demanding the human rights of each person, whatever their beliefs, ethnicity, background, medical needs, or income level, you must see the parallels occurring in your own life.
This great wave of human emotion, spurring on compassion and self-knowing to unforeseen levels, all the more greatly empowers you to admit that you are also someone worth fighting for.
You are, as the child who was abused, the teen who was never listened to, the woman or man who was cheated, abused, discriminated against—you are all here for the sacred and glorious reason of blessing that very density you came to experience, and allowing to Be.
Allowing it in all its darker shades and rough or knife-sharp textures, without trying to change what happened in your imagination or memory.
Without blaming yourself, or the one who was the aggressor, or the passive bystander.

Do what you can now to allow all to Be, while rising above the judgment, and the need to despise that painful shadow aspect of Earth life that is fading now—from outer circumstance, and from your consciousness.
In time you will remember it as one remembers a pencil on the counter—an object that has no emotional resonance for you, yet has been a helpful tool for learning.
This is Who you are, dear ones!
Those who would subjugate you to foolish regulations, needless financial burdens, and unnecessary overconsumption of goods and bad food, have no idea yet Who they are dealing with.
Yet you do know.
You know your power, and through the miracle of self-Love and acceptance of all you have seen, felt, done, and heard, you are diving head-first into that depth that reminds you of all you have Created.
And so we stand by you, as always, not to be the ones to empower, but merely to be the ones who witness your increasing self-empowerment.
And that springs as ever from your own high Spirits, your own souls, your Universe.
Namaste, co-Creators!
You are more powerful than you yet know!
And we are with you, always.
Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan